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Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals..

06-16-2013 , 04:30 PM
Yes, I want to stick up for Bruce Springsteen as well. He's just famous for the wrong songs. His dark songs are often works of genius.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Yes, I want to stick up for Bruce Springsteen as well. He's just famous for the wrong songs. His dark songs are often works of genius.
Absolutely agree. The River is a heartbreaking song, the anthems I can take or leave.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Absolutely agree. The River is a heartbreaking song
Atlantic City too.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature
Never got into Goodman. Where should I start?

Over here in Euroland, no one seems to have heard of John Prine at all, in the US I guess he has some level of fame.
All Goodman is impeccable to me. Best of the Asylum Years (Vol I and II) give a great overview. My 2 favorite abums were Somebody Elses Trouble and Santa Ana Winds but you really can't miss with any of them.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 05:38 PM
Peter Frampton - Frampton Comes Alive. I definitely wouldn't call this under appreciated, but possibly a little forgotten.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 09:53 PM
Hole's Live Through This is slightly underrated, I'd say. It's well known, but I've been listening to it lately and that is a great album.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelScarn

Over-Rated: U2.
Lol this Xmillions.

2nd place off the top would be Aerosmith.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by RippinHeads
Hole's Live Through This is slightly underrated, I'd say. It's well known, but I've been listening to it lately and that is a great album.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 10:21 PM
Overrated: ACDC and Madonna
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 10:31 PM
It is impossible to overrate Bon Scott-era AC/DC
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 10:38 PM
Yeah I didn't mean Bon Scott ACDC just post Bon Scott. I guess I should have made that clear.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by _UM
Lol this Xmillions.

2nd place off the top would be Aerosmith.
Agree with both of these, U2 and Aerosmith being overrated. I do love the song 'One', however. One of my favorite songs ever.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by OppositeAttract
Yeah I didn't mean Bon Scott ACDC just post Bon Scott. I guess I should have made that clear.
Are you saying Back in Black is overrated? I don't think post BIB AC/DC is rated high enough to be overrated.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-16-2013 , 11:40 PM
Yes, but this just may be the people I'm in communication with, who insist that album among some of their others (even there more recent stuff) are elite. I'm not saying everyone values them highly but the perception I've seen locally and more abroad to be quite favorable of the band.

Last edited by OppositeAttract; 06-16-2013 at 11:45 PM.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 01:56 AM
Madonna and U2 aren't really my genres but they're two of the last acts I'd associate with the world overrated. If you started rating them in the 90s then maybe I can see it but both had their prime in the 80s. By the time they got to making "One" and "Vogue" they jumped the shark (even if they made a lot more money).

If you were often stuck with pop radio in those days you'd have been happy to hear either come on. A kid can only take so much "Kokomo," "Easy Lover" and "Shake You Down."
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
It is impossible to overrate Bon Scott-era AC/DC
I am in full agreement with this sentiment.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 03:00 AM
A ton of artists with long careers went from underrated to overrated. How you categorize them probably has more to do with where the artist was in their career at the time you came across them. And how familiar a person actually is with the older material. Muse for example was incredible early on, Origin album wasn't even a US release.

Tom Petty is rated just fine. It's astounding what he can do with 4 chords. I have his debut, Damn the Torpedos, Full Moon Fever & Wildflowers and they're all good. There's a lot of great material that didn't catch with radio. I should probably buy more.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 03:11 AM
An underrated Petty album is Long After Dark.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 06:38 AM
I fear to tread here after the results of the GOAT band thread, but overrated - the Beatles.

I'm not going to launch into a huge tirade, but rather let the Guardian newspaper speak for me - Fab Four? Drab four more like.

The Beatles are what they always were - the safe, money-spinning, housewives' choice. Their albums are easy listening (fine for 50-somethings, but the Beatles were cardigan-wearing duffers in their 20s). Sgt. Pepper, their much-trumpeted "psychedelic" album was as mindbending as an Asda mushroom pie. Give or take Helter Skelter, they never even rocked, really. Next to the Stones, the Who or the Troggs, the Beatles are the low alcohol lager of the 60s.
Other overrated bands / artists include...

The Smiths / Morrissey
Elton John
Paul Weller
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 06:45 AM
Oasis overrated for sure. That whole mid-90s "Britpop" thing was a bunch of slime.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 08:26 AM
Re: Beatles, I was going to post something to that effect. However, I reconsidered because their influence was so huge. They were the bridge between whatever they listened to in the 50s and rock 'n roll since then.

Their music, OTOH, didn't age well. Who really listens to 'Love Me Do' or 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand' these days? Besides 'Eleanor Rigby' and few other songs, I never want to listen to the Beatles. They're basically a 60s boy-band in pop-rock format.

So, yeah, go ahead and bring it. I can take it.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 08:49 AM
Very few people listen to love me do again and again. A ton of people listen to Rubber Soul onwards again and again. Especially musicians.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
An underrated Petty album is Long After Dark.
Yes, it is. It never gets mentioned, probably because it was considered kind of a commercial disappointment, especially after Damn the Torpedoes and Hard Promises. It deserves to be heard.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 09:31 AM
The Beatles are what they always were - the safe, money-spinning, housewives' choice.
Only because those screaming Beatlemaniacs grew up to be housewives. Taken in context of their time, especially here in the states, where they were considered threatening, at least until the Animals and the Stones came along, they were hardly One Direction or Justin Bieber. Or, to keep in context, Fabian or Frankie Avalon. They had some street cred, and a little research would readily illuminate that.

Still...not sure what such cultural criticism has to do with their music, though.

Their albums are easy listening (fine for 50-somethings, but the Beatles were cardigan-wearing duffers in their 20s).
I have no idea who wrote this, but he or she's a goddamn idiot. One could refer to Astral Weeks as easy listening, if one wanted. It certainly doesn't stomp. But this jackass is confusing noise and menace for intensity and effectiveness.

The writer here clearly wants a stance, and if it doesn't come on his terms, he/she dismisses it entirely. What a ****ing moron.

Sgt. Pepper, their much-trumpeted "psychedelic" album was as mindbending as an Asda mushroom pie.
Part of the reason there's always some bite-in-the-ass jonesing to take on the Beatles is because they don't listen to anything except what gets trumpeted the loudest. This album, which sounds quaint today, was influential, and, as such, often gets high ratings on those "greatest of all time" polls.

But it sounds far less quaint than, say, Their Satanic Majesties Request, or even Tommy. And we don't discount the fine work of those artists just because they "experimented" a little.

That album, innovative as it was at the time, is hardly indicative of what they had to offer. Psychedlia was never the Beatles stock-in-trade. But this album was so readily accepted by the "Summer of Love" crowd that it always gets lumped in, and given heft it doesn't deserve. It hasn't worn well, and I think it's their worst album. But "worst" is a relative term, and judging the band's output only on one album shows a serious lack of insight, if not honesty.

Give or take Helter Skelter, they never even rocked, really. Next to the Stones, the Who or the Troggs, the Beatles are the low alcohol lager of the 60s.
First of all, listen to the Hamburg tapes, or the rooftop concert. They rocked, although they tended to eschew bombast in favor of melody. Hell, listen to Let It Be...Naked. They rocked just fine.

Now, they may not be what some are looking for. It's not Slayer. They may not "rock" on the terms you wish. They did it on their own terms. Great artists do. But saying they "never even rocked" shows not just a transparent lack of historical knowledge, it illuminates a savage aesthetic cluelessness.

Once again, conflating bombast and effectiveness is a telling sign; it tells me that whoever penned this drivel for The Guardian hasn't a clue as to what they're talking about, but won't let that get in the way of making a "bold" statement. What a crock of ****.

I'm not a huge Beatles fan. Haven't listened to an album in years. And, if one wants to call them "overrated", that's their opinion. You don't like 'em, fine. On a certain level, I can understand that.

But to do so, for the bull **** reasons listed here?

**** that noise.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
06-17-2013 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by kudzudemon
**** that noise.
Who are rock and roll's most under appreciated and overrated bands or individuals.. Quote
