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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

09-12-2016 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Not sure if anyone here has heard of this one movie this one time by that guy who made that other movie, but it was sick.
never heard about it but I'm going to search for it and I would watch it
09-12-2016 , 12:57 PM
I think I saw it and it left me ambivalent.
09-12-2016 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Aries007
never heard about it but I'm going to search for it and I would watch it
09-12-2016 , 06:32 PM
Jackie. Natalie Portman plays Jackie Kennedy in Pablo Larrain's new film. The movie covers approximately a week immediately following JFK's assassination. I started to write this up and then changed tabs and didn't notice I hadn't finished it so that's probably a good indicator of how interesting I found it. I don't know why but it just fell really flat for me. It has some interesting themes about legacy, power, and the facade she would put up for the public and the press. 5/10.
09-12-2016 , 08:51 PM
Been in a Korean flick mood lately...watched The Man from Nowhere and I saw the Devil recently. I've seen both several times but damn so so good. ISTD starts super twisted and never lets up.
09-12-2016 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by Aries007
never heard about it but I'm going to search for it and I would watch it
Hope you've read the entire thread by now.
09-13-2016 , 12:40 AM
i know this is the movie thread not the TV thread but since I posted about Saving Private Ryan here, I just finished my rewatch of Band of Brothers. I had only seen it before in high school history class (in which i napped through parts ), so obv I got alot out of rewatching it. I forgot how few of the men from the pilot make it to the end.

I could go on about a lot of things if ppl want to have a little discussion about the show but for now I'll just say I think the ep in Bastogne that focused on the medic was my favorite. And n the last ep the guy translating the german general's surrendering words to his men as a reflection of what easy company had been through was some awesome poetic ****.

Obv much more I could write about it.
09-13-2016 , 12:43 AM
Bleed For This. Miles Teller plays Vinny Pazienza in the based on a true story of one of the major moments of his career. Trying to stay spoiler free here as much as possible so I'll just say the story takes a few liberties with the actual series of events but it tells the real story generally. I think some of those liberties are going to knock how some people will feel about the movie down a little bit. I really enjoyed how the fights were shot, which felt more than a little borrowed from Creed. But that was excellent in-ring work as well so no issues there. Miles Teller and Aaron Eckhart are both good. Overall this is a well-told story about determination if you forget about the real life details and accept the film's version of events. 7/10.
09-13-2016 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by thedinergetsby
i know this is the movie thread not the TV thread but since I posted about Saving Private Ryan here, I just finished my rewatch of Band of Brothers. I had only seen it before in high school history class (in which i napped through parts ), so obv I got alot out of rewatching it. I forgot how few of the men from the pilot make it to the end.

I could go on about a lot of things if ppl want to have a little discussion about the show but for now I'll just say I think the ep in Bastogne that focused on the medic was my favorite. And n the last ep the guy translating the german general's surrendering words to his men as a reflection of what easy company had been through was some awesome poetic ****.

Obv much more I could write about it.
band of brothers transcends the medium of tv.

its absolutely fine to discuss it here imo.

ive seen it more times than i remember and never enjoy it any less.
i love every single episode but if i had to pick a least fav its prolly the one that focuses on the kid struggling with cowardice (goes blind from fear etc).

but even my least fav episode is awesome.
09-13-2016 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by dcm91
is anybody here on letterboxd?

here's mine

(that's just what I've kept track of since 2015)
I am on letterboxd but don't really track every movie I watch on there. I use it for lists and such. Useful for when I'm at film festivals letterboxd profile
09-13-2016 , 07:10 AM
American History X In a strange internet bit of irony, this popped up on my queue. I'd like to comment but ive learned my lesson.

Great acting by norton.
09-13-2016 , 08:53 AM
I don't remember much about American History X but I do remember the hatred it gets here but also don't really remember why. I thought the movie was good when I watched it in high school.

For Band of Brothers, the second episode, Day of Days, is my favorite. The chaos of the landing is done incredibly well. Winters taking over after Meehan's plane is shot down and then his attack on Brecourt Manor and proving himself really sets up the story. The show doesn't really touch on this but Winters medal he received for this was originally suggested to be a medal of honor. He downplayed the significance however and got the distinguished service cross instead.

It's also impossible to see the aftermath of this fight since it's beyond the scope of the show: the landing at Utah Beach went incredibly smoothly compared to the other Normandy landings and of the course the map found was incredibly valuable.

Oh and Speirs is introduced when he runs outside of the trenches to take the final gun.

Perfect episode, but it's hard to go wrong choosing any of them.
09-13-2016 , 09:24 AM
Band of Brothers Episode Power Rankings

1. Crossroads
2. Currahee (Ross GOAT)
3. Day of Days
4. Carentan
5. Bastogne
6. Replacements
7. The Last Patrol
8. The Breaking Point
9. Points
10. Why We Fight
09-13-2016 , 10:04 AM
The Lobster

This is a romantic comedy I guess. It's set up in a world where if you don't find your true love, then you get turned into an animal of your choosing. For Colin Farrell, that's a lobster. There are many other rules that this society abides by, but I don't want to go through them on here as a lot of the jokes are centered around explaining this quirky society. There is a good amount of physical humor associated with following these rules.

Half the movie takes place in a hotel for people trying one last shot at finding their true love, the other half of the movie is outside of the hotel with a new love interest in Rachel Weiss.

I thought the first half of the movie was hysterical, and the 2nd half fell completely flat. I just found very little humor in what happened to these characters outside of the hotel. I was interested in the choice he had to make at the end, and kind of enjoyed that final shot, waiting for the payoff, but otherwise, I felt like this was 2 different movies, and only one was successful.

That being said, the themes that this movie touches upon are wonderful. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be in a loving, committed relationship, and sometimes jump through ridiculous hoops to try and achieve this notion of happiness, and the movie does a nice job of satirizing it. The movie paints this weird society as absolutely ridiculous, but how much stranger are they than we are? In certain circles of society, you might as well be a lobster if you aren't married with 2.5 kids.
09-13-2016 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Inland_Taipan
Been in a Korean flick mood lately...watched The Man from Nowhere and I saw the Devil recently. I've seen both several times but damn so so good. ISTD starts super twisted and never lets up.
You'll like The Chaser if you haven't already seen it
09-13-2016 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by dcm91
is anybody here on letterboxd?

here's mine

(that's just what I've kept track of since 2015)
ive been using a combo of icheckmovies and criticker for awhile...just signed up for letterboxd and not really seeing where it's better
09-13-2016 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Human Halo
09-13-2016 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
American History X In a strange internet bit of irony, this popped up on my queue. I'd like to comment but ive learned my lesson.

Great acting by norton.
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I don't remember much about American History X but I do remember the hatred it gets here but also don't really remember why. I thought the movie was good when I watched it in high school.
this is why you liked it. It has high school-level narrative and themes. Racism is BAD, m'kay? But here's a Magical Negro to show you the error of your ways. Awful movie. Norton was quite good in it, though, I'll give you that.
09-13-2016 , 06:51 PM
^Yeh i do agree that AHX wasn't all that great. That first scene when Norton's car gets broken into was awesome imo, and i was expecting a fantastic movie. But it fell flat in the end.

Originally Posted by biggerboat
Great acting by norton.
Man, Norton is in my top 3 favourite/best actors easy. Every fkn movie i see him in, he's doing a totally different role and acting unbelievably well. If you like Norton, watch The Score. He is incredible in that. ...Some reviewers didn't like it. Seems to be a polarizing movie. But i liked it a lot.

Last edited by petesgotaces; 09-13-2016 at 06:57 PM.
09-13-2016 , 07:52 PM
I freaking loved spiers and when he has to take over in the middle of the assault n just runs right thru the town to contact the cut off squad it's all just so bad ass.

godamnit I was gonna wait a few more months before watching it again but all this talk has forced my hand.

Ive lost track of how any times I've watched it but it's gotta be approaching ten.
09-13-2016 , 08:18 PM
La La Land is really enjoyable. Such a throwback to the old school musicals (including opening with a "Shot in Cinemascope" title card). Has some great numbers and I liked Gosling and Stone. It has one middle section that drags but the closing segment is great which really helps. Damien Chazelle definitely knows how to end a movie. 8/10.
09-13-2016 , 09:40 PM
I wasnt a fan of ahx either...
09-13-2016 , 09:41 PM
And I am half german
09-13-2016 , 09:41 PM
If band of brothers wasn't true I'd call speirs an awful character for being so unrealistic.
09-14-2016 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by mflip
Nocturnal Animals. Damn this is a gorgeous film. Tom Ford's 2nd film is awesome. He brilliantly weaves three different timelines (present, past, and a fictional novel in the film) together seamlessly so that each story enhances the others. I don't think I can speak highly enough about this. When you just take 3 of the best actors working today, point the camera at them and let them do all of the work you can't really go wrong. But when you layer Tom Ford's visual aesthetic on top of it you get something special. Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Michael Shannon are all perfect and he gets a really good performance out of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as well.

As a brief summary because it's probably better to not know too much of the story going in, Amy Adams is an art gallery director who receives a package from her ex-husband (Gyllenhaal) containing the manuscript for his novel. The story then moves back and forth between Amy Adams currently as she is reading the novel, the story in the novel itself, as well as Adams reflecting on the past relationship with her ex-husband. I feel like I often over-hype movies coming out of TIFF screenings especially when I write this immediately after I leave the theatre but I loved it. 10/10.
Great review! I've been anticipating this film for awhile, glad it delivered for you.
