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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

01-07-2013 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
She's of Persian descent.
stop right there
01-07-2013 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
I hope she gives me a shot to prove myself. 3 of my friends hit on her throughout the time were out and she stayed with me after that. It wasn't like I grabbed the drunkest girl at the bar and tried to get her drunker. Though we were making bets about things and taking shots off of them and doing other drinking related stuff having fun. She was far from sober.
Sadly you may be wasting your time,she may be the type who only likes you when she's drunk,or runs hot and cold,which is dangerous cause she could sects you up one minute,and then call cops claiming rape the next.
Tread slowly and don't reciprocate the hitting.
01-07-2013 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by TCDynasty
stop right there
01-07-2013 , 08:36 PM
hahahahahah I <3 TCD's fear of Persians
01-07-2013 , 09:27 PM
Girl is blowing me off. My gut was correct. I don't know why she was all over the place. I also don't get why she would blow off my text instead of just go out for a few drinks to see if there is anything there. Instead she thinks she was drunk and completely forgets that I'm a good time. God, this can be so frustrating. I cannot have done better on Saturday and she blaims it on her drunkeness.
01-07-2013 , 10:24 PM
My hot Persian friend does this all the time. She did it to my roommate two weeks ago. Sucks man, but you should absolutely shut it down, she's 100000% not interested. You never had a chance.
01-07-2013 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by minnesotasam
My hot Persian friend does this all the time. She did it to my roommate two weeks ago. Sucks man, but you should absolutely shut it down, she's 100000% not interested. You never had a chance.

Hot girls live the life. They can play with good guys.
01-07-2013 , 10:38 PM
Lol females
01-07-2013 , 10:43 PM
We got it, you don't like women
01-07-2013 , 10:49 PM
You're forgetting that you know where she lives. Go slip a love note under her door and win that Persian princess back!!!
01-08-2013 , 12:48 AM
Eh, so she texted me back telling me work is crazy this week but that she would be back at the same bar we met most likely on Saturday. Seems like a blowoff, though my text was basically (hey, my name, inside joke...asking her schedule this week).

I was going to respond back with another joke (that is funny between us), and then say I'll be in the area...but then what? Say let me know if you make it there OR should I say I'll text her where I'll be?

Seems difficult, which obviously means I'm in a hole.
01-08-2013 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by minnesotasam
My hot Persian friend does this all the time. She did it to my roommate two weeks ago. Sucks man, but you should absolutely shut it down, she's 100000% not interested. You never had a chance.
Who does your hot Persian friend hook up with? Why does she do these things? Seems quite cruel.

How would one get her?

Also, the girl is far from a princess but she's definitely hot. She's tiny with a really cute face and body.
01-08-2013 , 01:01 AM
Meh, doubt she is interested. Looks like she had a fun time, but isn't interested and is rejecting you in a friendly way (I really wish girls wouldn't do this). If you know she is going to be out on Saturday at that bar, then just wait until you run into her again. Really no reason to keep texting her at this point. I don't see anything good coming from texting her now.
01-08-2013 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
Eh, so she texted me back telling me work is crazy this week but that she would be back at the same bar we met most likely on Saturday. Seems like a blowoff, though my text was basically (hey, my name, inside joke...asking her schedule this week).

I was going to respond back with another joke (that is funny between us), and then say I'll be in the area...but then what? Say let me know if you make it there OR should I say I'll text her where I'll be?

Seems difficult, which obviously means I'm in a hole.
Dont do anything. If you run into her again, say hi but dont be all over her.
01-08-2013 , 01:04 AM
I just don't get it. She clearly had a fun time. When I have a fun time with a woman I would definitely want to see them again. And she was constantly touching me so there is a difference between fun and "fun with attraction." We made out and flirted. It wasn't a friend zone thing where she thought I was some nice guy that she was initially attracted to.

This is why I have to read up on this stuff or something. What separates a fun time with a fun time that guarantees girls will want to see me multiple times. I don't get why this happened or how, knowing she was attracted, I could have done more.
01-08-2013 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Dont do anything. If you run into her again, say hi but dont be all over her.
I just moved to a big city with a ton of bars. Yeah people frequent the same handful since we live in the same neighborhood but you hook up with people by setting things up.

Why do you think I'd have more of a shot if I randomly ran into her than if I just straight texted her?
01-08-2013 , 01:32 AM
Alcohol is a helluva drug bro

Don't sweat it tho, she is gonna be at the same bar as you which means drinking again, just play it cool there and don't get fixated
01-08-2013 , 01:34 AM
I'm vacationing in Brazil right now and my success with girls, even with the language barrier, is ridiculously better than back in the states. I'm not talking about picking up girls in a bar or club setting since I think that is a pretty similar dynamic anywhere in the world and pretty easy, but rather the "girl next door" type of girls that you just a see during the day at the beach or working behind the counter in the store or whatever.

I'm still in college and I'd say almost 95% of my relations with girls stem from the bar/club scene, so when I'm home from college I experiment with just trying to strike conversations with any girl that catches my interest regardless of the setting, and for the most part it doesn't work out too well. They almost always seem uncomfortable no matter how nice or easy going I try to come off.

I've been going to Brazil my whole life but haven't been here in a few years, and have always been too young and way too scared to approach the sexy Brazilians, especially when we speak different languages. Now that I'm older and realize you never have anything to lose, I've been talking to a lot more girls, my dads Brazilian so he's my wing man, and no matter what they are flattered and almost always want to be friends on FB or meet up. Obviously it has a lot to do with the culture, but I also wonderd if not being able to communicate actually improves my chances, I def don't have great game sober so that could be it lol. Either way, not complaining. Hottest girl (literally could have been a bikini model) I've approached so far was my waitress today, gave her my name, to be FB friends ldo, and she was flattered and gave me her name. Where are these results back home!
01-08-2013 , 01:37 AM
I hate awkwardness. If I show up to the bar where she said she'll be on Saturday (unannounced) I'll look like a stalker. Even if my friends want to go there since the bar is a ton of fun. So I have to play some strategic luck game where I just randomly run into her.

Yet, on that same day, if I sent out a, "Where are you at" sort of text that makes me look like I'm chasing her. Compared to the random run in which is way better.

This is all so complicated and difficult. This is why people end up hooking up and dating people within their social circle IMO. You see them often and can form a romantic bond. I'm getting docked for being a random, complete stranger.
01-08-2013 , 01:42 AM
It's really not difficult

Don't text her again. See her at the bar if you go there. Don't avoid the bar because she said she was going.
01-08-2013 , 01:44 AM
Does anybody have any good links or can recommend good books on female versus male psychology? Specifically why a girl like this can go out, have a good time, have a romantic type of night and then immediately abort? I don't know of a guy that would just immediately not give a **** about a hot girl that they just hooked up with. Ugly or average, yes. Hot, no? And I can totally see girls not caring if it was some guy they had ZERO attraction for.

I'm really off of my situation. I was looking to read psychologically why girls think they can be so selective and just what it takes for them to want something.
01-08-2013 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
Typically I agree, but in this situation shes a worker, if she knows who he is(and is not just accepting anybody) she's agreeing to accept a customer making there relationship more than bartender/customer.

It'd be so easy for her as a bartender to just ignore/deny his request and if he ever brought it up she can easily say she doesn't add customers.
Funny related story: a few weeks ago I was at a wine bar with a friend and the place was pretty empty so we talked with the bartenders for awhile. When I got home the one I was talking to a lot had added me on fb, I confirmed the request and she sent me a really funny message the next day about how she obv couldn't deny looking me up but that she had accidentally hit "add friend" on her phone, and was super embarrassed and sorry for breaching the employee-customer relationship and all that.
01-08-2013 , 02:45 AM
Hahahha. That can't be true, can it?(that she "accidently" hit add friend), pretty funny regardless.

Tap that goofy!
01-08-2013 , 02:58 AM
Christ Tommytrash chill out man!
01-08-2013 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Funny related story: a few weeks ago I was at a wine bar with a friend and the place was pretty empty so we talked with the bartenders for awhile. When I got home the one I was talking to a lot had added me on fb, I confirmed the request and she sent me a really funny message the next day about how she obv couldn't deny looking me up but that she had accidentally hit "add friend" on her phone, and was super embarrassed and sorry for breaching the employee-customer relationship and all that.
Haha, is she hot? She definitely likes you scrambling to cover her tracks after adding you straight away.
