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05-16-2010 , 12:22 PM
Guess I'm not surprised that he noticed, since he would comment on my status updates sometimes (and that was eventually what made me cut him, his comments would semi-frequently politard up a status update that had nothing to do with politics, other times his comments just betrayed me as someone willing to have a ****** on my friends list...eventually I was just like GTFO).

Obviously I didn't answer his message and have now blocked him altogether. But really, WTF.
05-16-2010 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
in before 2
lol ya thats what I figured. Also I've donked around in some HU Omaha SNG's and they are really soft as well

GL in tourney's today everyone.
05-16-2010 , 02:30 PM
I've never cut someone from my friends list, it seems unnecessarily harsh. I either don't add them in the first place, block their stuff from appearing or just alter it so they can't see any status updates I make.
05-16-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
I've never cut someone from my friends list, it seems unnecessarily harsh. I either don't add them in the first place, block their stuff from appearing or just alter it so they can't see any status updates I make.
this, I thought we were all out of middle school
05-16-2010 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
this, I thought we were all out of middle school
I can't possibly fathom what's "middle school" about the mentality behind wanting your friend list to be comprised of people who are your actual friends and who you actually keep in at least some level of contact with.
05-16-2010 , 03:16 PM
like people that i've maybe talked to a few times in my life, i don't see a reason to have them on my friends list. they haven't written on my wall and vice versa and probably never will. 95% of the time they won't even notice, i think lkj just runs bad
05-16-2010 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
like people that i've maybe talked to a few times in my life, i don't see a reason to have them on my friends list. they haven't written on my wall and vice versa and probably never will. 95% of the time they won't even notice, i think lkj just runs bad
Yeah, I mean if it came off like I was dropping people off my list who I might run into at times, just because they're not cool enough to be in the club or something (that's all I could think the "middle school" reference could mean), I don't do that.

I only unfriend people who are in no way part of my life anymore and I would probably never run into in person...most of the time it's because there's no contact between us anymore, but occasionally a person perpetually leaves annoying comments or whatever, that can cause me to unfriend someone also. I don't know how to do what banana was describing and stop people from seeing my status updates.
05-16-2010 , 04:34 PM
i have not deleted anybody on my FB yet, but actually was thinking about doing it last night. when i first started my FB it was during HS so naturally the majority were people from school. i've been out of HS for going on 3 years now so gradually i've expanded it to obv other ppl. i'd say out of the group of HS ppl i have on my list, i'll only talk to 20 again in my life, however brief. is the correct play to delete? or like someone said above just block their updates and stuff.

myspace is a diff story. i nazi cutted like half the people. joke is on me for still having a myspace though lol, i really only use it because like 10 ppl that don't have FB that i actually talk to have it.

in other news, wrote my research paper ~10 hrs before it was due, got 98%. SHIP
05-16-2010 , 04:40 PM
lol not like anyone was interested but im sold out on my action for the 215 HU tourny

cant wait until i pwn it
05-16-2010 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
lol not like anyone was interested but im sold out on my action for the 215 HU tourny

Is this like, "Nobody goes there, it's too crowded?"
05-16-2010 , 05:42 PM
there was a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE overlay for that tourny holy ****

too bad i run bad at flips
05-16-2010 , 06:00 PM
lost a big pot in the miniftops to mincash

still have starting stack in scoop low main, probably need to win that one.
05-16-2010 , 11:23 PM
Back to back hands in the 5 2r1a, 33 left:

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15000/t30000 Blinds + t3750 - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (BB): t822565 M = 10.97
UTG: t281430 M = 3.75
UTG+1: t661005 M = 8.81
MP1: t443106 M = 5.91
MP2: t456459 M = 6.09
CO: t767971 M = 10.24
BTN: t570468 M = 7.61
SB: t965528 M = 12.87

Pre Flop: (t75000) Hero is BB with K A
UTG raises to t277680 all in, 6 folds, Hero calls t247680

Flop: (t600360) 4 7 Q (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t600360) J (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t600360) A (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t600360
Hero shows K A (a pair of Aces)
UTG shows J A (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
UTG wins t600360

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15000/t30000 Blinds + t3750 - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (SB): t541135 M = 7.22
BB: t600360 M = 8.00
UTG: t657255 M = 8.76
UTG+1: t439356 M = 5.86
MP1: t452709 M = 6.04
MP2: t764221 M = 10.19
CO: t566718 M = 7.56
BTN: t946778 M = 12.62

Pre Flop: (t75000) Hero is SB with A A
UTG raises to t90000, 4 folds, BTN raises to t700000, Hero calls t522385 all in, 2 folds

Flop: (t1224770) 6 Q T (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t1224770) J (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t1224770) A (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t1224770
Hero shows A A (three of a kind, Aces)
BTN shows K K (a straight, Ten to Ace)
BTN wins t1224770

i'm going to jump, peace
05-16-2010 , 11:47 PM
So i have a lot of black friends on my facebook because my HS is hood like that, anyway, trying to determine what they say in facebook statuses sometimes is so ****ing hard...I think they put in mroe effort making sure their stauts is black enough, than they would if they just typed regular...example:

Preface: Girl talks about how she is always with broke dudes

linking it so it doesnt take up a lot of space
05-16-2010 , 11:51 PM
fairly std they tryna do them
05-17-2010 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
So i have a lot of black friends on my facebook because my HS is hood like that, anyway, trying to determine what they say in facebook statuses sometimes is so ****ing hard...I think they put in mroe effort making sure their stauts is black enough, than they would if they just typed regular...example:

Preface: Girl talks about how she is always with broke dudes

linking it so it doesnt take up a lot of space
Fairly std that I can't see any of that $hit and don't care to read any because it's too small of a font and I dont' want to resize. FTS.
05-17-2010 , 06:07 AM
After what happened yesterday with BG and all, it's a good thing I didn't run 600 dollars below EV while getting hit with every cooler (KK<AA so many times I can't even ****ing tell you or something like that) or cold deck in the book. that would just be unbelievably cruel and awful.

Good thing that didn't happen or that + everything else going on in my life would make me feel absolutely worthless as a human being and make me want to kill myself.
05-17-2010 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
After what happened yesterday with BG and all, it's a good thing I didn't run 600 dollars below EV while getting hit with every cooler (KK<AA so many times I can't even ****ing tell you or something like that) or cold deck in the book. that would just be unbelievably cruel and awful.

Good thing that didn't happen or that + everything else going on in my life would make me feel absolutely worthless as a human being and make me want to kill myself.
i actuallys tarted playing pretty bad at around #55 or so... i went on monkey tilt

also **** THAT RED LINE
05-17-2010 , 09:56 PM
hey karak-

im up 14 buy-ins today
05-17-2010 , 10:05 PM
down 5 bis today, 4 under ev weeee
05-18-2010 , 12:27 AM
i dropped ~10, 5 under ev
05-18-2010 , 12:29 AM
Was up 5 then finished down 2, bad month so far for me.

Gotta put in more hands though
05-18-2010 , 12:35 AM
up 16 buyins... SNG buyins fml i should relearn real poker
05-18-2010 , 12:39 AM
brag havent played so cant lose...beat have finals this week...variance will play a full day of MTTs on Sunday for the first time since January...More vairance/beat: will probably lose 2k doing so
05-18-2010 , 10:35 AM
brag: up early for once

my sleep schedule was ****ed up. i woke up at 4pm yesterday so i forced myself to fall asleep at like 11ish or 12. i slept until 3am so i'm going to try and make it to 11pm today and have the perfect sleep schedule. the game plan is to poker a lot (already put in one session), maybe workout/swim at my apartment, then comeback and drink for nba lottery and boston vs orlando.

anybody have any good drinking ideas? i'm thinking during the draft anytime they use certain keywords or phrases. one would be "the ability..." because craig bilas uses that line like every time.

for the actual game i'm thinking the group of ppl i'm with can each pick a player and anytime that player does something i.e. (score, rebound) u have to drink. choosing someone as an in-bounder would be kinda cool.
