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08-12-2010 , 06:09 PM
if it was socially acceptable id drop out of school and saxroll myself all day long.
08-12-2010 , 11:36 PM

Last edited by thebigeasy59; 08-12-2010 at 11:39 PM. Reason: found an 8:53 long saxroll. currrently at 4 mins
08-13-2010 , 01:25 AM
FUUUUUUUUUU was about to peel some bananas but then can't find a lighter.

08-13-2010 , 11:51 AM
eating a monster bowl of raisin bran. expecting a massive turd in about 45 minutes
08-13-2010 , 12:08 PM
[ ] 45.
it just wouldn't stop.
08-13-2010 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
[ ] 45.
it just wouldn't stop.

those 2 scoops do work
08-13-2010 , 12:15 PM
Can someone link me to the FF thread? Can't find it
08-13-2010 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
Can someone link me to the FF thread? Can't find it
08-14-2010 , 08:09 PM
Yesterday when I was driving, a new warning light came on telling me that my engine was overheating. I took it into the shop...they decided that it needed a new water pump, and noticed that I needed to replace my timing belt while I was in there. In sum, they milked me for nearly a grand, putting me up to more than $2500 in repair costs this summer alone.

They told me I'd get it back Monday, but called me today and said that it was fixed and ready. I went there, picked up my car, and went to run some errands out of town. 35 miles out of town, I got a flat. My third flat of the last two months, at that...and this one was one of the new tires that I'd just gotten a month before. It caught a hunk of metal on the road and tore the **** out of it.

I get to the side of the road, call AAA, and ask for roadside service. They look me up and see that, unbeknown to me, my account expired two weeks ago. And I couldn't renew over the phone since it's the weekend and their renewal center is only open M-F. So, I had to pay for the tow truck out of pocket, to the tune of $125 (more than one year worth of AAA). I get towed back to the place that sold me this tire, and they discover that it was that hunk of metal that tore my car up, and since this tire had been special ordered to begin with, it didn't have a road hazard warranty...meaning that its replacement would not be covered at all, and that this one that got torn up lasted me all of a month after I dropped $250+ on it.

All in all, it's been a very fine weekend.
08-15-2010 , 03:47 AM
^ I have had some nagging car issues recently as well, though not as bad as yours LKJ I can understand how annoying it can be.

On an unrelated note, saw the Other Guys tonight. I thought it was pretty funny and well done. Would see again.
08-15-2010 , 05:10 AM
I was at this party the other night and got pretty wasted, was running pretty solid game and everyone loved me. The whole party sort of blends together, but I met this pretty tall big guy with blue blockers on talking about buying $1000 shoes and ****. He was sorta weird, but I was drunk so I didn't feel awkward having strange conversations with him. He just crashed the party with his buddy and kept bitching about how half the party hated him and wanted him to leave, but that I was really cool, such a cool guy, his kinda guy, and did I want a job driving a boat. At some point he made it rain $200. It was one of the most ridiculous scenes I've witnessed. Cross that off my bucket list. Towards the end of the party we were talking and he was again saying how awesome I was when I pointed out some coke on his nose. He thanked me and wiped it off and we laughed about it like old chums laugh about the pranks they pulled on their 5th grade PE teacher.

He kept asking if I wanted a job driving boats, which seems like a pretty awesome job, really. Based on the fact that he's a raging coke head I suspect he'd be a very unreliable employer, except that this would be a second job and it would be fine if I lost it at any time. Additionally I'd get to drive boats and get paid for it, which will probably lead to posting about it in OOT some day, getting a book deal, and then profiting even more. Also, my potential employer was ballin, so he'll probably pay me way more than he needs to. Planning to give him a call tomorrow. I figure even if he just stopped paying me halfway through, I'd still have just gotten to drive boats for free and meet cute tourist girls. This could be a great development.
08-15-2010 , 04:53 PM
Okay so my new housemates and I are going to be choosing rooms in our house, there are 8 of us so there's lots of rooms. I only really know one girl and the others are kind of new to me, I've met them all at least once. The only room I don't want is a large bedroom on the ground floor that looks out onto the main road, everything else is fine. Chances are someone will want the extra space so I'm good there.

A ground floor room would let housemates stop in more often to say hi compared to one at the top of the house. Thinking through my options, hm.
08-15-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
A ground floor room would let housemates stop in more often to say hi compared to one at the top of the house.
This is a good thing?
08-15-2010 , 05:29 PM
I suppose so, last year I was in a loft room and didn't get as many people popping in for a late night chat and stuff like that, I had to be the one to go downstairs because everything else like the comfy chairs, big tv and food were there. I kind of missed that to be honest, but I guess it could get annoying.

I think I'll just watch everyone else make their bids and decide from there..
08-15-2010 , 06:56 PM
I hate exclamation marks. I mean, they have a purpose, but in this internet age people seem to think that it's okay to end 80% of their ****ing sentences with them. It's terrible. "I'm going to the grocery store to buy milk!"

Women are more to blame than men for this phenomenon, but men carry their share of the blame.

If people don't actively ask themselves if an exclamation mark is truly necessary every time they use one, they're doing it wrong.
08-15-2010 , 07:31 PM
LKJ gonna LKJ.

But actually, I recently came to a similar conclusion. I think it's kind of ridiculous how men do it, it comes across as very feminine, like a flamboyant gay. That's how I read it anyway. But when I talk to girls I find myself doing it a lot cause they do it so much so I just started mirroring them.

Problem is there are some sentences that look so strange without it. "I'm excited to go to the beach today." vs. "I'm excited to go to the beach today!" or "I just saw a homeless guy piss on the side of my house." vs. "I just saw a homeless guy piss on the side of my house!" The exclamation point conveys a more appropriate tone sometimes.
08-15-2010 , 08:15 PM
punctuation is so 20th century
08-15-2010 , 10:17 PM
hey lkj! How is it going?!?
08-16-2010 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
Problem is there are some sentences that look so strange without it. "I'm excited to go to the beach today." vs. "I'm excited to go to the beach today!"
Sure. Like I said, sometimes it's appropriate. As long as you're questioning whether you should be using one or not, go right ahead if it passes the smell test.

or "I just saw a homeless guy piss on the side of my house." vs. "I just saw a homeless guy piss on the side of my house!" The exclamation point conveys a more appropriate tone sometimes.
...when it comes to something like this that's potentially funny, I would support the period since humor is almost always better when it's deadpanned.

Originally Posted by Karak
hey lkj! How is it going?!?
I'm going to take you to be the kind of person who can't resist an obvious low-brow bathroom joke either.
08-16-2010 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ

I'm going to take you to be the kind of person who can't resist an obvious low-brow bathroom joke either.
08-16-2010 , 07:21 AM
omg!!!11 some girl is asking me whether I have a lot of stuff so i can take one of the smaller rooms i guess i dont actually care about room size but she is shaping up to be a bossy one ill have to show her im not a pushover at some point im thinking a spelling and punctuation contest will put her in her place!!!

Nothing wrong with low-brow humour. If you dislike it, think of it as communicating with the great unwashed, grin and bear it!
08-16-2010 , 08:21 AM
The first one of my friends is now engaged. I feel sorry for him and am refusing to like the facebook status. Its a tarp. I would give an estimation of how long the marriage will last but I think he's the sort of person who would never get divorced.
08-16-2010 , 09:51 AM
These next 2 weeks are going to crawl by, can't wait to move back in.
08-16-2010 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
These next 2 weeks are going to crawl by, can't wait to move back in!
08-16-2010 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
I regret to say that this made me laugh.

Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
Nothing wrong with low-brow humour. If you dislike it, think of it as communicating with the great unwashed, grin and bear it!
Thinking of it as communicating with the great unwashed...will make it better?

Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
The first one of my friends is now engaged. I feel sorry for him and am refusing to like the facebook status. Its a tarp. I would give an estimation of how long the marriage will last but I think he's the sort of person who would never get divorced.
No matter how happy I was for an engaged friend, no ****ing chance I'm pressing like on one of those big announcement updates. If I do that, I get absolutely flooded by a bunch of meaningless "congratulations!" comments that I don't care about.
