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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

09-19-2011 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by senseikyle
I wish mine was that big but Im sure it will make due. I think she's pretty into me and usaully texts me throghout the day about random s*** and Ill play along. Gonna invite her to a party this weekend and hopefully make a move

hm, my roommate told me about this as well. I was never big drinker in high school except for the occasional sake after a match. Gonna get a little drunk with her and use a condom hopefully that should keep me from being "a one pump chump"
you can always wack off before she comes over too
09-19-2011 , 12:31 AM
On the off chance you aren't trolling...I was kidding. You'll be fine, just go to a party beforehand and have it lead back to your room. The combo of alcohol and a condom will probably make it a challenge to actually finish.

Get ****ty condoms like Trojans.
09-19-2011 , 12:35 AM
Thanks for the advice guys
09-19-2011 , 12:57 AM
she asked if you are a lawyer? are you sure it wasnt kevin B?
09-19-2011 , 01:02 AM
ya even virgins will have trouble finish with a condom+booze in them
09-19-2011 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by senseikyle
Hey guys new to 2p2 and just started my first year of college. Things have been pretty good in the dorms so far and I've meet some fun and interesting people and the girls are really hot.

The thing is i've been talking with this one hot girl on my floor probably a 5-6 nothing special but hey Im a virgin so Im just trying to get my first hit in the bigs. Im just wondering if I should worrying about cumming too fast my first time?

I dont want it too be awkward with her my first time, any tips on how to "handle" my situation?
09-19-2011 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
ya even virgins will have trouble finish with a condom+booze in them
09-19-2011 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Dr Pepper MD

Last edited by GusJohnsonGOAT; 09-19-2011 at 02:04 AM. Reason: hot girl ≠ 5-6.
09-19-2011 , 02:14 AM
A hot girl who is only a 5 or 6? That can only mean one thing...

09-19-2011 , 02:16 AM
09-19-2011 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
A hot girl who is only a 5 or 6? That can only mean one thing...

Thats 5-6 more than the hottest girl you have ****ed in last year...
09-19-2011 , 02:17 AM
Sick burn!
09-19-2011 , 02:19 AM
09-19-2011 , 02:25 AM
09-19-2011 , 02:40 AM

Last edited by CCuster_911; 09-19-2011 at 02:40 AM. Reason: yes video/gif was recorded with a potato
09-19-2011 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
yes video/gif was recorded with a potato

Gettin' the Youtube commenter haters mad.
09-19-2011 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by senseikyle
Hey guys new to 2p2 and just started my first year of college. Things have been pretty good in the dorms so far and I've meet some fun and interesting people and the girls are really hot.

The thing is i've been talking with this one hot girl on my floor probably a 5-6 nothing special but hey Im a virgin so Im just trying to get my first hit in the bigs. Im just wondering if I should worrying about cumming too fast my first time?

I dont want it too be awkward with her my first time, any tips on how to "handle" my situation?
Right now your list of priorities is like this:
1. Cumness-speed
2. Being over-whelmed by hotness
3. Replying to her text messages
4. Actually making it possible to sex her

Chances are high, that you misinterpret something here and get way ahead of yourself.

Get her in bed and then suck at having sex, this should be your priorities. No one is good the first time, no one will put up a good performance the first time and she sure as hell will not be satisfied if she has any experience at all. Dont worry about it, get experience and with that you will eventually be able to prolong the intercourse.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
So she's kinda cute, seems like a nice girl, maybe you're interested in getting to know her better. Do you say...
"You too!" and walk away, or
"Hey, would you like to grab a drink sometime?" and get her number? (too GCG-like?)
Originally Posted by Henry17
The are you a lawyer question would have been something that required watching her reaction closely. She was very likely interested when she came over but I'd want to see how the answer to that question registered and if it had any impact on interest. .
I would have asked for her number. I agree with Henry though, the reaction to the "Are you are lawyer" bit was important.
IIRC you are a software developer for video games, so you have to present it self-confidently otherwise you strike out.
On the other hand, you are different than the rest there and your job is actually a lot more interesting than being a lawyer (I assume).

Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Thats 5-6 more than the hottest girl you have ****ed in last year...
This seriously needs to stop, so ****ing pathetic to make those jokes over and over again when it was obvious the first time that he didnt care. Come up with something clever or dont comment at all.
09-19-2011 , 09:22 AM
ccuster, great TR. as dk pointed out, expertly used gif
09-19-2011 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
On the other hand, you are different than the rest there and your job is actually a lot more interesting than being a lawyer (I assume).
I'm assuming so too. Lawyers luckily do seem to have lay prestige associated with their job even when they shouldn't (not automatically at least) due to the fact that the job gets glamorized to many in pop culture, but I'm guessing his career is more interesting than mine will be.
09-19-2011 , 09:57 AM
His career is certainly more interesting than law. So is pretty much everything but law is one the small number of professions that just gets you bonus points. It is mostly based on the myth that lawyers make a lot of money and have a secure future which is really only true of 5% (maybe 10%) of lawyers.
09-19-2011 , 09:58 AM
Yeah there's that myth too. That's all tied into the pop culture thing too, I think.
09-19-2011 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
His career is certainly more interesting than law. So is pretty much everything but law is one the small number of professions that just gets you bonus points. It is mostly based on the myth that lawyers make a lot of money and have a secure future which is really only true of 5% (maybe 10%) of lawyers.
Originally Posted by LKJ
Yeah there's that myth too. That's all tied into the pop culture thing too, I think.
This is interesting, because in Germany law isnt that prestigious. Lawyers (and architects) got the highest unemployment rate after their studies, it usually takes like 5-7 years to be a complete lawyer and the average salary is among the lowest as well.

You basically have to score really high one time (there is one series of exams that is really important, before that you got one that is also important, but other than that your grades are irrelevant) to become a big shot lawyer where you will earn really good. If you suck at those, you'll be a traffic lawyer or cab driver.
09-19-2011 , 10:33 AM
That's really not far off from reality here, but most people are blissfully unaware of the reality.

(Hey, I'll take it...I mean, assuming that I'm not part of the big bloc of unemployed people.)
09-19-2011 , 10:35 AM
Not the testing but the pay is like that here as well. In Canada if you don't get into one of the seven big firms or a prestigious boutique firm you are pretty much done. Even at a good firm you still make considerably less compared to what people in big law make in the States. Something like 35% of graduating students don't get ardicling positions. Then even if you get into a sister firm you are still working 70+ hours a week for $120-150k which is pretty low given the time invested and the hours worked. It is only if you make partner 6-10 years later that you start making decent money.

Alley McBeal and Boston Legal paint a different picture though so that is what most people think law is like.
09-19-2011 , 11:52 AM
