Originally Posted by Eltin
No spoilers
Avengers: Endgame
Fun movie, probably better than infinity war. Some real fun and epic suprises and good endings.
It would have been better without the big marvel cgi battle though, it could have been very different. And, captain marvel seems like a really boring/bad character.
Also the forced feminism was way, way to obvious in a scene. That was really bad.
Thor is the best part of the movie, it was pretty great and totally unexpected what they did with him.
I kind of disagree with this entire post, haha.
I thought Infinity War executed its idea more successfully than Endgame did. Endgame gets really bogged down by
For some reason the Thor stuff just didn't work for me, maybe it's just personal preference.
I thought Captain Marvel was perfectly utilized and Brie Larson is great. And that scene was fine. If you're really still thinking about that scene, you have some issues that you need to work out for yourself.