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06-09-2010 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Sounds like you are with the wrong group of people. Just sayin.
nah i was with a cool group, i just get tired of losing tournies that are 10x my abi, also fighting a bad cold, and lost my phone on a taxi. i'm over it, i was just being emo. i like vegas except for the cost of doing anything is absurd..i think i averaged $40 a day in taxis, $50 in food, etc
06-09-2010 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
nah i was with a cool group, i just get tired of losing tournies that are 10x my abi, also fighting a bad cold, and lost my phone on a taxi. i'm over it, i was just being emo. i like vegas except for the cost of doing anything is absurd..i think i averaged $40 a day in taxis, $50 in food, etc

06-09-2010 , 09:25 PM
I see nip. Approval granted.
06-10-2010 , 04:41 AM
lol the 5/10 uncapped NLHE game at the V is amazing

everyone is sitting like 5k+ deep (except for me with my tiny 2k stack) with 2 seemingly solid players, 1 tagfish, 2 spewing fish and 1 MEGADONK (MD from here on in). One of the solid players has like 35k (possibly more i couldnt tell) in front of him (most of it in cash... wow that would make me nervous) and MD has like 8k in front of him (again, mostly in cash).

2k to start this hand and literally everyone on the table covers lol. generally most pots were raised to 50-60 and i'd say 1 out of every 3 pots was 3bet to 215-220 or so. MD raised like 85% of his hands lol. this game played insane. so i limped a lot in EP with good flopping hands. i bought in 1k to start and had planned to add on more later once i felt the table out, but i doubled up in like my 4th hand when i flopped top set in a 4-way pot raised to 90 preflop and got snapped off and held.

the lol hand:

i limp UTG with TT, MD limps, CO limps, SB completes, BB checks

flop Kh8h3d

checks to MD who fires 50, folds to BB who calls, I call

turn Ks

checks to MD who bets 240 without hesitation, BB folds, I quickly call and MD looks shocked.

river 2c

i insta check and look sad, MD quickly fires 380, i tank for about 10 seconds then very confidently call (i seriously felt like i had quads that's how confident i was i was ahead.... obv im not raising cause wtf is he calling with that i beat) and he goes "what? wow. you got me" and mucks as soon as i table my TT.

"i thought you had a flush draw"
"i didnt"
and he just shakes his head.
06-10-2010 , 09:53 AM
Kind of strange that a megadonk would be shocked by someone calling a huge turn bet with just a flush draw on a paired board.
06-10-2010 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Barretboy
I see nip. Approval granted.
I really hope that's NOT her nip actually. Either way, tight white shorts/pants/capris are hot as **** on tan chicks.
06-10-2010 , 01:32 PM
wtf is a guy supposed to wear to an 80s party?
06-10-2010 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
wtf is a guy supposed to wear to an 80s party?
Dress like Bon Jovi ldo
06-10-2010 , 01:40 PM
Anybody just use thier laptop for their main computer? I have 3 year old desktop that only has 1gb and windows vista lol, and is getting pretty slow. I don't know weather I should get a better desktop, or hook up my laptop to my monitor and go from there.
06-10-2010 , 02:15 PM
with vista you can stick a flash drive in to a USB port, go to my computer> right click removable drive (whichever the flash is in)> properties>ready boost. the flash drive acts as more RAM.

Also, if you turn down a lot of the settings on vista, you can run it comfortably with 1GB assuming you don't mind having the interface look like windows 95. This vid shows you how to do that with XP but it's pretty much the same.

Make sure you're using less intrusive programs rather than the big bulky stuff like acrobat or w/e.
06-10-2010 , 02:27 PM
i have a dell latitude laptop thats 5 years old that i use as my main comp, it has XP. it crashes a lot.

i was gonna wear my AC/DC shirt, maybe a headband. perhaps ill buy a wig and rock that.
06-10-2010 , 02:51 PM
haha yeah...if that is her nip...well...

and that sounds good enough yeota. as long as you're mildly 80s looking nobody is going to be like 'omg your costume sucks'
06-10-2010 , 03:46 PM

i just think its weird when guys have 80s/70s parties... i mean i know what girls are supposed to wear to those things but where the **** can i find bellbottoms for a guy
06-10-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
Anybody just use thier laptop for their main computer? I have 3 year old desktop that only has 1gb and windows vista lol, and is getting pretty slow. I don't know weather I should get a better desktop, or hook up my laptop to my monitor and go from there.
yeah i just use my laptop and its fine hooked upto a monitor. The only thing is that my video card only lets me hook up to 1 external which is kind of a moot point.

What do you guys recommend for a good tv when living in a college house? I just bought a PS3 and am thinking of getting a hdtv to go along with it. How many inches is required to be ballin?
06-10-2010 , 06:19 PM

anyone interested in a pool? first 8 people (or 16) to quote this will get in, random draw of teams. $20 an entry, 70% for 1st place team and 30% for 2nd place. i'll escrow if necessary, otherwise i could find someone (karak?)

1. fishmeout
06-10-2010 , 06:25 PM
In. I can escrow if ppl need it as well, or karak. At the moment, I have about $20 on my start account, and I dono't play there ever, so I could just use that acct to escrow if ppl want.
06-10-2010 , 06:28 PM
Vintage, is that CRC? How long have you been holding out on us?
06-10-2010 , 06:29 PM
vintage- escrowing on stars is a bad idea, ftp doesn't give a **** about who sends money to who tho
06-10-2010 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
1. fishmeout
2. vintage
gogogo, the sooner this gets filled out the better
06-10-2010 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by fishmeout

anyone interested in a pool? first 8 people (or 16) to quote this will get in, random draw of teams. $20 an entry, 70% for 1st place team and 30% for 2nd place. i'll escrow if necessary, otherwise i could find someone (karak?)

1. fishmeout
in and i can escrow if needed
06-10-2010 , 06:39 PM
you guys understand the point of making lists
06-10-2010 , 06:57 PM
grunching a lot of posts-

DL ultramon for those of you with laptop+monitor.

ledders- i use my 23" monitor to play PS3 on in my bedroom and it's plenty. I go HDMI->PS3 and PS3>component on my tv if I need sound, which kind of sucks, but I don't feel like springing for a set of speakers so meh. If you're in a living room instead, I'd go no smaller than 42".
06-10-2010 , 07:11 PM
TBE join the world cup pool.

I didn't know stars was stupid about sending money. I can escrow on ftp too. I'll just have to let my backer know so that he knows my cashier will be different for a few weeks. It's not a big deal tho, w/e

in before "2p2 is not responsible...."
06-10-2010 , 08:31 PM
I'm going to buy this

It's small(ish) but bright as hell so it will do for a living room. And not too badly priced (LOL pounds)
06-10-2010 , 08:46 PM
def not in world cup pool, i don't know dick about soccer. gimme a baseball or golf or wrestlemania pool and we're good to go.
