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Talk About Movies: Part 4 Talk About Movies: Part 4

05-15-2021 , 03:03 PM
Marriage Story

meh, painful to watch them do that to each other but i guess that's the realistic part


never saw it before in full, only catching first half or second half etc, it has some great lines

still just meh

A Star is Born

i actually enjoyed the original(s) so was shocked how much i hated this, just stopped halfway through
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-15-2021 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Phat Mack
I've always admired Uma Thurman, but found her feet rather... rather... rather unconventional looking.
For some that is a turn on....!
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-15-2021 , 09:04 PM
Captain Caveman feet.


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Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-15-2021 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist

saw it as named "Kilo Two Bravo" somewhere (tubi?)
Ah yeah, that is the American title.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-15-2021 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Zeno
For some that is a turn on....!
lolll, for some.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 12:54 AM
i've never looked at a woman's feet....there are other parts to pay attention to
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 03:06 AM
just watched = safety not guaranteed, on nexflix. actually quite good. not an action move but johns kind with people things. first half is a little slow but sets it up.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
i've never looked at a woman's feet....there are other parts to pay attention to
i bet if they made a poster of josh allen's feet you'd hang it above your bed
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 10:58 AM
I just watched Peter Fonda and the great Warren Oates Race with the Devil, it wasn't too bad as 70s B movies go but coulda used more evil and occulty Satanists imo. They just seemed like mean white trailer trash types to me, not nearly scary enough. Make these villains more exotic!

Also Loretta Swit was criminally underutilized as a dutiful RV wife. She was confirmed pretty back then, I think 75.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Phat Mack
Kill Bill 1 & 2 Double Feature

I am susceptible to flattery: Then came Bronson!

I certainly hope I am NOT the only one who misses the wonderful Michael Parks...
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 01:10 PM
Escape From New York

David 14? No, Air Force 1: Now we know where Bin Laden got the idea!

The survival of the human race: Snake Plissken.

1988? 1997!

Master Life Clock: 20:17:03!

Twist those wires together: Going down?

McHale: They’re coming out of the sewers!

I want to meet the Brain: Harold, we were buddies!

The Duke of New York: Liberace’s pimpmobile!

(Note to editor: OK. The next part was real exciting but it was dark in the theater and I can’t read some of my notes, but this is basically what happens.)

Oh no they got the Snake and now they’re using the President as target practice so warm up the choppers we’re moving in but these are Snake's goggles in the briefcase so they figure he’s dead but no! there’s gonna be a cage fight with a big-ass guy with a mustache and Shaft is watching and they’re hitting each other with baseball bats and the weird punk guy gets offed by Harry Dean Stanton as he steals the President but now they have spikes in their bats and garbage can lids for shields but then the sewer rats throw the glider off the top of the World Trade Center and then Snake shoots the steam engine and here comes McHale in his taxi and off they go to the 69th Street Bridge. Snake Plissken is one cool customer. Crashes taxi into ‘67 Mustang (V8 - 5 lug nuts). I said jog right *******. Maggie he’s dead. Here comes Shaft. Snake on Shaft violence, President offs the Duke. Then they defibrillate Snake and everyone lights up and lives happily ever after.

Master Life Clock: 00:00:02!

There’s also a surprise at the end.

Daryl Hannah’s portrayal of Captain Hook reinterpreted by Kurt Russel. Ripley interpreted by Adrienne Barbeau. Clint Eastwood’s voice by either Kate Hudson or her father.

Both Ernest Borgnine and Harry Dean Stanton can be given the most ridiculous roles in the most ridiculous movies but then just make their characters sing!

Pretty much as good as it comes. Much better in a theater. Check it out!!!
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
I certainly hope I am NOT the only one who misses the wonderful Michael Parks...
When this first came out I was floored when his name scrolled by on the credits. I thought there was something vaguely familiar...
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
i bet if they made a poster of josh allen's feet you'd hang it above your bed
His legs, maybe. He does look good in shorts.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 02:00 PM
Watched the 1975 bizarro action-kung fu-hitman=CIA Sam Peckinpah movie, The Killer Elite, starring James Caan, Robert Duval, Burt Young, Bo Hopkins, Arthur Hill, Mako, and Gig Young.

Pretty entertaining, but it's not actually good. Caan and Duval are hitman buddies and they crack jokes and seem to be good friends for the first 20 minutes, until Duval double-crosses Caan and shoots him in the elbow and knee.

then we get about a half hour of Caan having surgery, rehabbing, going on a date with his pretty nurse, and learning how do kung fu with his cane, now that he has a permanent limp.

I get the feeling this movie is Peckinpah flipping his finger at the studio, because, really, nothing much happens. Although, there is a machine gun battle, a car chase, and a secret bomb placed under a cab. Oh yeah, and the laziest kung fu fight ever filmed at the end.

Caan is always watchable, Duval disappears through most of the movie, but plays a good STD joke on Caan that makes up for it.

I give it a, "WTF did I just watch?"
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 04:15 PM
Just caught the last few minutes of Bringing Up Baby on TCM.

Afterward, the host said that RKO execs didn't like it, and considered not releasing it.

When it was released, it was a flop both critically and at the box office. Cost Howard Hawkes his contract with RKO. Also Hepburn's last RKO picture, though she didn't say if it was a firing or just moved on.

I always thought this was one of the classics. I guess it came on later? Anyway, one of my favorites of that era.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-16-2021 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Watched the 1975 bizarro action-kung fu-hitman=CIA Sam Peckinpah movie, The Killer Elite, starring James Caan, Robert Duval, Burt Young, Bo Hopkins, Arthur Hill, Mako, and Gig Young.....

.....I give it a, "WTF did I just watch?"
I haven’t seen it since its original theatrical run but I remember thinking it was rather silly but that I liked Burt Young in it.

I also remember thinking that using the mothballed Victory ships in the Back Bay as a location was an inspired choice.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-18-2021 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by golddog
Just caught the last few minutes of Bringing Up Baby on TCM.

Afterward, the host said that RKO execs didn't like it, and considered not releasing it.

When it was released, it was a flop both critically and at the box office. Cost Howard Hawkes his contract with RKO. Also Hepburn's last RKO picture, though she didn't say if it was a firing or just moved on.
From an article about the movie on "At the time Bringing Up Baby was made, Katharine Hepburn was experiencing some trouble with RKO. The studio suits knew Hepburn had a considerable personal fortune and no tolerance for people who undermined her position so they offered her an ultimatum once Bringing Up Baby began to go over budget. She had the option to take a part in an undesirable film--Mother Carey's Chickens (1938) or buy out her contract. To no one's surprise, she chose the latter."

Originally Posted by golddog
I always thought this was one of the classics. I guess it came on later? Anyway, one of my favorites of that era.
More from "Like Casablanca (1942), Bringing Up Baby is a film that became a classic thanks to television airings starting in the '50s and revival screenings during the height of repertory cinema in the '60s. It is now regarded as one of the greatest comedies of Hollywood's golden age and has influenced the work of such contemporary directors as Peter Bogdanovich, Jonathan Demme and the Coen Brothers."
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-18-2021 , 12:21 PM
Thanks DC2LV, that's interesting stuff.

I'd add The Zucker brothers to the list of the influenced. The first time I saw Airplane! after I'd seen Bringing Up Baby, I saw a connection with the slapstick humor.

"Susan, you've got to get out of this apartment!"
"I can't, I have a lease."
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-19-2021 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by DC2LV

More from "Like Casablanca (1942), Bringing Up Baby is a film that became a classic thanks to television airings starting in the '50s and revival screenings during the height of repertory cinema in the '60s."
Casablanca was a classic upon release, it won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay.

While Bringing Up Baby has its moments, most of it is pretty meh. Try My Man Godfrey or His Girl Friday instead.

But the part about TV and revival houses in a way makes a good point. This used to be the only way the general public could watch old films.

Growing up in LA was great for a film buff like myself, lots of theatres that had access to Hollywood prints and more independent TV stations with late show films.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-19-2021 , 10:28 AM
Charles Manson: The Final Word is a great watch... makes a lot more sense than the prosecution's wacky Helter Skelter theory.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-19-2021 , 10:29 AM
as big of a fan of Bergman as I am, I have never seen the entire Casablanca film.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-19-2021 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
as big of a fan of Bergman as I am, I have never seen the entire Casablanca film.
It's worth a watch just for the weird way it's constructed. It takes a half hour of exposition on the front end before we meet everyone. Normally I hate that kind of thing but it is so well done that it's very enjoyable.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-20-2021 , 01:56 PM
Finally caught up with Nobody. Love the setup and execution. Super fun hang when I was craving some action. Have no complaints.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-20-2021 , 08:01 PM
Tenet Ok, I get the basic premise but jeez, this was utterly confusing. I was completely lost on the last scene where the red and blue groups were running around shooting and bombing stuff. I guess I could google in depth explanations of all of it but I'm not all that interested.

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet Attenborough looks back at his life and recounts the ongoing loss of earth's habitat.

Who doesn't love David Attenborough, or his documentaries? This one was particularly interesting to me because the older I get the more I think about such things. I don't want to start a whole political discussion but it is pretty evident that humans are going to have to find a better way to live on this planet.

He illustrates this quite well, but he doesn't just throw out gloom and doom. Some of the solutions I didn't know much about and found quite interesting.

Must see in my opinion.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
05-21-2021 , 12:28 AM
Actor Charles Grodin passed away a few days ago at the age of 86.

Do whatever it takes to find and watch the 1988 movie "Midnight Run" that he starred in with Robert De Niro. Thank me later.
Talk About Movies: Part 4 Quote
