Originally Posted by dcasper70
I have truly enjoyed staking my claim to this little portion of this site, and the responses both public and private have given everyone associated a look into different side of 2+2.
I'd notice you aren't around much anymore. Thanks for this thread and stop by and say hello some time.
Originally Posted by colgin
Well, after a very long wait I finally get to post in this thread. My wife is pregnant and we are expecting our first on or about July 8.
Originally Posted by killa
Db its a girl (revenge on the OOT mod imo)
me some killa visiting the Lounge.
Originally Posted by Fishwhenican
Now I simply have to rely on word getting around that I really am one crazy Mother ****er who owns lots of guns and knows a lot of places to make someone disappear and never ever be found.
My husband made sure to make it obvious to the local boys early on that he was packing when they were here to work on some fences. Word travels fast in small towns. +EV
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
Well, the wife and I just had our 20-week ultrasound. It's going to be a boy, due July 5th.
We're pretty set on the name Jackson. The middle name we're not too sure of.
How does Jackson Bonham Dahl sound?
I like Jackson, could go either way on Bonham. The key to a middle name is can you make it sound threatening.
Originally Posted by WilliamLowe
Gingers reproducing ITT. J/K Adorable.
Originally Posted by livinitup0
Tminus 3 weeks until baby time.
The baby's 7lb right now, and the doctor said she wouldnt be surprised if he was a week or two early...so I guess it could be pretty much any time.
Question....for the newborn daddies out there...
I know each birth is different, but were you guys swamped with baby stuff morning until night for the 1st week? How tiring was the 1st year? Ive heard that it can be really calm or really hectic that first week. I'm going to be staying home with him full time pretty soon and Im wondering how much work I'll actualy be able to do at home while watching him.
any helpful advice would be much appreciated. thanks
Very close! Looking forward to your update!
Personally, I never would have made it through the first week without my husband on our first. The wife will really need you.
I worked at home with The Boy, and it was OK for maybe 3-4 months? After they start to be awake more, it's a real challenge.
P.S. So cool to have poin posting here.
P.S.S. I almost got sentimental over mine being almost grown after peeking in here. But, tbh I'm not up to raising a new one anymore and the grandbabies will start in the next few years, so I'm cool with it.