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03-24-2011 , 05:15 PM
racist ban.
03-24-2011 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
hahaha I love this town

edit - what the article didn't say was that he was HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMERED last night downtown. I was walking into one bar as he and his friends were walking out of one. He was absolutely ****-housed.
That bike cop pictured is really nice most of the time. He hangs out a lot downtown.
03-25-2011 , 02:44 PM
Two points of view
Two point of views
Two point-of-views

03-25-2011 , 02:46 PM
A ainec as far as usage

There's a chance it should be "points-of-view" with the hyphens, but that's for LKJ to decide.

pluralizing "view" is lolbad. What do they teach you down in Gator country?
03-25-2011 , 02:51 PM
Two points of view. No hyphens. Try "perspectives" on for size too!
03-25-2011 , 02:52 PM
Yeah I thought it was A by a mile, and that's what I used, but my english teacher 'corrected' it to B. Not even to C! to B! C would be understandable I suppose but goddamn.

03-25-2011 , 02:53 PM
03-25-2011 , 02:55 PM
That makes zero sense and I can't find anything via google to support your professor. wiktionary supports us fwiw.
03-25-2011 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens

Ya, It's A by a mile, and the C marginally "less wrong" than B imo, even though any instance in which "view" is pluralized is just laughably incorrect.

Plz do something smartass w/ it to show your professor how much of an idiot he/she is. I know logically this is less than awesome advice and I'll prolly get flamed by some 14-post lurker for it, but you ARE right (get more proof than 2p2 obv) and it would be amusing.
03-25-2011 , 03:05 PM
I mean there are conceivably really weird scenarios where point of views is correct, but they certainly don't arise from pluralizing point of view. And by "really weird scenarios" I'm mostly thinking of people taking literary license when describing the opinions of people with dissociative identity disorder.

03-25-2011 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00

Ya, It's A by a mile, and the C marginally "less wrong" than B imo, even though any instance in which "view" is pluralized is just laughably incorrect.

Plz do something smartass w/ it to show your professor how much of an idiot he/she is. I know logically this is less than awesome advice and I'll prolly get flamed by some 14-post lurker for it, but you ARE right (get more proof than 2p2 obv) and it would be amusing.
lol I honestly would if she had taken points off for it or anything, but she didn't take off any points, just crossed off my S and added one of her own.
03-25-2011 , 05:10 PM
danny couldve easily have gotten some ass that night if he wanted too. i wonder why he turned that south ass down?
03-25-2011 , 05:14 PM
lol jetto goating all over SL recently
03-26-2011 , 09:46 AM
I have a spot tonight that I'd like you guys' opinions on:

A girl in our group a few weeks ago had an 8/10 friend visiting, big group of us have a night out. 'Tell Em' is in force with the guys - if you say something about a girl without the safety 'told her' mention at the end, you can be caught out by one of the guys telling you to "tell her" and obv you have to then tell her. Anyway, we're on the dancefloor, I'm pretty drunk by now and mention to my friend about the friend of girl, saying something like "she looks like proper filth, would love to have a go" or something similar, completley forgetting about 'Tell em' being in force. Obv he catches me out and I have to tell this girl that she is absolute filth and I want to fcuk her. Lol.

Doesn't go well obv. Eventually though she gets over it but her friend, the girl in our group of friends, is still angry. We end the night though and I've apologised like a billion times and she seems ok with it.

So I go on Facebook next morning to check out this friend of hers and perhaps apologise soberly, (she was hot and if she visits again, want the optimal chance of getting with her) but on her profile is a load of stuff from the girl in our group of friends saying what a **** I am and generally giving me proper abuse. This is after she apparently accepted my apology last night.

It's this girl's birthday houseparty tonight, and I wanna go cos a lot of my friends are going that I want to see and generally have a few beers. But I don't want to have to hug this girl and wish her a happy birthday, knowing her 2-facedness. But I don't really see how I can avoid it, especially if she opens the door for the group I'll be going with.


-girl in friendship group abuses me behind my back
-she invited me to attend her birthday houseparty, want to go to see other friends + drink. She obv doesn't know that I saw what she wrote on her friend's wall.
-don't want to have to be friendly with girl after her 2-facedness
-my play?
03-26-2011 , 10:04 AM
You and your friends should stop playing this "tell 'em" game.
03-26-2011 , 10:47 AM
Meh, it's good fun when you don't get hideously caught out as I did. Can also work out incredibly +ev as well if your comment about a girl is a 'nice' one.

Any actual help though?
03-26-2011 , 10:53 AM
I vote go to the party, suck it up and be nice to her. Even run further damage control by re-apologizing sober. You'd certainly hope she'd let it go at that point, at least to the point that she'll stop talking **** about you. Then just have a good time.

Sucks to take your medicine, but seems like a small price to pay to hopefully NOT have damaging things being said about you behind your back.
03-26-2011 , 11:41 AM
What gets me though is the fact that she was fine with me by the end of the night, even giving me a hug goodbye and then the next morning is ripping me to shreds to her friend.

I don't care what she's saying to anyone- I'm good friends with her friends and they know I'm not a nasty person and that it was all part of a 'lad' game, but she seems to have some problem.

Cheers for the reply though, going to go and just be civil but try to avoid her as much as poss, say hello and happy birthday and leave it at that if I can.
03-26-2011 , 11:48 AM
she's mad because she's not the center of attention between you and your friend. i'd be extremely surprised if it was the other way around and the girl you said you wanted to have sex with wrote on the girl's fb saying you're disgusting. no girl is genuinely getting offended by a guy wanting to have sex with them.
03-26-2011 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by WonThyme
I have a spot tonight that I'd like you guys' opinions on:

A girl in our group a few weeks ago had an 8/10 friend visiting, big group of us have a night out. 'Tell Em' is in force with the guys - if you say something about a girl without the safety 'told her' mention at the end, you can be caught out by one of the guys telling you to "tell her" and obv you have to then tell her. Anyway, we're on the dancefloor, I'm pretty drunk by now and mention to my friend about the friend of girl, saying something like "she looks like proper filth, would love to have a go" or something similar, completley forgetting about 'Tell em' being in force. Obv he catches me out and I have to tell this girl that she is absolute filth and I want to fcuk her. Lol.

Doesn't go well obv. Eventually though she gets over it but her friend, the girl in our group of friends, is still angry. We end the night though and I've apologised like a billion times and she seems ok with it.

So I go on Facebook next morning to check out this friend of hers and perhaps apologise soberly, (she was hot and if she visits again, want the optimal chance of getting with her) but on her profile is a load of stuff from the girl in our group of friends saying what a **** I am and generally giving me proper abuse. This is after she apparently accepted my apology last night.

It's this girl's birthday houseparty tonight, and I wanna go cos a lot of my friends are going that I want to see and generally have a few beers. But I don't want to have to hug this girl and wish her a happy birthday, knowing her 2-facedness. But I don't really see how I can avoid it, especially if she opens the door for the group I'll be going with.


-girl in friendship group abuses me behind my back
-she invited me to attend her birthday houseparty, want to go to see other friends + drink. She obv doesn't know that I saw what she wrote on her friend's wall.
-don't want to have to be friendly with girl after her 2-facedness
-my play?
hahahahahahah i enjoyed reading this. can't believe you followed through and told the girl that. lol @ "proper filth" and "tell 'em" game. scotland? australia?
03-26-2011 , 02:18 PM
Sending out some e-mails for possible internships I want to do next academic year.
I specified 'academic year 2011/2012' explicitly in the e-mail.
My top choice mailed back within ~5 hours 'Unfortunately I don't have space at the moment'.
Did he misread my timeframe specification or does he just phrase it nonchalantly?
Can I follow up here with another mail saying something like 'Thank you for your quick reply, I am sorry you do not have any space the entire year.'?
03-26-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
hahahahahahah i enjoyed reading this. can't believe you followed through and told the girl that. lol @ "proper filth" and "tell 'em" game. scotland? australia?
Lol, nah England. Took me like 10 minutes to summon the balls to tell her but with enough beer inside you, anything's possible I suppose! Obv my mates found it absolutely hilarious that I went through with it, but what's the point playing if you're gonna bottle the good ones!
03-26-2011 , 07:20 PM
Hell yeah, Butler. My bandwagon team doing work. Also rooting for Arizona.
03-26-2011 , 08:32 PM

Took a picture of my bellend with her camera without her knowing. She will look at her pictures tomorrow and see my proud helmet among them
03-26-2011 , 08:45 PM

Last edited by LazyTops5; 03-26-2011 at 08:51 PM.
