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08-30-2010 , 12:11 PM
You are an extremely lucky person to get like a fifth chance at this. Don't screw it up imo
08-30-2010 , 12:13 PM
sounds like yeota and I need to gambol on grades. I'm not motivated either.
08-30-2010 , 12:43 PM
+1 for no motivation to go to class.
08-30-2010 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
You are an extremely lucky person to get like a fifth chance at this. Don't screw it up imo
I had a sub-2.5 GPA in undergrad, and with a liberal arts major at that. I essentially did nothing.

It's amazing that I could manage to wipe all of that away with one good afternoon at the LSAT test; I got into a good law school, and my undergrad record is virtually meaningless now. Yes, I'm sure that my scholarship is smaller than it otherwise would be, but still.
08-30-2010 , 03:32 PM
Brag: Found my Drivers License so didn't have to go to the DMV
Beat: Monday obv lol
Variance: Drank a 5 hour energy for some reason lol
08-30-2010 , 03:49 PM
Do you actually not crash after drinking 5 hour energy?
08-30-2010 , 03:50 PM
Only way I'm going to keep going to class is if I start drinking energy drinks because my sleep schedule is getting ****ed up.
08-30-2010 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by OsTornado
Do you actually not crash after drinking 5 hour energy?
The first time I had one I didn't. I will update in about 4 hours to see if I do this time. I am feeling it for sure though.

But I think it depends on your tolerance to caffeine. I would say I probably crash way worse when I drink a lot of coffee.
08-30-2010 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by OsTornado
Do you actually not crash after drinking 5 hour energy?
Thats when you drink another.
08-30-2010 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
The first time I had one I didn't. I will update in about 4 hours to see if I do this time. I am feeling it for sure though.

But I think it depends on your tolerance to caffeine. I would say I probably crash way worse when I drink a lot of coffee.
Cool. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
Thats when you drink another.
08-30-2010 , 04:04 PM
I 5HE, and I have never crashed. I had a case from Sam's that I consumed over the writing of my dissertation and my summer 10k mile roadtrip.

And I took one once before I went out drinking, and I drank like more of a champ than usual and ran the pong table (standard imo), but no hangover the next day. Granted, I also made myself drink a glass of water before bed, and that usually helps immensely. But three of us had one before drinking and no one was hungover the next day. samplesizeaments ldo, but take it for what it's worth. B vitamins ftw.
08-30-2010 , 04:38 PM
i'll test that theory this week some time, last time i tried it it was while drinking on unofficial and i passed out within an hour of drinking it
08-30-2010 , 04:52 PM
08-30-2010 , 04:53 PM
bill simmons and dave jacoby were talking about the real world girl this season that blacks out and brought this topic up. their theory was everyone has a shut off button. where once you get to a certain drunk point your body just shuts off and that's why you always find random people passed out at parties, but when you drink a ton of redbull or 5hr energies you can't shut off so that's where you get the blacked out drunks
08-30-2010 , 04:57 PM
lol. I am pretty sure people blacked out before red bull and 5HE. That was my whole freshman year.
08-30-2010 , 04:59 PM
well it could be soda or something else too. i black out all the f'ing time so idk

also do any of u guys go on
08-30-2010 , 05:14 PM
Blacking out is pretty standard for college students... And just from alcohol, not red bull or energy drinks.
08-30-2010 , 07:46 PM


used to help that donk jimbocrushstar out back in the day til he tried screwing me over 10 different ways. i dont normally take pleasure in the pain of others, but this is just sooooooo sweet. well worth a 2 year wait
08-30-2010 , 08:03 PM
pretty sick punishment although idk what for?
08-30-2010 , 08:07 PM
5 Hour Energy report.

No crash which was nice but really only felt energized for about an hour or so. The energy was a good one and felt pretty alert and focused.

I'll do what Wyman did and slam one before a night of drinking and see how that goes.
08-30-2010 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
I'll do what Wyman did and slam one before a night of drinking and see how that goes.

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gl sir
08-31-2010 , 03:52 AM
random but going to a wedding this weekend and am wondering what I could buy for a wedding gift. she's mexican fwiw. everyone is telling me pots and pans type thing, I'm thinking alcohol but idk anything about this sort of thing.
08-31-2010 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Don Draper
random but going to a wedding this weekend and am wondering what I could buy for a wedding gift. she's mexican fwiw. everyone is telling me pots and pans type thing, I'm thinking alcohol but idk anything about this sort of thing.
No registry?
08-31-2010 , 11:26 AM
Spurious says that he won't change his avatar. Ah well, I fought the good fight.
08-31-2010 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Don Draper
random but going to a wedding this weekend and am wondering what I could buy for a wedding gift. she's mexican fwiw. everyone is telling me pots and pans type thing, I'm thinking alcohol but idk anything about this sort of thing.
Would avoid booze.

Buy off the registry or give cash unless you know her really well (and even then, registry and cash are standard). Student standard seems to be $50 if you're going stag, $100 if two of you are going. If you are BOC, give more if you know her well. If it is a NYC wedding, standards might be higher, but this is mitigated by the fact that you're a student.

The real answer is: give what you're comfortable giving; it's a gift, not a fee.
