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Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives

04-28-2023 , 09:11 AM
Not seen SNW - unless it comes to a streaming service I subscribe to, I won't bother.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
04-28-2023 , 11:15 AM
It's my favourite of the new Star Trek, alongside Lower Decks

Cos it's proper Star Trek, not embarrassed to be like Star Trek
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
04-29-2023 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
It's my favourite of the new Star Trek, alongside Lower Decks

Cos it's proper Star Trek, not embarrassed to be like Star Trek
Strange New Worlds is excellent, especially Lt. La'an Noonien Singh, a descendant of Khan. Plus the back story of Number One, Uhura and the Spock/T'Pring relationship.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-04-2023 , 09:57 AM
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-04-2023 , 12:11 PM
SNW was fantastic.

I'd like to see the third season of Picard, but have only heard bad things about the first two seasons. Is it ok to skip them, or should I watch them all?
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-04-2023 , 12:19 PM
Just ignore S1 and 2 of Picard - Terry Matalas clearly did when he wrote Season 3.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-04-2023 , 04:04 PM
These are from The Roddenberry Project by OTOY

those Spock likeness's are amazing.
Watch them Full Screen in 4k
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-07-2023 , 02:26 AM
finished voyager, had some very good chunks, even the bad episodes still moved the plot forward and they soon got out of their weird recurring villain phase of early season which didn't make sense considering they were just traveling a tremendous distance in a straight line

overall, glad it ended when it did, by the final season was reaching a lot of fatigue and was glad to have it wrapped up

in comparison, I definitely wanted more out of tng and ds9 when they ended (less so with ds9 but the nonsense that i didn't like was the that extended ending sequence - if they went back to day in the life stuff would have loved it)

as bad as picard season one was, season 2 is just disgustingly bad, made it about halfway through before pulling the plug

i've heard from a number or people outside this thread that s3 is worth watching, do you think i can skip 2nd half of s2, if i hated first half of s2 will i also hate 2nd half?
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-07-2023 , 02:40 AM
I just asked if I can skip s1 and 2 of Picard, and Elrazor said yes.

Exact same story as you, looking forward to watching S3.

Thanks Elrazor!
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-07-2023 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
if i hated first half of s2 will i also hate 2nd half?
Yes. If anything the second half is even worse than the first half, especially the final episode.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-07-2023 , 05:53 AM
Picard S2 was really bad. The good news it that's almost totally inconsequential to S3 so can be safely ignored.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-07-2023 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Rooksx
Picard S2 was really bad. The good news it that's almost totally inconsequential to S3 so can be safely ignored.
I quit Picard s2 in the middle of e3.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-07-2023 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Yes. If anything the second half is even worse than the first half, especially the final episode.
jfc how is that even possible, first half of s2 was some of the worst tv i've ever seen in my life

really appreciate all the input everyone
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-07-2023 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Kurn, son of Mogh
I quit Picard s2 in the middle of e3.
i wish i was that smart, i think i think i quit mid e4 or e5
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-08-2023 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
jfc how is that even possible, first half of s2 was some of the worst tv i've ever seen in my life
The IMDB reviews are rather generous for the second half of S2 IYAM.

Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023) Episode List

The one where Jurati sings is bad, but the one after there they go in Picard's mind makes "Shades of Grey" look decent.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-08-2023 , 01:41 AM
yeah the singing, that was it, that's literally when i was just like, no, i will not subject myself to any further torture and ended it mid episode - appears i got partially into episode 6 before calling it

and yeah, those ratings are quite generous indeed
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
05-08-2023 , 03:26 AM
Wow glad this came up, my sister was trying to get me to watch the entire thing when I expressed interest in watching S3.

My guess (based on this conversation which isn't much to go off of) is that only true TNG fans made it through S1, which greatly increases the ratings for S2 since all the casual watchers were already filtered out, leaving a bunch of people who are just happy to see their favorite faces on screen again.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
06-06-2023 , 06:52 AM
WRT Picard, I seem to be massively in the minority (not the first time) when I say that I liked S1 up until the last episode where it went massively, massively off the rails and I was so frustrated with what I considered the worst ending to a season in ST history. S2 was ok, fun in parts, nice to see evil Picard. But S3, start to finish, was an abomination in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a nuTrek hater at all, I loved the first two seasons of Discovery, am sort of in love with Pike's hair in SNW and am looking forward to S2, but S3 of Picard was everything that's wrong with the fandom: I call it Star Trek for the Marvel generation. I detested it and stuck through to the end because I had a huge amount of attachment to the characters and there were parts that sucked less hard than others. And I am absolutely flummoxed as to how any single person I consider to have the slightest bit of good taste has watched it and thought 'yeah that was good'.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-23-2023 , 10:48 PM
Started up strange new worlds

at first i really liked it as it goes back to the original and tng concepts

i also didn't even mind the character recycling - making it a prequel to the original

i think spock, the female 1st officer, and pyke are all well cast - can't say the same for the rest of it

the nurse is really hot and i like that - but then to give her more screen time she's now basically a second doctor - i get it, the original had a doctor + a nurse and they wanted to follow that formula but in order to put more t&a on screen they have the doctor take a major backseat to the nurse which really takes you out of it - like she's literally reconfiguring people's dna and performing surgery with scalpels unassisted while the doctor just looks at some data in the background or isn't even on screen - just really dumb

the security officer was great in the expanse and I was initially happy to see her cast in a new show i'd be watching but alas she appears to just be very bad at acting and doesn't really have the range to do anything beyond the in your face tough lady officer who'll execute any crew who disagree - i'm hoping she grows into the role but it just feels like her character is too focused on acting natural and remembering her lines

uhura who was slender and sexy as a middle aged woman

apparently got a lot of work done to achieve that because in her early 20s she is shaped like a potato

now i normally wouldn't care about that so much - but her character is the absolute worst - easily the most annoying and worst star trek character i've ever seen

she's this little "oh dear me I'm not even sure if i want to be in space" and "oh i don't know if i want to be put in danger or am capable of saving people" character personality and instead of them getting rid of this useless girl - they are like "no we believe in you, you can do it" and she's like "really? you think so?" and then they'll literally hold her hand walking her through stuff step by step - to the extent that whether or not she was there doesn't even matter - and yet it's somehow her accomplishment

and the best part is that the two "accomplishments" were completely meaningless

there's a thing where she's sent on an away mission and they are trapped and as the expert in liguistics, it's her job to decipher what all this writing means and perhaps that'll help them get out - she is able to realize it's music and just starts singing - this appears to have elicited a response and they are sent back freely to their ships - at the end of the episode we learn that they were in fact never in any danger whatsoever and that she literally accomplished nothing as whether she did that or they just sat down and took a nap it'd be an identical result - yet knowing all this she's still praised as a hero

the other time she's trapped in a cargo bay with the lead engineer during an attack - the engineer's hand is broken (just one hand mind you not both) so apparently he's unable to hit a keypad anymore. The door is also blocked with debris. they discover that if they don't hit some numbers on the keypad that the ship will explode and since the other guy forgot he has two hands, he just tells her what to type - they inform the captain and he's not concerned at all with this trivial matter because what kind of idiot can't hit some buttons and literally does not bother with worrying about the bomb, discussing how to help them, nor even check in with them about it because it's such a nothing burger as far as he is concerned

then they decide the best way to deceive these aliens who are pursuing them is to open the hatch and let the cargo slide out, this clears out all the debris and the two people trapped there just rope themselves in - and ride it out and apparently that makes uhura a hero again worthy of praise - "yeah girl, you roped yourself in and didn't get sucked out the airlock, 10 stars!"

just really hate uhura

then there's another character who doesn't play a starfleet officer but rather plays a lesbian - even down to the uber lesbian haircut - she's always making stupid comments like the captain will say "take us closer to the black hole" and she'll be like "oh golly this could go splat" or something else that's just stupid and really unprofessional

i don't hate as a person, i just hate the writers - they clearly wanted to be inclusive and bring on a bull dyke on the show and then didn't think through anything beyond that so she just stands around on screen with absolutely no personality nor contributions beyond the occasional unprofessional and stupid commentary - she also noticeably only socializes with other women on board - but that isn't difficult because of the main cast of 8, 5 are women - which in itself is not an issue but they just really didn't need to do this

i like the show but it feels like they are more concerned with being woke and virtue signaling than having a coherent plot and properly fleshed out characters - would have no issues with an inept woman and bull dyke as main characters if their entire character wasn't them just being inept in order to show her journey and strength (without actually showing it so it's not earned just bestowed upon so really dumb so just have her start out being competent) and another character who several episodes in has yet to do anything other than fill out some inclusivity matters

this right here - this is everything wrong with the show and why I paused to go post here

there's the lesbian with her 24/7 cheshire cat smile again just contributing nothing other than "you got a stupid hat"

and the reason for the hat?

fly fishing, if you ignore the constant creepy ventriloquist dummy smile on the lesbian, he's saying he's wearing it for fly fishing

and yet, that's clearly not a fly rod case and those are flies but rather lures on the hat

these hats don't exist - there's no way anyone found that hat in the natural world because those lures for conventional fishing are awkward and heavy and wouldn't be comfortable to wear on a hat like a near weightless fly

they also drove the hooks through the fabric, meaning those are incredibly difficult to remove, so those hats often have a patch of fluffy fabric to stick the flies on

again - this thing as a one off could be forgiveable, a prop director read the script and cobbled this together on her own thinking that's how it worked and/or didn't make it a priority thing

but the entire show is like this - just lots of minor and careless mistakes

plotlines that don't make sense, characters who don't say/act rationally, it's just not a well put together show

i'm going to stick with it and watch a few more episodes because I think it could turn things around but this feels like a picard level clown show is hiding right around the corner
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-24-2023 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
the security officer was great in the expanse and I was initially happy to see her cast in a new show i'd be watching but alas she appears to just be very bad at acting and doesn't really have the range to do anything beyond the in your face tough lady officer who'll execute any crew who disagree - i'm hoping she grows into the role but it just feels like her character is too focused on acting natural and remembering her lines
I think you are confusing two different actresses. If I am correct, the expanse actress that you liked, although similar in appearance, is a different actress to the Trek actress you don't like.
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-24-2023 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
Started up strange new worlds

at first i really liked it as it goes back to the original and tng concepts

i also didn't even mind the character recycling - making it a prequel to the original

i think spock, the female 1st officer, and pyke are all well cast - can't say the same for the rest of it

the nurse is really hot and i like that - but then to give her more screen time she's now basically a second doctor - i get it, the original had a doctor + a nurse and they wanted to follow that formula but in order to put more t&a on screen they have the doctor take a major backseat to the nurse which really takes you out of it - like she's literally reconfiguring people's dna and performing surgery with scalpels unassisted while the doctor just looks at some data in the background or isn't even on screen - just really dumb

the security officer was great in the expanse and I was initially happy to see her cast in a new show i'd be watching but alas she appears to just be very bad at acting and doesn't really have the range to do anything beyond the in your face tough lady officer who'll execute any crew who disagree - i'm hoping she grows into the role but it just feels like her character is too focused on acting natural and remembering her lines

uhura who was slender and sexy as a middle aged woman

apparently got a lot of work done to achieve that because in her early 20s she is shaped like a potato

now i normally wouldn't care about that so much - but her character is the absolute worst - easily the most annoying and worst star trek character i've ever seen

she's this little "oh dear me I'm not even sure if i want to be in space" and "oh i don't know if i want to be put in danger or am capable of saving people" character personality and instead of them getting rid of this useless girl - they are like "no we believe in you, you can do it" and she's like "really? you think so?" and then they'll literally hold her hand walking her through stuff step by step - to the extent that whether or not she was there doesn't even matter - and yet it's somehow her accomplishment

and the best part is that the two "accomplishments" were completely meaningless

there's a thing where she's sent on an away mission and they are trapped and as the expert in liguistics, it's her job to decipher what all this writing means and perhaps that'll help them get out - she is able to realize it's music and just starts singing - this appears to have elicited a response and they are sent back freely to their ships - at the end of the episode we learn that they were in fact never in any danger whatsoever and that she literally accomplished nothing as whether she did that or they just sat down and took a nap it'd be an identical result - yet knowing all this she's still praised as a hero

the other time she's trapped in a cargo bay with the lead engineer during an attack - the engineer's hand is broken (just one hand mind you not both) so apparently he's unable to hit a keypad anymore. The door is also blocked with debris. they discover that if they don't hit some numbers on the keypad that the ship will explode and since the other guy forgot he has two hands, he just tells her what to type - they inform the captain and he's not concerned at all with this trivial matter because what kind of idiot can't hit some buttons and literally does not bother with worrying about the bomb, discussing how to help them, nor even check in with them about it because it's such a nothing burger as far as he is concerned

then they decide the best way to deceive these aliens who are pursuing them is to open the hatch and let the cargo slide out, this clears out all the debris and the two people trapped there just rope themselves in - and ride it out and apparently that makes uhura a hero again worthy of praise - "yeah girl, you roped yourself in and didn't get sucked out the airlock, 10 stars!"

just really hate uhura

then there's another character who doesn't play a starfleet officer but rather plays a lesbian - even down to the uber lesbian haircut - she's always making stupid comments like the captain will say "take us closer to the black hole" and she'll be like "oh golly this could go splat" or something else that's just stupid and really unprofessional

i don't hate as a person, i just hate the writers - they clearly wanted to be inclusive and bring on a bull dyke on the show and then didn't think through anything beyond that so she just stands around on screen with absolutely no personality nor contributions beyond the occasional unprofessional and stupid commentary - she also noticeably only socializes with other women on board - but that isn't difficult because of the main cast of 8, 5 are women - which in itself is not an issue but they just really didn't need to do this

i like the show but it feels like they are more concerned with being woke and virtue signaling than having a coherent plot and properly fleshed out characters - would have no issues with an inept woman and bull dyke as main characters if their entire character wasn't them just being inept in order to show her journey and strength (without actually showing it so it's not earned just bestowed upon so really dumb so just have her start out being competent) and another character who several episodes in has yet to do anything other than fill out some inclusivity matters

this right here - this is everything wrong with the show and why I paused to go post here

there's the lesbian with her 24/7 cheshire cat smile again just contributing nothing other than "you got a stupid hat"

and the reason for the hat?

fly fishing, if you ignore the constant creepy ventriloquist dummy smile on the lesbian, he's saying he's wearing it for fly fishing

and yet, that's clearly not a fly rod case and those are flies but rather lures on the hat

these hats don't exist - there's no way anyone found that hat in the natural world because those lures for conventional fishing are awkward and heavy and wouldn't be comfortable to wear on a hat like a near weightless fly

they also drove the hooks through the fabric, meaning those are incredibly difficult to remove, so those hats often have a patch of fluffy fabric to stick the flies on

again - this thing as a one off could be forgiveable, a prop director read the script and cobbled this together on her own thinking that's how it worked and/or didn't make it a priority thing

but the entire show is like this - just lots of minor and careless mistakes

plotlines that don't make sense, characters who don't say/act rationally, it's just not a well put together show

i'm going to stick with it and watch a few more episodes because I think it could turn things around but this feels like a picard level clown show is hiding right around the corner
this is the worst post i've seen on 2+2 for a good few years, I mean you really went all in with the dumb and hateful didn't you
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-24-2023 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by wolfbook
I think you are confusing two different actresses. If I am correct, the expanse actress that you liked, although similar in appearance, is a different actress to the Trek actress you don't like.
wow you are right, thanks for pointing that out - i was so incredibly disappointed to see how much this actress sucked because i loved her in the expanse

also just realized that's rebecca romijn as #1 - had no idea, she's aged very well and definitely improved her acting skills over time (but hard to say for sure because her role is rather limited despite being the first officer)

Originally Posted by wazz
this is the worst post i've seen on 2+2 for a good few years, I mean you really went all in with the dumb and hateful didn't you
what specific parts were dumb and hateful, please show your work
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-24-2023 , 04:03 PM
you're not really showing your work there and explaining what I said was stupid or hateful

but now i learned how to tell if someone has never interacted with lesbians before without telling me they've never interacted with lesbians

the only way to make this character more lesbian is if her starfleet uniform were flannel and her command station was a karaoke machine

nothing i wrote about it was hateful towards lesbians, i have many lesbian friends, i lived with two lesbians as roommates for 2 years

what i don't like about the character is she purely exists to be a lesbian onboard for inclusivity purposes - she is not a character with any personality or meaning - she's simply lesbian wallpaper - that's what's wrong with her, not that she's lesbian

i'd feel no differently than if they wanted to have a redneck character and all he did was eat hotdogs and say let's go brandon
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-24-2023 , 04:14 PM
the creators of the show very clearly wanted a multi-ethnic and lgbt+ crew - there's nothing wrong with this

but they failed miserably - instead of having a pilot who happens to be a latina lesbian, they instead went with latina lesbian who needs an excuse to be on screen so let's make her a pilot

it's poor writing - that's what I'm offended by, not by the fact she's a latina lesbian

lt uhura in the original was an absolute breakout role, putting a black woman on screen is a strong role for a major television show was incredibly brave and forward thinking at the time - but they didn't make her identity about being a black woman - you take away her race and gender and she's the same character and that's why it works and people liked it and why uhura continues to be a fan favorite and a really good character

When the Starship Enterprise finally continues its voyage this week, the loud and proud contingent of LGBTQ+ Star Trek fans will see something very special: themselves, represented in the 23rd century.

“I love that we’re premiering during Pride Month,” actor Melissa Navia tells The Daily Beast’s Obsessed, speaking ahead of the Season 2 launch of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds June 15 on Paramount+. “I feel like our poster is about that, too,” she adds. Promotional advertisements and videos prominently feature rainbow coloring and graphics, much to Navia’s delight. “I don't know if that was on purpose, but I’m going to go ahead and say it was!”

On Strange New Worlds, Navia plays Erica Ortegas, the pilot of the U.S.S. Enterprise. The Star Trek prequel series is set in the future, but also the past; the adventures take place in the 2200s, but it’s several years before those depicted in the original series from the 1960s, when Sulu (George Takei) served as helmsman under William Shatner’s iconic Capt. James T. Kirk.

When Strange New Worlds launched last summer, Navia was asked by Variety about her character’s androgynous appearance and demeanor. “I like that we’re approaching it in a way that nobody bats an eye. Like, they shouldn’t, right? Everybody should be a bit queer,” she said. “I know I give off this wonderful queer energy. It’s just been a part of who I am.”

Because Ortegas wasn’t already a part of “Trek” history like Uhura or Nurse Chapel, Navia was clued into everything about the character for her first audition.

“The name was right there in the breakdown,” she said. “She’s a pilot. Combat veteran. Latina.”
Navia is fully aware that Ortegas’ androgynous appearance — not to mention her chemistry with male and female crewmates alike — has suggested to many LGBTQ+ “Trek” fans that Ortegas is queer. It’s a perception she’s played into happily.

“I’ve been playing Ortegas to be very much, like, she’s super loyal to her crew and she also has a crush on probably all of them,” she said.

Since the launch of “Star Trek: Discovery” in 2017, the franchise has incorporated many explicitly LGBTQ+ characters into its storylines, part of a wider effort to bring the “Star Trek” prime directive of infinite diversity in infinite combinations into 21st century storytelling. Most recently on “Strange New Worlds,” trans actor Jesse James Keitel played a nonbinary space pirate who befriends (and then betrays) Lt. Spock.

But Navia is comfortable with leaving Ortegas’ identity more ambiguous. To her, that’s the point.

“I don’t want to sound like it’s a flippant thing, but she doesn’t have to put label on it,” she said of Ortegas. “I like that we’re approaching it in a way that nobody bats an eye. Like, they shouldn’t, right? Everybody should be a bit queer. Everybody is a bit queer, I feel, you know?”

She paused. “And in that way, me too,” she said. “This has been my whole life and I’m so happy about it, but I know I give off this wonderful queer energy. It’s just been a part of who I am.”
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
10-24-2023 , 04:19 PM
look at it this way, picard was a great character and could have been played by an asian or a black man or even a super effeminately flamboyant gay man

it would have still worked

they wouldn't have needed to rewrite half his dialogue or change his story arc

characters need to be able to stand up on their own merits in order to work - if they are simply their to check diversity boxes then it's disgusting pandering

this is also why one of my favorite shows right now is hacks, an entirely female cast with the one male being black and gay, in fact the main character is bisexual and leans much more towards women than men - but it works because they are dealing with normal problems that exist for everyone - the plotlines are not about finding the bisexual female macguffin, it's about a macguffin that anyone can seek - it's an amazing show and you swapped out the characters for people of different genders and races it'd still work just as well with minimal impact

meanwhile lt ortega is a haircut and nothing else, you change that haircut and it's an entirely different character
Star Trek Thread: To Boldly Split Infinitives Quote
