Originally Posted by biggerboat
The Lost Boys This was a bad movie. Just stupid. So bad it was good.
Most people will point the saxophone guy, but I think the Rob Lowe poster hanging on Haim's closet door is funniest part.
I wouldn't call it a bad movie. It's definitely over-the-top 80s, but it is done well. It knows exactly what is and delivers. But as far as 80s movies about junior high kids going on an adventure goes, it is my least favorite.
The Goonies will always be the best, and
Monster Squad and
Explorers are also better, in my opinion. You could throw
Stand by Me in there as well, but it lacks the fantasy element.
When it comes to 80s vampire movies,
Fright Night is the go-to. I also recommend
Near Dark since a lot of people don't know about it. It's not a traditional vampire flick, but it's a good one and has a great performance from Bill Paxton.