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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

02-01-2014 , 08:18 PM
Kick-Ass 2 - It's not bad. It's just not good.

The Mother****er is just boring. Jim Carrey is a train wreck. Most of the movie just serves as setup to the one liners and some gratuitous blood splatters.

That aside, this little Chloe Moretz is really good. Again. She's one to watch out for because at age 16 she already has a pretty amazing body of work under her belt.

The World's End - Funny, touching, full of social commentary, funny, clever, well made and funny.

The third and final of the Cornetto trilogy, and what better send off than a giant middle finger to the "starbucks'ified" world around it. Loved watching them give us a couple films of well done satire of popular culture, before giving a big middle finger to unoriginal popular culture.
02-02-2014 , 12:09 AM
After watching Primer yesterday and rethinking of a conversation that I had with a friend where she stated "that there hasn't been any good sci-fi movies in the past few years" and me being passionately against her point of view, I found this you tube link of supposedly the best 50 sci-fi movies of the 2000s. The fact that he does not include The Fountain in his top 50, is simply criminal, and putting 28 Weeks Days Later ahead of 28 Days Later, come on! (yes, I am a Danny Boyle fan...). He also forgot stuff like Pandorum, ok, but the fact that great movies like Mr. Nobody, Nothing and Splice were not mentioned, is beyond me ; I believe that they some of the most obscure/underrated movies ever, but that a sci-fi junkie most watch. End of rant.
02-02-2014 , 07:52 AM
You thought Splice was great?
02-02-2014 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
After watching Primer yesterday and rethinking of a conversation that I had with a friend where she stated "that there hasn't been any good sci-fi movies in the past few years" and me being passionately against her point of view, I found this you tube link of supposedly the best 50 sci-fi movies of the 2000s. The fact that he does not include The Fountain in his top 50, is simply criminal, and putting 28 Weeks Days Later ahead of 28 Days Later, come on! (yes, I am a Danny Boyle fan...). He also forgot stuff like Pandorum, ok, but the fact that great movies like Mr. Nobody, Nothing and Splice were not mentioned, is beyond me ; I believe that they some of the most obscure/underrated movies ever, but that a sci-fi junkie most watch. End of rant.
I don't know if that video really makes your case stronger. A lot of mediocre movies on that list. I don't know if I'd even classify them as scifi. A lot of them are just monster movies.
02-02-2014 , 02:49 PM
apparently philip seymour hoffman is dead. i'm really upset
02-02-2014 , 02:57 PM
RIP. Think he admitted to addiction. Such a huge loss.
02-02-2014 , 02:59 PM
yeap... holy cow, bad news.
02-02-2014 , 02:59 PM
RIP PSH and Naximilian Schell
02-02-2014 , 03:04 PM
M Schell went?
02-02-2014 , 03:41 PM
Devastating loss for the film community. Didn't matter how minor the role, give him a minute and PSH would show you how great an actor he was. RIP.
02-02-2014 , 04:13 PM
RIP PSH. Probably the best of his generation.

Superbad - For over 15 years I've had a comedy script in my head. I've outlined, scripted scenes, picked it up and put it down too many times to count.

This movie killed my script. It's close enough to the theme and plot of my script that now forever if my idea ever saw the light of day it would always be known as a Superbad knock off.

The real kick in the junk is how much better they did my idea than I ever could. Bravo.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Love.
The jokes come fast, the action comes hard, and the visual stylings are consistently awesome. But Michael Cera definitely needs a hair cut.

How To Train Your Dragon - My oldest daughter made this her favorite film 2 years ago so I've seen it easily a couple dozen times. And I still love it. Very entertaining, not too scary for a 3-4 year old, and a great message. We fear what we don't understand, and that fear can turn into generations of blood shed. If we take the time to learn about one another maybe we can work together instead. Perhaps this should be required watching in the white house.
02-02-2014 , 04:20 PM
Wow, he was only 46 as well. Such a huge loss to the world of moviemaking. He was one of the best actors of the last 20 years.
02-02-2014 , 07:04 PM
Groundhog Day


Beautifully constructed film that does three things nearly perfectly: entertains, enthrals, and enlightens.

The script is a million miles away from the A->Z scripts so often found in romantic comedies, and the turns taken keep you guessing, and you realise you're seeing something akin to growing wisdom with more and more experience.

When forced to live the same day over and over and over, we get Murray (beautifully playing his part) as the cynical weather reporter caught in a never ending loop of time. During this time, he gets depressed, bored, angry in turns, being even more nasty to those around him, or using this unique circumstance to find out about the people he has to interact with, and try and exploit this knowledge (to seduce women, for example). In fact, sometimes it may appear he is actually in some sort of hell of his own making.

Gradually he learns to accept what his happening, and tries to help people - but sometimes even this proves impossible (he helps an old tramp, spends some time with him, but before the day's out, the old fellow dies anyway).

He gradually stops doing superficial stuff, and starts to actually do something positive with all this time on his hands, and tries to use it in a less superficial or selfish way. He learns the piano for example after being charmed by a piano piece playing on the radio, and uses this new skill to entertain at a party. He takes time to help people, (stopping a kid hurting or even killing himself for example) knowing it's pointless anyway as the next day it all starts again. (how long is all this? 10 years? 100 years? 10,000 years?). Through all this, he comes to understand himself better, and release and enjoy the nice side of himself, falling in love (not just lust) with the leading lady.

A great story, great script and perfect comedy acting all rolled up. It's one of those films that transcends grouping - not just a comedy, not just a drama, not just a romance, and it works well on every level.
02-02-2014 , 08:34 PM
It is my Dad's favourite film. He watches it every year, as if to pay homage to the plot itself.
02-02-2014 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Groundhog Day

Yes. Absolutely.
02-03-2014 , 12:05 AM
Did anyone see BM walking into the superbowl red carpet walk of shame today?

It looks like he got slapped with the ugly stick to the tune of about 20 years of age... must have made a deal with the devil.
02-03-2014 , 12:10 AM
who is BM??
02-03-2014 , 01:02 AM
Frozen - I'm so so happy little girls have this movie to watch. It's an awesome spin on the Disney princess theme with the story centering around two siblings, Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel of Wicked fame) and Anna (voiced by Kristin Bell) who are kept apart because of Elsa's uncontrollable, awesome powers of snow and ice. I thought all of the songs were great too. If that was really Kristin Bell singing, damn. Who knew she had such a voice? And Idina Menzel as Elsa was stellar, per usual. And this was the first Disney animated movie directed by a woman. Double fingers crossed that it wins the Oscar for Best Animated movie.

Frozen Trailer
02-03-2014 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Yes. Absolutely.
Yup. Definitely in my top 10 of all time, and the movie does not get old, IMO, for the humor and philosophical tones do not age.
02-03-2014 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Groundhog Day

02-03-2014 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
who is BM??
My guess would be Bruno Mars? One of the things I hate about the internet are all of the acronyms people use which I have no clue what they are referring to.
02-03-2014 , 03:32 AM
Bill Murray or Bruno Mars I reckon.


The Act of Killing - not through with it yet. Getting late. It's really a hell of a thing that this film maker did. It's not hard to believe that the horrible things happened, but the way he's getting these people to talk about it...truth stranger than fiction I guess. It's like Columbo doing something weird to get people to confess only without any justice.
02-03-2014 , 09:30 AM
Going with Bill Murray since you guys were talking about Groundhog Day.

Doesn't diebitter usually score out of 100?
02-03-2014 , 09:31 AM
I changed to ten to match imdb, lettetboxd etc
02-03-2014 , 09:32 AM
Conformist ITT
