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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-25-2011 , 11:55 PM
08-25-2011 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
tbh prob wouldn't have gone anyways. i dont see the appeal and have never been to one.
I didn't go to one for the first time until last year, on the same basis that it simply didn't appeal to me. My friends wanted to go one night and I didn't resist. I thought it was fun, more fun than I expected it to be.

I've only gone twice since for three times total, and it's not a huge deal either way for me to go or not go, but I did officially transition from, "Meh, not really interested," to "Sure, that's a good time when the mood is right."
08-26-2011 , 12:13 AM
TR is A+, one of the better ones i've read.

but GG, get up on the 2 in 1 body wash / shampoo.
08-26-2011 , 12:22 AM
cool story bro

actually really cool story, bro
08-26-2011 , 12:27 AM
thanks. last sunday i accidentally f5'd that TR away plus i had stuff written about saturday so i'm glad i didn't write that thing twice for nothing
08-26-2011 , 12:27 AM
That's pretty entertainingly vile, GG.
08-26-2011 , 12:40 AM
all this affirmation and feel-good makes eating her bloody snatch worth it, amirite?
08-26-2011 , 12:53 AM
i wanna hug you really bad right now, because you need it, but also because you made me laugh like 80 times.
08-26-2011 , 01:05 AM
and I thought it was bad when I fingered CG and later banged her and had blood on my hands(from her)
08-26-2011 , 01:22 AM
Probably the best TR of all time
08-26-2011 , 01:35 AM
wow, you should write a movie
08-26-2011 , 01:37 AM
08-26-2011 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
wow, you should write a movie
are you a lawyer?
08-26-2011 , 01:38 AM
thats the worst
08-26-2011 , 02:08 AM

that was a very ****ing good tr. i laughed very hard more than once.
08-26-2011 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
are you a lawyer?
i trust more than LKJ gets the reference otherwise i feel stupid
08-26-2011 , 04:54 AM
k question:

have a date this week. it's a first date. she actually initiated contact/interest with me, but obv im the one who solidified the going on a date thing.

date is in dc. 2 options:

can go back to the gibson which was really cool, but the 2 hour time limit is sort of a beat and can leave me in an awk spot. i can either end the date there or try and move locations to another bar or restaurant down the street later in the evening to continue.

or i can just get drinks elsewhere, but the gibson leaves no ambiguity about drinks and not dinner. altho the last date i took there i think was sort of dumb and didnt really get the message when i told her it was a cocktail lounge of sorts.

but the gibson is mad baller and kewl, so i dont want to miss out on this impressive first date venue if i can!

also this girl is vegetarian but isnt like crazy liberal or hipster or anything thank gosh or i'd be ****ed... just seems like someone who doesnt like meat. hell my dad doesnt like red meat so i guess i can deal. still, vegetarian is a huge beat.

also escalation to anything physical would likely not happen since she is religiousy (but not prudey religiousy so it was still a distant possibility, however i wouldnt push it), but also im still homeless as of next week and am crashing on an air mattress at my friend's place for the first week of classes.

so thoughts on all this

hud in advance
08-26-2011 , 05:02 AM
also i felt you all would enjoy this

this is what a very close (prob one of my 3 closest irl friends) female friends said to me today. i have known her pretty much my entire dating life and she is fully aware of essentially every girl ive been romantically involved with. she surprisingly doesnt give awful girl advice and is pretty intelligent herself. please note this girl is not religious at all and she and i also dated for like 3 years a long, long time ago:

"i will describe your dating holding pattern. you get involved with a really christian girl. she turns out to be super naive and afraid of everything. you get fed up and run to a slutbaby. slutbaby turns out to be a little too much. you look for a new real christian girl. repeat."
08-26-2011 , 05:28 AM
i would say just go to the gibson. best to make a good impression that will yield more dates. google search of the gibson kind of describes it but i'm assuming its some bar with a 2 hour cap on your reserved table (****ty) this might sound really stupid but can you just set a reservation at 8 then another at 10 so that you're not super forced to go asap and will help obv with the time thing or is this omgdumb.

Originally Posted by Karak
also i felt you all would enjoy this

this is what a very close (prob one of my 3 closest irl friends) female friends said to me today. i have known her pretty much my entire dating life and she is fully aware of essentially every girl ive been romantically involved with. she surprisingly doesnt give awful girl advice and is pretty intelligent herself. please note this girl is not religious at all and she and i also dated for like 3 years a long, long time ago:

"i will describe your dating holding pattern. you get involved with a really christian girl. she turns out to be super naive and afraid of everything. you get fed up and run to a slutbaby. slutbaby turns out to be a little too much. you look for a new real christian girl. repeat."
she a slutbaby then?
08-26-2011 , 05:53 AM
we dated in HS/early college. she's talking more last 4-5 years or so. she later jokingly offered i should split the difference and date a jew (while she herself isn't religious, she's technically jewish and was raised in a jewish family).

Last edited by Karak; 08-26-2011 at 05:54 AM. Reason: well i guess not technically, but you know what i mean
08-26-2011 , 05:56 AM
also a very good piece of advice (at least IME) she always offers me is that you can tell a ton about a girl by the way she takes care of/presents her hair. (GCG don't get too excited). she's made some pretty damn accurate assessments of women simply based on a photo of them looking at 1) posture, 2) clothes and 3) most importantly obv, hair.

ive tried to get her to post here a few times, but she usually reads a few posts then declares to me that the men here are beyond help. it's been a while since ive tried, but the most recent attempt (which wasnt really recent) was foiled by martilo posts which she found particularly "sad" in her words. lol. i honestly think you'd all like her as she's quite blunt and doesnt give the standard ******girladvice.jpeg.
08-26-2011 , 06:07 AM
Wait, she found ILM posts sad? We're all screwed.
08-26-2011 , 09:49 AM
That was the ****ing funniest TR ever....the loop about pukeing and middle school ritz bitz crackers was so hilar
08-26-2011 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
k question:

have a date this week. it's a first date. she actually initiated contact/interest with me, but obv im the one who solidified the going on a date thing.

date is in dc. 2 options:

can go back to the gibson which was really cool, but the 2 hour time limit is sort of a beat and can leave me in an awk spot. i can either end the date there or try and move locations to another bar or restaurant down the street later in the evening to continue.

or i can just get drinks elsewhere, but the gibson leaves no ambiguity about drinks and not dinner. altho the last date i took there i think was sort of dumb and didnt really get the message when i told her it was a cocktail lounge of sorts.

but the gibson is mad baller and kewl, so i dont want to miss out on this impressive first date venue if i can!

also this girl is vegetarian but isnt like crazy liberal or hipster or anything thank gosh or i'd be ****ed... just seems like someone who doesnt like meat. hell my dad doesnt like red meat so i guess i can deal. still, vegetarian is a huge beat.

also escalation to anything physical would likely not happen since she is religiousy (but not prudey religiousy so it was still a distant possibility, however i wouldnt push it), but also im still homeless as of next week and am crashing on an air mattress at my friend's place for the first week of classes.

so thoughts on all this

hud in advance
If she's not super wacko Christian I have a hard time seeing how drinks is a bad idea. I personally sort of hate dinner dates (early on anyway) because it seems like the other person ALWAYS says something funny when you have a huge bite of food in your mouth and you want to crack up but can't. OTOH I've had a few awkward moments from dinner dates turn out awesome when the girl thought it was cute.

So yeah go get drinks, hold hands aggressively, and save dinner for later IMO.
08-26-2011 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
also a very good piece of advice (at least IME) she always offers me is that you can tell a ton about a girl by the way she takes care of/presents her hair. (GCG don't get too excited). she's made some pretty damn accurate assessments of women simply based on a photo of them looking at 1) posture, 2) clothes and 3) most importantly obv, hair.

ive tried to get her to post here a few times, but she usually reads a few posts then declares to me that the men here are beyond help. it's been a while since ive tried, but the most recent attempt (which wasnt really recent) was foiled by martilo posts which she found particularly "sad" in her words. lol. i honestly think you'd all like her as she's quite blunt and doesnt give the standard ******girladvice.jpeg.
I'm extremely sad.
