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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

01-21-2012 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
BBV4L did it and girls actively campaigned to win.
Besides Poker Reference, who wouldnt post pictures, and yeota's wife, who is a solid 7, we have she wins in a landslide...there, we had a contest.
01-21-2012 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
too many categories. only LAUREEEEEENNNN can remember all that stuff from 2011. just do these few at most

Best TR (Drama)
Best TR (Comedy)
Best TR Poster*
Best GIF Poster of the Year
Best Advice Giver
Best Gimmick

* first one i'd cut to make a clean 5
You definitely need a Best Overall Poster.

I would combine the two Best Tr's into just one Best TR.
Best TR poster seems kind of stupid, can be replaced with Best Overall Poster. I am not a fan of the Advice Giver category in general, but wouldnt mind it being one. Best GIF poster of the year should be taken out for Funniest Poster, which is basically what GIFs aim to do.

So we have in order of lest to most prestigious:

Best Gimmick Account
Breakout Poster of the Year
Best Advice Giver
Funniest Poster
Best TR
Best Overall Poster

And how this should be determined is to have a nominations thread for every category, than create a list of 5 nominees for each category thread and have it like the Survivor thread where only certain people count, and they can PM their rankings in order for each category to someone who can input data. Lowest score is a win.
01-21-2012 , 08:34 PM
How often do you get girls offering you sex and you turn it down? I am interested in the SL thread average because I really want to avoid looking weird (thinly etc).

Edit: I don't mean specifically saying it. I just mean - you know how it happens.
01-21-2012 , 08:41 PM
IN the last year I have turned down what I would assume was sex twice, but both had boyfriends and were close to my social circle so I am not going to be that guy.

Obviously there has been ugly girls that I could of gotten with just didnt, cause ya know...they ugly
01-21-2012 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
You definitely need a Best Overall Poster.

I would combine the two Best Tr's into just one Best TR.
Best TR poster seems kind of stupid, can be replaced with Best Overall Poster. I am not a fan of the Advice Giver category in general, but wouldnt mind it being one. Best GIF poster of the year should be taken out for Funniest Poster, which is basically what GIFs aim to do.

So we have in order of lest to most prestigious:

Best Gimmick Account
Breakout Poster of the Year
Best Advice Giver
Funniest Poster
Best TR
Best Overall Poster

And how this should be determined is to have a nominations thread for every category, than create a list of 5 nominees for each category thread and have it like the Survivor thread where only certain people count, and they can PM their rankings in order for each category to someone who can input data. Lowest score is a win.
This seems reasonable, but I think we should keep the "Best Usage of a GIF" if for no other reason than just because it would be a hilarious review of some of the funniest posts in the past year. Custer, can you start the thread please?

Originally Posted by Sciolist
How often do you get girls offering you sex and you turn it down? I am interested in the SL thread average because I really want to avoid looking weird (thinly etc).

Edit: I don't mean specifically saying it. I just mean - you know how it happens.
yeah this has never happened

I turned down sex with an attractive girl one time and it was with a gf who I was super pissed at
01-22-2012 , 04:42 AM
I will start it if need be
01-22-2012 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
almost always a good thing to blow a girl off at the last second. i'm not a fan of the excessive apologizing but it sounds like you know that's not the best route.
Originally Posted by Henry17
I agree on not being too eager but blowing off is a bit excessive and I don't see it as a good move in most cases.
Originally Posted by Christophersen
Won, she was pissed at you on that phone call and just hiding it. That's why she said she didn't want to talk about it anymore.

But, yeah if you want to go you're going to have to do the planning now, more-so than before.
Guys, particularly Diskoteque who thought blowing off last minute is normally a good thing,

I have a feeling going to Dublin annoyed her more than I thought. She seemed fine when we spoke/text the night I got home from Dublin.

Next day, I text her about 2pm seeing if she wanted to Skype that evening. She said yes, but that she has work to do first. I was visiting a friend that night so I said 'no problem, if you're finished before 7pm let me know". This is a solid 4-5 hours so I thought would be fine. Anyway, she doesn't text me so we don't Skype. But she does ring me at 3am, we chat for a bit at the same time as me and my friend are drunk watching China v Kazakhstan at beach volleyball, which is pretty lol-worthy stuff.

I ask her about rearranging our London trip for next Wednesday, and despite me throwing that day out there when I cancelled, she now said she's babysitting. Fair enough. Once she realises I'm with my friend she seems pretty keen to get off the phone.

So I text her the following evening (yesterday), a general how's things, good night, etc text. No reply. I'm fairly sure she is annoyed but I'm not 100% certain about what. Like if she actually wanted to Skype I'm sure she could have found half an hour. And she was on Facebook after I text her yesterday but seemingly couldn't find the time to reply. Just generally a bit confused as to how to play it now.

Any thoughts?
01-22-2012 , 10:30 AM
Wait wasnt Disko joking when he said that ? how could it almost always be a good thing to blow a girl off at the last second ?
01-22-2012 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by BoomBoomGeoffrion
Wait wasnt Disko joking when he said that ? how could it almost always be a good thing to blow a girl off at the last second ?
Well I thought when I was deciding whether to blow her off or not that it could actually be a good thing, so I took him to be serious. If she blows me off last minute, I'm pretty annoyed about it but it makes me even more eager to see her. As loathe as I am to use the cliche, there's an element of truth in "treat em mean keep em keen". Also, it shows that she isn't the be-all and end-all of my existence, and that I can be pretty spontaneous and random.

Like I've just posted though, I've a feeling that at the moment, it's biting me in the ass
01-22-2012 , 10:44 AM
Ya i understand not looking too desperate (like trying to skype/text her everyday which it looks like you are doing) but completely flaking on her makes you look like a ******* which is not very appealing but maybe i am wrong
01-22-2012 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by BoomBoomGeoffrion
Ya i understand not looking too desperate (like trying to skype/text her everyday which it looks like you are doing) but completely flaking on her makes you look like a ******* which is not very appealing but maybe i am wrong
We've Skyped once since first meeting up like 3 weeks ago. While obviously no pro, I've enough experience to know that texting every day is stupid and we don't.

I agree, maybe it did make me look bad/work out bad in this instance, but I still don't think it's always a bad thing. The more I think about it, the more I'm wondering if it was pretty -EV. Could just be being results orientated though.
01-22-2012 , 11:45 AM
i was serious when i said it.

obviously, you don't want to make a habit out of canceling plans at the last second but in this situation i think it increases your value. girls (and i guess humans in general) want what they can't have, so making the courting stage a little bit more of a challenge is a good thing. she needs to know that shes not the center of the universe, that the only way she'll get more serious.

any news on whether shes still dating that guy overseas?

she's probably a little angry that you blew her off but that's a perfectly normal response. it seems like she's trying to get you back now by playing hard-to-get.
01-22-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
i was serious when i said it.

obviously, you don't want to make a habit out of canceling plans at the last second but in this situation i think it increases your value. girls (and i guess humans in general) want what they can't have, so making the courting stage a little bit more of a challenge is a good thing. she needs to know that shes not the center of the universe, that the only way she'll get more serious.
But you have to do that without being an *******. If you cross over to ******* behaviour and it still works then the girl is damaged and that should be a red flag and you should run.

To be even more precise it can't even be something you do but something that happens naturally. Trying to take it will be transparent in most cases.


With respect to the turning down sex question I'm going to assume we are talking only when single. Assuming that it would then depend on how you define attractive -- there are girls that I don't find all that attractive but yet can objectively say they are attractive but just not my type. If we just limit it to girls that were my type once or twice a year. If we include attractive girls that are not my type then quadruple that.

1) Obviously this question arose because of something that happened. Any plans to share the story?

2) What is the concern? Obviously something to do with public perception but i doubt a girl who got shot down is going to advertise that. It is more of an embarrassing situation for her than the guy.
01-22-2012 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
i was serious when i said it.

obviously, you don't want to make a habit out of canceling plans at the last second but in this situation i think it increases your value. girls (and i guess humans in general) want what they can't have, so making the courting stage a little bit more of a challenge is a good thing. she needs to know that shes not the center of the universe, that the only way she'll get more serious.

any news on whether shes still dating that guy overseas?

she's probably a little angry that you blew her off but that's a perfectly normal response. it seems like she's trying to get you back now by playing hard-to-get.
How do you discern the difference then in canceling plans or whatever in order to make it more of a challenge as opposed to making it look like a lack of interest in that person?
01-22-2012 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
i was serious when i said it.

obviously, you don't want to make a habit out of canceling plans at the last second but in this situation i think it increases your value. girls (and i guess humans in general) want what they can't have, so making the courting stage a little bit more of a challenge is a good thing. she needs to know that shes not the center of the universe, that the only way she'll get more serious.

any news on whether shes still dating that guy overseas?

she's probably a little angry that you blew her off but that's a perfectly normal response. it seems like she's trying to get you back now by playing hard-to-get.
As far as I know yeah, when she told me about it a little while ago she described it as a "complicated relationship", yup living in seperate continents is pretty complicated.

Yeah I think I have genuinely pissed her off with letting her down last minute and inadvertantly being pretty uninterested/drunk on the phone. Probs will call her tonight.

If she's playing hard to get, in this spot is succumbing to it the right play? Or should I hold out as well? I can't decide what's optimal.
01-22-2012 , 01:02 PM
@henry: you realize that this girl has a boyfriend, right? i think its necessary to prevent her from having the best of both worlds (essentially two guys who will do what she wants when she wants) and letting her know that she's not the center of OUR universe, just her boyfriend's. the fact that her boyfriend isn't even around should make her want to pursue us even more, especially when we show lack of interest.

generally speaking i agree though. you don't want to be an ******* but i dont think going on a minivacation with friends makes him an *******. if he canceled plans in order to go to a strip club or just sit on his couch and do nothing, then that's a problem. but going on a last-minute vacation with some friends is perfectly reasonable and serves the purpose of showing that she's not in control.

@yeabuddy. just do what he's doing. he canceled but is obviously keeping in touch and trying to get together on a different day. she knows hes interested.
01-22-2012 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by WonThyme
As far as I know yeah, when she told me about it a little while ago she described it as a "complicated relationship", yup living in seperate continents is pretty complicated.

Yeah I think I have genuinely pissed her off with letting her down last minute and inadvertantly being pretty uninterested/drunk on the phone. Probs will call her tonight.

If she's playing hard to get, in this spot is succumbing to it the right play? Or should I hold out as well? I can't decide what's optimal.
i think you should have the talk that i suggested awhile back (assuming you want a relationship with her).
01-22-2012 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
i think you should have the talk that i suggested awhile back (assuming you want a relationship with her).
Thank you for your advice sir. Like I mentioned at the very beginning, it's so rare I meet girls that I genuinely want to be with, so have been pretty irritated at myself about it. Hopefully can work it out when I call her.
01-22-2012 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
@henry: you realize that this girl has a boyfriend, right? i think its necessary to prevent her from having the best of both worlds (essentially two guys who will do what she wants when she wants) and letting her know that she's not the center of OUR universe, just her boyfriend's. the fact that her boyfriend isn't even around should make her want to pursue us even more, especially when we show lack of interest.
There is a difference between lack of interest and cancelling plans -- especially plans that involve going to another city as opposed to just hanging out. You can show lack of interest by not making plans or not being available but once you agree to something you shouldn't cancel with short notice.

generally speaking i agree though. you don't want to be an ******* but i dont think going on a minivacation with friends makes him an *******. if he canceled plans in order to go to a strip club or just sit on his couch and do nothing, then that's a problem. but going on a last-minute vacation with some friends is perfectly reasonable and serves the purpose of showing that she's not in control.
I disagree. I might be more inclined to not see it as a big deal if it was just a local date but this involved travel and my impression is at least an hour's travel. If they were just going to rent a movie or something casual then not as big of a deal but I would still not support cancelling. I prefer to not set up plans until the date is imminent -- that shows lack of interest while also keeping me free should a better off come along. Official dates need to be set up with plans sometimes but my impression-- this occurred to me a few days ago reading this topic-- is that there is too high an emphases on setting up plans in this topic as opposed to just building rapport when you go out without plans.
01-22-2012 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by WonThyme
Thank you for your advice sir. Like I mentioned at the very beginning, it's so rare I meet girls that I genuinely want to be with, so have been pretty irritated at myself about it. Hopefully can work it out when I call her.
Called her an hour ago, didn't pick up. Text her what was effectively "u mad?", no response. F girls imo.

Edit, she replied "nope, you?" FFS. I've just pretty much blown up via text asking wtf is going on. Fairly sure this is way below optimal but tilting kinda.

Last edited by WonThyme; 01-22-2012 at 03:18 PM.
01-22-2012 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
I will start it if need be
this may have to be the case, but I'll help if you need it
01-22-2012 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by WonThyme
Called her an hour ago, didn't pick up. Text her what was effectively "u mad?", no response. F girls imo.

Edit, she replied "nope, you?" FFS. I've just pretty much blown up via text asking wtf is going on. Fairly sure this is way below optimal but tilting kinda.
Well that actually went better than expected, she basically said that she doesn't know at the moment, can't say that nothing will happen but can't say that it will/when it will. [ ] helpful

I responded saying that I appreciate it's difficult/complicated in her situation but at some point I would need to know where I stand so we can either get on with just being friends or something could happen. She said that she appreciates that but isn't sure what she is meant to say, and that there are big problems with her BF and theyve had discussions but she doesnt wanna bore me with all that. She said she's glad I don't want to stop talking.

[x] confused
[ ] situation is clearer

01-22-2012 , 04:38 PM
Pretty sure disko didnt mean revealing where you are standing wrt feelings towards her.

Given all that, I think this will lead nowhere sexually.

I would have been cool with asking if she is mad, because of the last minute blow off, but talking about her about the situation between the two of you is a no go imo.
01-22-2012 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by WonThyme
Well that actually went better than expected, she basically said that she doesn't know at the moment, can't say that nothing will happen but can't say that it will/when it will. [ ] helpful

I responded saying that I appreciate it's difficult/complicated in her situation but at some point I would need to know where I stand so we can either get on with just being friends or something could happen. She said that she appreciates that but isn't sure what she is meant to say, and that there are big problems with her BF and theyve had discussions but she doesnt wanna bore me with all that. She said she's glad I don't want to stop talking.

[x] confused
[ ] situation is clearer

01-22-2012 , 05:04 PM
You just shot up LKJs power rankings
