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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-14-2011 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I mentioned a 2P2er started a topic about a new wardrobe he bought -- it involved 11 tops, 1 pant, 1 shoe, a leather jacket, and a sports coat. If you had to guess the total for these items what would you guess?
08-14-2011 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Vodka is one gross ****ing shooter. It's all personal taste I realize, but I easily prefer tequila or whiskey to vodka.
There's a skill to drinking vodka - you should breathe all the way out then drink it. It changes the taste quite a bit. Most people who don't like it take a breath then drink but that's precisely wrong.

Also, good vodkas don't taste anything like bad vodkas (and I'm going to include Grey Goose as bad, I see that's what a lot of Americans buy)

Edit: well I see I'm late to that party.

Last edited by Sciolist; 08-14-2011 at 04:35 AM.
08-14-2011 , 04:37 AM
Eat a pickle after drinking a shot of vodka and you dont feel the burning in your throat (or w/e you wanna call it).
08-14-2011 , 05:46 AM
In the uk, a 13" pizza with a few meat toppings from a standard takeaway chain is about £17 which is about $27

Spent a week living with spanish girl. I didn't initiate anything as we're living with eachother for a few months and I'd like to pursue other options then . The phrase 'don't s**t where you eat' came to mind.
08-14-2011 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
You don't need to spend the astronomical amounts to get some benefits.
I'm at the off-the-shelf stage. Anyone had that stuff adjusted at a tailor? What do you do?

I don't particularly want to spend $5k getting suits tailored, but I'd be perfectly fine getting my existing blazers or trousers altered so that they fit better. Presumably that's a lot cheaper.
08-14-2011 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by Iaminhere
I was at work too, so don't know if that makes a difference? Got called last minute to valet at a nice Italian place that'd I'd worked one other time at the beginning of the summer.
The point of "don't date girls from work" is that you create future drama for yourself. When there's no chance of drama, it doesn't apply. Working somewhere you've been once before is not a problem.
08-14-2011 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Eat a pickle after drinking a shot of vodka and you dont feel the burning in your throat (or w/e you wanna call it).
When you drink vodka right it changes the taste of various other types of foods - that's why you're meant to drink it with finger food like pickles.
08-14-2011 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by cushlash
I generally agree with this but what if you meet someone where they work? (I do not work there, I am a regular customer) We know each other's names but thats the extent of it, how to I approach this if I want to ask her out/to hang out. Thats actually another question entirely, do I ask her out straight up or just to "hang out sometime"?
Originally Posted by mullen
I wouldn't do this at a place you're a regular at unless you have good reads.

I dated a lot of waitstaff but you really need to be able to read the situation. My position is that if a guy does tit for tat properly he should be able to avoid being shot down 100% of the time. Before someone objects that is unrealistic I said shot down and not turned away.

When it comes to a waitstaff situation though it becomes much harder for the guy to read the situation because part of the waitstaff's job and compensation is based on being friendly and flirting. This has the potential to lead to major **** ups which is why you shouldn't do it unless you have already mastered tit for tat in an easier environment.

I offer more but these types of things are not stuff that are easy to articulate because there are countless tiny details that all impact each other and cause millions of different situations. A few big macro points -- the more trapped her job is the more you have to let her signal interest so if she is a beer tub girl you really need to let her advance the escalation. Same for bartender. With a waitress or shooter girl you have a little more to work with because she isn't trapped and so can escape you.

Don't be the guy who memorizes her shift and comes and sits in her section every time she works. That is creepy. It is one thing to go to a bar every Monday night for football and something completely different to show up Tuesday and Thursday nights, Saturday afternoons, and every other Monday afternoon.

Lastly, waitstaff deals with the public for a living. They are not shy. They know how to play tit for tat and if they are interested they will do most of the work for you.

Two additional things -- you said you were a regular. That means different things to different people but at places I am a regular I have a certain level of comfort with the staff that includes out of venue interaction. If you have that kind of relationship with the staff then you should use it here.

One final point. If you do tit for tat properly and she isn't interested no big deal. If you **** it up badly enough you might feel uncomfortable going back. A good venue that you are comfortable at and have a good relationship with the waitstaff is worth being careful with.
08-14-2011 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
When you drink vodka right it changes the taste of various other types of foods - that's why you're meant to drink it with finger food like pickles.
Ah, ok, didnt know the explanation for it. Got a Russian friend who invites us over once in a while and always has a table full of various kinds of finger food. Pickle had the biggest impact on the taste though ime.
08-14-2011 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by calm
Are you serious? You can go completely custom-made on the clothing for $100 a shirt and $1000 for the pants + coat.
You can. But you can also pay that (and a lot more) for a yard of cloth. Custom made is about fit not necessarily quality.

The outfit I wore in MTL was close to $1500 and that is because I had garbage shoes on that I was super self-conscious of and kept trying to conceal. Replace them with good shoes and the outfit is easily over $2k.

Sure you can spend more if you label whore, but let's not be ridiculous.
Like everything else there are labels that are just expensive but are garbage. You can also go spend $300 on dinner and get chain restaurant quality food. When it comes to clothing the scams are actually for the most part in the the just above standard level clothing. At that point you are paying a lot for the same **** that comes off any other Asian sweatshop just because it has a label. If you go above that to real designers and brands then the quality is there and worth it. By worth it I mean in a relative sense. A good test for this is how prevalent is the designer's mark. If it is plastered everywhere then the item is likely over priced garbage. There are a few exceptions but as a general rule good designer clothing signals at a much more subtle level.
08-14-2011 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
but there is still some variability in my wardrobe, and it has never really made too big of a difference I don't think. Like there is some **** that I wore maybe 2-3 years ago and had success in that I would never think about wearing now. It's just my experience and doesn't mean that there isn't still an overall trend, but I just have never really noticed a difference in how I do with girls.
I hope you don't take this the wrong way because I am trying to help.

In your situation there is very little dressing can do to help. You are doing way too many things that hurt you and mostly it is all tied back to your financial situation.

My impression is that when you go out you mostly take up space in a venue and hardly consume. I'm guessing two drinks at a bar average? Maybe 3 on a big night. That isn't going to work. It just doesn't set the right vibe.

Spending money is important. This doesn't mean you need to order a half-dozen bottles of Veuve but you need to at least maintain personal consumption and if possible buy a round or two. You had one TR where you were hanging out with some girls and they were carrying the bulk of the tab. That isn't going to work.

Even stuff like how you leave a venue -- there have been a few TRs that end with you leaving with a girl and taking public transit or walking. If you are not willing to pay for cabs that is going to hurt you. This is why I say guys need to live in the club district. It is much easier to say -- I live right there *point* want to come get a drink and get a positive response than I live 20 miles from here want to come get a drink. The same applies to cab vs public transport.

You also try to force things. You tip your hand way too fast. You reject social norms and that hurts your ability to read others. You basically don't even try to play tit for tat.
08-14-2011 , 07:59 AM

In a situation like that it is purely based on the read. If I remember correctly this girl had already asked you to come out with her and her friends on a previous night and you bailed on her (I think this is the right story line or do I have you confused with someone else?)

Given that I wouldn't have asked for her number but I would have given her mine and went with something along the lines of thanking her for the comped meal and that she needs to allow me to return the favour.

Originally Posted by vin17
edit: a country bar, a lounge/pool hall, a top-40 club
Are you going to Toronto or staying local?

If I don't have one TR I will get Henry to dare me to something crazy but realistically just out of my comfort zone (legal, low risk injury-wise, within my budget, etc) and I'll post pics/video as necessary ITT.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate yourself for attractiveness?
08-14-2011 , 08:25 AM
Shipped that golf tournament.
08-14-2011 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by DanteA
Shipped that golf tournament.
08-14-2011 , 08:53 AM
08-14-2011 , 11:06 AM
i get all my clothes at kohls and i can still get girls. i think the most i ever spent was $30 on a pair of jeans and $39 for a pair of shoes.

maybe you guys are doing it wrong?
08-14-2011 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by DanteA
Shipped that golf tournament.
Good job man!
08-14-2011 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by rsigley
i get all my clothes at kohls and i can still get girls. i think the most i ever spent was $30 on a pair of jeans and $39 for a pair of shoes.

maybe you guys are doing it wrong?
Are these real girls or wax?
08-14-2011 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17

I dated a lot of waitstaff but you really need to be able to read the situation. My position is that if a guy does tit for tat properly he should be able to avoid being shot down 100% of the time. Before someone objects that is unrealistic I said shot down and not turned away.

When it comes to a waitstaff situation though it becomes much harder for the guy to read the situation because part of the waitstaff's job and compensation is based on being friendly and flirting. This has the potential to lead to major **** ups which is why you shouldn't do it unless you have already mastered tit for tat in an easier environment.

I offer more but these types of things are not stuff that are easy to articulate because there are countless tiny details that all impact each other and cause millions of different situations. A few big macro points -- the more trapped her job is the more you have to let her signal interest so if she is a beer tub girl you really need to let her advance the escalation. Same for bartender. With a waitress or shooter girl you have a little more to work with because she isn't trapped and so can escape you.

Don't be the guy who memorizes her shift and comes and sits in her section every time she works. That is creepy. It is one thing to go to a bar every Monday night for football and something completely different to show up Tuesday and Thursday nights, Saturday afternoons, and every other Monday afternoon.

Lastly, waitstaff deals with the public for a living. They are not shy. They know how to play tit for tat and if they are interested they will do most of the work for you.

Two additional things -- you said you were a regular. That means different things to different people but at places I am a regular I have a certain level of comfort with the staff that includes out of venue interaction. If you have that kind of relationship with the staff then you should use it here.

One final point. If you do tit for tat properly and she isn't interested no big deal. If you **** it up badly enough you might feel uncomfortable going back. A good venue that you are comfortable at and have a good relationship with the waitstaff is worth being careful with.
Thanks for this info, good stuff. I don't know **** about playing "tit for tat" so I'm always lost in a situation like this. She is not trapped so thats not a problem. I don't know her shift but since I'm there almost every day (I said I didn't work there but I sorta do, thats where I play poker 5ish days a week) I have figured out that she generally works weekends like thrus-sun, but I by no means go just because she is working.

Although I am a regular and know poker room staff by name, she does not work in the poker room and I am not nearly as familiar with the rest of the staff. Despite most people saying its a bad idea I'm probably still gonna go for it in some way or another, just trying to figure out the best way as to not **** it up too badly.
08-14-2011 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by DanteA
Shipped that golf tournament.
Excellent. Congrats
08-14-2011 , 12:46 PM

Legal or underground game?
08-14-2011 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17

Legal or underground game?
08-14-2011 , 12:52 PM
Is there anything that makes you think she's interested?

Do you talk at all beyond just ordering drinks?
08-14-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Are these real girls or wax?
more real than the fake girls you have to wear expensive clothing and blow tons of money just to even talk to them
08-14-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Are these real girls or wax?
You've dropped that line a few times and now I am curious where this is coming from.
