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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

06-03-2011 , 03:40 PM
Karak, you use "tilt" too much.

"My friend gets super tilted with I do the simultaneous winky-tongue-sticking-out face"

made me lol a lot though. I can see you typing that to some 12 yr old over
06-03-2011 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
If ever there was a justified murder-suicide...
lol don't do it lkj!!!

Originally Posted by TBobLP
Got a funny text from jenn asking for my full name, address, email, dob and social

dude run before there are detectives searching for your dick in the woods

Originally Posted by goofyballer
Whiners gonna whine, all I see is a lot of this
i didn't realize hamsters were so fast. that's impressive.

so the girl i was supposed to go out with has indeed flaked - i have to say i am more upset about it than i wish i was. i can't say i didn't see it coming, but i still was looking forward to hooking up with her. i had a dream we 69ed last night and it was pretty fun.

also, 24.5 hrs itt
06-03-2011 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
dude run before there are detectives searching for your dick in the woods
I was like "wtf???" but it was actually just a joke...only needed my address and email to get tickets for Miami heat viewing party in south beach on Sunday
06-03-2011 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
I was like "wtf???" but it was actually just a joke...only needed my address and email to get tickets for Miami heat viewing party in south beach on Sunday
solid brag.

i'd bet on dallas tho
06-03-2011 , 04:05 PM
While LKJ scoffs at remembering stuff like this only 18 hours later, I'll work on my recall ability:

Originally Posted by TBobLP
heat confirmed confirmed tomorrow night...just did a sex
06-03-2011 , 04:16 PM
Summary of my feelings:

1) I am confused that I find Karak to be the most correctly relaxed wrt dating here. It's a date at a cool place, he's going to be fine guys. This will probably be fun and likely not noteworthy. if she flakes, whatever, it happens.
2) LOOOOOL Vintage. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL False Dichotomy.
06-03-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
2) LOOOOOL Vintage. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL False Dichotomy.
Explain? I don't really see it this way at all. I'm actually RARELY a purely black/white person, esp wrt social situations.
06-03-2011 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Explain? I don't really see it this way at all. I'm actually RARELY a purely black/white person, esp wrt social situations.

Originally Posted by Vintage00
Rather be pussy whipped than stripped of pussy imo
06-03-2011 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
While LKJ scoffs at remembering stuff like this only 18 hours later, I'll work on my recall ability:

Sharks tho
06-03-2011 , 05:10 PM
Ok, so you picked the one thing that literally has to be black or white? The "does he get with her or not" -- there's no middle ground here or I would have almost assuredly taken it. In fact, when I originally made my post about karak's situation, I took almost the exact middle ground. I didn't agree with Karak OR yeota, but I thought the answer was somewhere in-between. IME, this is the case with most decisions, and thus why we (gov't, individuals, whatever) suck at making decisions, but that's for another discussion.

Even so, how is the post you quoted bad at all? What point are you trying to get across?

Last edited by Vintage00; 06-03-2011 at 05:10 PM. Reason: replying to mittens
06-03-2011 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
Sharks tho
Wangz tho!
06-03-2011 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Ok, so you picked the one thing that literally has to be black or white? The "does he get with her or not" -- there's no middle ground here or I would have almost assuredly taken it. In fact, when I originally made my post about karak's situation, I took almost the exact middle ground. I didn't agree with Karak OR yeota, but I thought the answer was somewhere in-between. IME, this is the case with most decisions, and thus why we (gov't, individuals, whatever) suck at making decisions, but that's for another discussion.

Even so, how is the post you quoted bad at all? What point are you trying to get across?
I wasn't taking it all that seriously, I'm just pointing out that the thought process of "I can't keep the pimp hand strong lest I find myself bereft of pussy" is toxic. I think you can have a very healthy sex life while constantly asserting yourself.

The rest of what you said was fine, and tbh I don't get the sense from your posts or yeota's that either of you are/were actually pussy-whipped.
06-03-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
The rest of what you said was fine, and tbh I don't get the sense from your posts or yeota's that either of you are/were actually pussy-whipped.
Depends on how literal you take whipped.
06-03-2011 , 05:23 PM
spurious your country just won a uefa qualifier in the final minutes. it's a friday night. where are your friends? why are you not motorboating some fine german honey with a flag painted across her schmoo?
06-03-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
spurious your country just won a uefa qualifier in the final minutes. it's a friday night. where are your friends? why are you not motorboating some fine german honey with a flag painted across her schmoo?
1. I hate national team games, extremely boring.
2. I was barbecuing with friends earlier.
3. I am still in Norway, and more and more people are leaving, so number of friends is decreasing.
4. Fridays are slow in Norway.
5. I was out last night.
6. No excuse for the last question.
06-03-2011 , 05:30 PM
playing it too close to the vest imo.

vint, did you decide to live with crc or what?
06-03-2011 , 05:44 PM
I'm on my phone so I can't track it down, but I assure you that Vintage admitted to being whipped months ago. He further admitted to being easily whipped in relationships. Then he typed a sad face. I assure you that you don't need to give him the benefit of the doubt on this point. He has simply moved from sad self-awareness to justification of his whipped state as a whole.
06-03-2011 , 05:50 PM
yeota isnt pussy whipped

he stayed in his last relationship way, way too long obviously, but it had nothing to do with being "pussy whipped"
06-03-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Depends on how literal you take whipped.

karak, i want you to have fun and have a successful date. i am just tryin to caution you, as a friend. also, i dont like the BS of the girl taking forever to respond, thats not cool. i also dont want you to get over-involved too quick. im not saying this has happened already.
06-03-2011 , 06:02 PM
yeah gl karak, hope it goes well. i'm rooting for you to come home with mother****ing blisters all over those hands of yours.
06-03-2011 , 06:28 PM
sally sandpaper i am not
06-03-2011 , 07:16 PM
Ascribe this lyric to a poster itt:

"I got 99 problems, and they all bitches. Wish I was jigga, man...carefree livin"
06-03-2011 , 07:16 PM
that's really easy


harder question next time plz
06-03-2011 , 07:21 PM
"I'm not a rocket scientist, I rock the house and sign the tits and that's it"
06-03-2011 , 07:25 PM
turn up the sun
