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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

03-28-2014 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Short Term 12 is heavy, Brie Larson largely puts this on her shoulders; with some help from many of the younger actors as patients (she is a "line staff" worker at a mental health facility). A lot of pitfalls are avoided through Larson's can I say grace as an actress? I'm not trying to be cute - the character she plays is rather aptly named Grace - the screenplay in lesser hands wouldn't entirely work. It's a rough experience most of the runtime. Larson conveys such pain, such a wide spectrum of emotions in these very small moments. And that's why it works. I've got a nit or two to pick over the screenplay & ultimately the ending I'm not sure if it was perfect or "off" but I can't explain without saying what happens. I'll stop now. You should watch this, its excellent. 9/10
it was definitely one of the better films released last year.
03-28-2014 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
ya I hate it when I go see a movie based on a true story and the director changes key aspects of it.

it's like "bro this ACTUALLY HAPPENED and we have it documented, just stick to the facts" jeez.
Lol. I love this post.
03-28-2014 , 08:57 AM
yeah, made me laugh as well!
03-28-2014 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
Funny you mention that:

Really, really great article.
This is an excellent piece.

Granted, it is entirely personal, Hollywood-insider stuff, and that really ought not matter much. But it does, in the real world.

For me, though, I have to say, Gibson's absence in Hollywood is a shame. He is actually a fine actor, sure, but this guy can direct a movie. While I do not feel Braveheart has held up especially well, Apocalypto and The Passion are both fine art. They are infinitely better-crafted than the vast majority of working directors could achieve.

In a world where Boy freaking George can abduct and sexually torture a guy and then go on tour, can we not forgive someone who actually has something to offer? His transgressions are really no worse than the average person's.

In fact, relative to the "average person," they are likely not as bad.
03-28-2014 , 03:30 PM
The Passion is fine art? It's awful reductive torture porn.
03-28-2014 , 04:30 PM
The Mighty Ducks was one of my favorites as a youngster, enjoyed this:
03-28-2014 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by scottp4braves
The Mighty Ducks was one of my favorites as a youngster, enjoyed this:
Read about half of the article.

D2 The Mighty Ducks was one of my childhood favorites. I've seen it at least a dozen times.

Also, Sandlot and Jurassic Park would play on repeat.
03-28-2014 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
TMNT will be awful I'm sure just because of Bay (though to be fair, I'm not sure I've seen any Michael Bay movie since The Rock), but fanboys who can't accept that sometimes things have to change for adaptations are still the absolute nut worst.
I can't wait for the fanboy meltdown that's going to happen when the new star wars movies come out.
03-28-2014 , 05:44 PM
What's the quote about how a person handles adversity says way more about them than how they handle success?
03-28-2014 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
I can't wait for the fanboy meltdown that's going to happen when the new star wars movies come out.
Anyone under any delusion that these will be good is well, delusional.
03-28-2014 , 06:32 PM
I'll think I'll see it before judging.
03-28-2014 , 06:34 PM
I rate Passion way more than most. I think it's a beautifully directed piece, and that beating was very affecting - there's not many movies that make me angry the way that made me angry (at the characters doing the beating, not at the moviemaker).

I'm an atheist, let's be clear this isn't about how I feel about Jesus.
03-28-2014 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
I'll think I'll see it before judging.
Of course, but if I was betting over under on a RT rating I'd but the line at 60% and take the under.

For TMNT I'd put the line at 45% and take the under.
03-28-2014 , 07:00 PM

Gibson returned to his genre roots in Get The Gringo recently, acting I mean. He was pretty damn good in that.
03-28-2014 , 07:01 PM
Kick Ass #122


So coming to this rewatch, I thought now the media buzz is long gone and I can watch without that excitement, I'd enjoy it well enough, but it wouldn't be as much fun as the first time.

I was wrong. If anything, it was even more fun. This movie does kick ass. The introduction of Hit Girl is even funnier, Nick Cage channelling Adam West's Batman is more obvious (and funnier), and this time I didn't give two figs that it morphed from a look at people playing costumed heros into a superhero movie by the final act.

Gloriously and shamelessly hyperviolent, and its lack of shame is its greatest charm.

Last edited by diebitter; 03-28-2014 at 07:06 PM.
03-28-2014 , 07:21 PM
Decided to see Frozen since pretty much everyone on the planet has apparently, plus I don't mind well made animated films even if they are for kids.

I'm not quite sure what all the raving is about, it's ok. Obviously it's hard for someone like me (a single dude in his 30's) to review it properly since I'm not exactly the target demo.

The animation was obviously top notch and there were things I really liked about it. It had a much darker edge than most Disney animated movies at times, and that I thought was interesting.

The death of the parents being shown in pretty dramatic fashion. Watching the ship get swallowed in a big storm is pretty edgy for a Disney kid's movie. Also there was a lot of other threats of death and violence.

Was really disappointed with the direction they took towad the end on the seemingly developing love trianlge

Having that one dude do a huge heel turn and become a cardboard cut out bad guy was lame, very "Disney" so it's not much of a surprise. I think it would have been much more interesting and much more 'adult' to have the princess kiss him and have it not thaw her, realizing they weren't in love, sort of explore the difference between infatuation and love and that male/female relationships don't always follow the fairy tale script and that in the real world things are usually more complicated. Instead he turns out to be a 100% super bad guy and of course she loves the 100% super good guy, just very cliche Disney so a missed opportunity at something deeper.

I also felt like the character development was lacking vs. other classic animated Disney movies and the songs to me felt a little distracting. They sort of came out of nowhere and were more integrated into the story than in most Disney movies, where the song portions usually are kinda seperate from the main storyline, almost like a music video. I know that was probably intentional on their part but just didn't suit my preferences.

Not bad, kids will love it, adults can be entertained, Disney did at least a few things out of the box which was cool but still relied on on alot of their standard tricks.
03-28-2014 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
I can't wait for the fanboy meltdown that's going to happen when the new star wars movies come out.
I think most people who are actually interested expect them to be better than the prequels, but still fall short of the originals. Which is such a wide range it's almost a sure bet. Fanboy butthurted-ness is basically assured as too many people want too many things for everyone to get their way.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
Anyone under any delusion that these will be good is well, delusional.
It's at least possible. JJ Abrams wouldn't be my first choice but that's still a huge upgrade. And lots of key crew positions are filled with solid people this time around.

There were some very WTF people used for the prequels. Rick McCallum as producer, the horrible nobody casting director, of course Lucas doing the dialogue himself. The production design sucked, the overdone CG sucked and so on.

Last edited by Gonzirra; 03-28-2014 at 10:02 PM.
03-28-2014 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
This is an excellent piece.

Granted, it is entirely personal, Hollywood-insider stuff, and that really ought not matter much. But it does, in the real world.

For me, though, I have to say, Gibson's absence in Hollywood is a shame. He is actually a fine actor, sure, but this guy can direct a movie. While I do not feel Braveheart has held up especially well, Apocalypto and The Passion are both fine art. They are infinitely better-crafted than the vast majority of working directors could achieve.

In a world where Boy freaking George can abduct and sexually torture a guy and then go on tour, can we not forgive someone who actually has something to offer? His transgressions are really no worse than the average person's.

In fact, relative to the "average person," they are likely not as bad.
03-29-2014 , 12:01 AM
If the invite includes picture of the blower, please PM.

thanks for the reminder. meant to catch, but completely forgot about Short Term 12

:re Gibson
His offenses pale in comparison to some who still get major backing and Oscar recognition. (Allen to Polanski)
In separating Art from problem Artists, he's a pretty easy call for me.
03-29-2014 , 12:34 AM
I predict the new Star Wars movies will be tolerated, as they will be better than the prequels but still won't hold a candle to the originals.

The bar has been set quite low so if they are just slightly better than the prequels (which should not be difficult) there won't be much outcry.
03-29-2014 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
thanks for the reminder. meant to catch, but completely forgot about Short Term 12
That's one I added to my queue I think from the "2013 in Film" thread. A lot of great recommendations in there.
03-29-2014 , 01:30 AM
time warner cable just added the EPIX channel and u get 90 days of it for free i think. some pretty great movies on there

gonna watch the stories we tell and the new star trek in the next 24 hours
03-29-2014 , 04:40 AM
Went and saw Noah today. Let's just say I didn't see the last 10 minutes. Too long and a second story plot that was dragged out to the film's overall detriment.
03-29-2014 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Went and saw Noah today. Let's just say I didn't see the last 10 minutes. Too long and a second story plot that was dragged out to the film's overall detriment.
did they have any kangaroos getting on the ark?

also question in general since I never read the original, did sea creatures have to get on the ark? I was under the impression it was two of EVERY animals but why would fish and dolphins etc need to get on the ark?
03-29-2014 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
also question in general since I never read the original, did sea creatures have to get on the ark? I was under the impression it was two of EVERY animals but why would fish and dolphins etc need to get on the ark?
Snakes and birds is all I remember. I can't be completely sure that there weren't other animals given I was nodding off throughout the film.
