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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

03-10-2017 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by rbenuck4

An emotionally charged gritty conclusion to the Wolverine anthology. We have now entered the age of R rated superhero movies, as movie studios and executives have realized that it is not 12 year olds who are flocking to the theaters anymore to see these CGI/testosterone fueled epics, it's grown men like myself.

Hugh Jackman gives his best Wolverine performance in this story. He's aged, he's tired, his claws have arthritis, he doesn't heal like he used to, and yet piss him off, and he will unleash a fury onto you like you wouldn't believe. He is a boozer, and is mainly trying to keep to himself driving an uber limousine.

The film starts with a simple carjacking that goes wrong for the criminals. We know right from the start that this movie is rated a hard 'R' for violence. The action sequences are done extremely well, whether it be in a Texas warehouse or a North Dakota forest. There isn't as much CGI as you would expect from a X-men movie, but they more than make up for that with well choreographed fights and a viciousness that I don't think I've seen in a comic book movie before.

We get introduced to a new character, a mute girl who's special abilities are eerily similar to that of the Wolverine. We get reintroduced to Patrick Stewart as Professor X, but with some dementia which could be quite dangerous in someone who has his mental abilities. There are a couple other mutants thrown in, but none of them are given a whole lot of weight, the bulk is spent developing the relationship between Logan and the girl. Logan has to get this girl to a safe haven in Canada, and she is being pursued by some evil corporation who want to wipe any evidence of her off the face of this earth.

The movie is paced very similarly to a classic Western, and there are even some overt references to the movie Shane.

There are a few plotlines that fell a little flat for me. I felt they could've expounded a bit more on what Professor X did a few years back that made him so notorious. I also felt like the change in the relationship between Logan and Laura happened too abruptly. That being said, overall, this was a well done X-men movie, maybe even the best X-men movie. The final scene did indeed tug at my heart strings.

This isn't The Dark Knight, but it's also not X-men Apocalypse. This movie will satisfy your bloodlust and your desire to shed some tears. It packs a heck of a punch, and is a touching farewell to a superhero that we have known for a few decades.
It might interest you to know that the scene where

Professor X loses control and unintentionally kills the X-Men

was in the original script, but they chose not to include the scene in the final film. As much as I'd have loved to see such a scene visualized, I believe the story was stronger by slowly revealing what happened.

I am a bit frustrated at Mangold revisiting the same well again for Logan where once again, Wolverine must deal with his healing ability being diminished.

On the other hand, this felt excellent when thinking of it as a depiction more in line with the original Wolverine. Comic writers slowly exaggerated his healing ability until it made him nearly immortal, but when his character first appeared, he healed faster than a normal person, but nothing like what we've seen in the most recent films.

And while the repeated obstacle felt a bit stale to me, I did enjoy this depiction of why his ability is diminished and how that's affecting him. You could almost look at The Wolverine as the blueprint for Logan. Mangold repeats some of the same ideas, but he takes what was ripe with potential in the first film and develops them into everything they needed to be.

A tiny criticism, I felt like the movie ended a bit too abruptly. Just a 30 second epilogue would have been nice.
03-10-2017 , 09:16 PM

This was far better than I expected. The cgi is outstanding. There is also some very unusual cinematography including many shots I have not seen before. Worth a look.

Grade: B-
03-11-2017 , 05:20 AM
Just watched Superman. It's a lot better than I expected. I hadn't seen it since I was a little kid. Christopher Reeve nails it as Superman.

It's interesting how little action there is. It takes like 45 minutes to get to Clark Kent and about one hour to get the first appearance of Superman doing something (helicopter scene). The villain plot is pretty bare.
03-11-2017 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Kong was good fun. Nothing like seeing a giant gorilla taking on a squadron of choppers.
does he die?

if not... the set up for Godzilla vs King Kong.
03-11-2017 , 06:37 PM
let's just say you should stay through the credits...
03-11-2017 , 07:07 PM
I suppose I have no one to blame but myself for watching Assassin's Creed. It was clearly going to be bad, didn't realize just how bad it could be, though. At least now I know the answer to "is it really possible for a movie with Fassbender and Cotillard to be that bad?"

Yes. Yes, it is.
03-11-2017 , 07:17 PM
List of good movies based on video games (specific game, not the concept of video games like the original Tron):


To be fair, the list of such movies I've seen:
03-11-2017 , 07:47 PM
Just watched Ordinary People which won the Best Picture Oscar in 1980.

Had been wanting to see it since it is one of the few best picture winners I never had seen. It was okay but mostly slow and boring. The performances were all great by a large very recognizable cast. But this is not best picture quality if you ask me. You will have a tough time convincing me this is more worthy than Raging Bull.
03-11-2017 , 08:25 PM
Logan aka a **** load of wolverines

This was well done but the Shane comparisons were a stretch. When did the comic book world decide all superhero movies have to be a version of Grave of the Fireflies?

Grade: B
03-11-2017 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
List of good movies based on video games (specific game, not the concept of video games like the original Tron):


To be fair, the list of such movies I've seen:
The two Tomb Raider movies with Jolie were fun. Good? Not in a high quality, that could win an Oscar type of a way, No of course not. But they were relatively fun 'popcorn flicks.'

Although I never got into the Resident Evil movies a lot of people seem to really like them, including a few longers I think, and they must have had something going for them as they've made about a million of them.

Hardcore Henry isn't based on a specific video game but it was supposed to BE a video game as a movie. Concept was cool although I personally didn't need a full feature length movie of it, a short film would have sufficient just fine.

There's probably a few defendable video game movies I'm not thinking of at the moment but at least those ones...
03-11-2017 , 08:48 PM
Doesn't fully fit the bill, but have to mention Stay Alive. Where if you die in the video game, you die in real life! Starring Frankie Muniz and McPoyle.

It is as bad as it sounds, but it is in fact so bad it's awesome (I own it). I was in to watching the bottom 100 on IMDB for a while tho, so take it with a grain of salt

Edit: Also Wreck It Ralph. More references to video games than actual characters but people liked it
03-12-2017 , 01:58 AM

WWII: Hell in the Pacific

Lee Marvin: Hard Eight

Danang:Wrong beer

Samuel L. Jackson: Samuel L. Jackson

Fay Wray: Shutterbug

War Paint: Pixelated Aztec Code

Primates vs. Lizards:

Closing Credits: As per Dom

Closing Credits: Interminable

And then? Setup for Kong2, Kong3, Kong4, Kong5a -- The Mothra Years, & Kong5b -- Son of Rodan


Check it out
03-12-2017 , 04:14 AM
After seeing the preview where the helicopters decide to do a calvary charge straight at Kong instead of firing at him from a distance, I decided I'd be skipping that movie.

Movie nit for life
03-12-2017 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
List of good movies based on video games (specific game, not the concept of video games like the original Tron):


To be fair, the list of such movies I've seen:
I agree that the first Tomb Raider isn't the worst piece of crap ever made.

A couple of the Resident Evils aren't terrible, and Final Fantasy:Spirits Within was fine.

I'm not sure I can classify any of these as 'good,' but they also weren't Super Mario Bros: The Movie.
03-12-2017 , 10:35 AM
Talking of decent video games movies, I like Silent Hill.
03-12-2017 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
List of good movies based on video games (specific game, not the concept of video games like the original Tron):


To be fair, the list of such movies I've seen:
Mortal Kombat is still enormously entertaining

03-12-2017 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
the helicopters decide to do a calvary charge straight at Kong instead of firing at him from a distance
Uh, no.

Even in the event that you meant 'cavalry', you may not have understood what you were seeing.

Word nit for life.
03-12-2017 , 12:20 PM
03-12-2017 , 12:27 PM
Logan is leaps and bounds above most of the other Marvel stuff, but overall it is just good, not great.
03-12-2017 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Mortal Kombat is still enormously entertaining

It really is very entertaining
03-12-2017 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
Logan is leaps and bounds above most of the other Marvel stuff, but overall it is just good, not great.
It depends on how high you rate those films in general. It's a great super hero movie. But it's not going to win best picture.
03-12-2017 , 01:50 PM
Yep typing quickly on a phone can lead to some things like that.

That's great if the several Shots of helicopters charging straight at Kong are taken out of context, but that was my impression from the preview.

I agree that Logan was good not great (mostly due to the 2 reasons I spoilered)
03-12-2017 , 04:41 PM
The one criticism I have about Logan is that it attempts to be this gritty, realistic, character driven story, but then every time the bad guys show up they throw a million anonymous henchmen at them and Wolverine and the other good guys just tear through them like stormtroopers and I'm reminded, "Oh, right this is just a comic book movie." Also, I'm hearing things like, "Wow it's refreshing that they went for an R rating" but they should've lowered the body count and the gore to make the violence more impactful, like in the many westerns that the movie attempted to emulate.
03-12-2017 , 04:59 PM
Talking about movies based on videogames:

The second Tomb Raider was really bad.

The first Resident Evil was good (if I remember correctly).

I enjoyed the first Street Fighter movies as a kid. Mortal Kombat was also entertaining. I've only seen a few others, but they have been either terrible (Mario Bros) or not memorable (Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy).

According to Wikipedia on videogame films, none of them have had 50% or higher on Rotten Tomatoes. The closest are Final Fantasy with 44% and Angry Birds with 43%. With respect to Metacritic, Mortal Kombat is the highest with a 58, Final Fantasy has 49 and Prince of Persia has a 50.
03-12-2017 , 05:13 PM
The movie Dredd (with Karl Urban) felt like a videogame and it turned out pretty good.
