Originally Posted by remi983
Bump for law school exams. Isn't studying for them fun?
Since I'm doing a clinic I only have two exams. The only one I need to study more than a day for is Con Law II. I have 0 notes, have read 0 cases, and have missed the last 5 classes in a row. However, I have 2.5 weeks between classes ending and this exam, so plenty of time to teach myself.
Also, with the year long clinic and law review counting as P/F credits, these exams are 6 credits out of like 70 total so far. If I get two A's I still can't move up to summa and if I get two C's I still won't move down from magna, and I have a job, so I'm not too worried about it.
Both exams are open book, open everything, so just a matter of getting the basics and getting my stuff together.