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Modern horror movies thread Modern horror movies thread

10-28-2017 , 10:53 PM
havent seen Let Us Prey or Backcountry. Triangle is my favorite on that list but its more sci-fi than horror.
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10-30-2017 , 05:53 AM
the babysitter. nice over the top horror. netflix. nothing new, not to be remembered. still a fun watch.
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10-30-2017 , 07:31 AM
Triangle is solid. Nice references to The Shining for the observant.
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10-30-2017 , 02:58 PM
The Endless (2017)
Two brothers return to a cult they escaped from a decade before after receiving a mysterious video in this absorbing & quite decent horror from the makers of Resolution (2012) & Spring (2014) & anyone who seen & liked Resolution should appreciate this one all the more.

Better Watch Out (2017)
Way entertaining Christmas horror regarding a baby sitter's night of peril with some decent performances & some great humour.

68 Kill (2017)
After a robbery goes badly wrong, a hapless loser (Mathew Gray Grubler from Criminal Minds in a surprisingly funny turn) hightails it with a hostage with his seriously psychopathic vengeful girlfriend hot on their heels in this cracking little gem from indie horror stalwart Trent Haaga, well recommended.
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10-31-2017 , 06:46 PM
Happy Halloween Horror Freaks
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10-31-2017 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by imjosh
havent seen Let Us Prey or Backcountry. Triangle is my favorite on that list but its more sci-fi than horror.
I advise not to watch the Let Us Prey trailer it's chock full o'spoilers.
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11-01-2017 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
I think IT is better than 99% of the **** Hollywood puts out these days. Highly recommended.
I liked IT. Thought it was really well done. However, it reminded me so much of:

Nightmare on Elm Street
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11-01-2017 , 04:26 AM
i didnt like it too much. its not a bad movie, but its not really a horror movie. its some kind of coming-of-age with a few jump-scares. also it's mouth looks rather laughable. the end-fight is too hectic. while not a bad movie, it is far away from being a really good movie.
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11-01-2017 , 06:10 AM
I didn't think It was as good as I was hoping for, but was better than I was actually expecting so overall a yay, although I wasn't as keen on it as others.
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11-11-2017 , 05:59 AM
Hunters (2016)

Two brothers kidnap various people in order to make home made snuff vids in this nigh on plotless film which is essentially 96 minutes of male on female rape, female on male rape, torture, castration, humiliation, mutilation & murder. Terrible performances and meandering, it's not a very good film but I still felt like diving into a very long shower after it, due to its sheer unrelenting depravity.

It also surprisingly has 80s scream queen & serial breast shower Linnea Quigley in it.

Can't say I'd recommend it to anyone except fans of extreme horror and even fans of extreme horror probably won't find the film itself very good. Sick af though definitely.
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11-23-2017 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by skudroc
i didnt like it too much. its not a bad movie, but its not really a horror movie. its some kind of coming-of-age with a few jump-scares. also it's mouth looks rather laughable. the end-fight is too hectic. while not a bad movie, it is far away from being a really good movie.

After reading so much hype surrounding this movie previous to it coming out, it was one I was looking forward to watching.

By the end of it though, I felt that hype was unjustified and overall it could have been so much better. Felt like a bit of a missed opportunity.

IMO, it was OK and watchable but, definitely not worthy of being added to my 'highly recommended' list.
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01-18-2018 , 04:09 AM
Better Watch Out was amazing.
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01-19-2018 , 02:24 AM
Re: It

It’s not really a horror movie … some kind of coming-of-age with a few jump-scares … while not a bad movie, it is far away from being a really good movie.
it was one I was looking forward to watching … by the end of it though, I felt that hype was unjustified

I would never bash anyone for liking it (or any movie for that matter) but I thought it was ****. Definitely over-hyped.

The CG effects were lame (tbh I’ve only seen good CG horror in The Wailing and Twin Peaks: The Return). And I abandoned ship about 10 minutes into the film, when they switched to the high school and employed a clumsy Aaron Sorkin walk-and-talk style shot, complete with embarrassing dialogue.

I fast-forwarded the rest to check out the “scary” parts, and I didn’t even get halfway through that. I should have known when a friend told me that it wasn’t really scary. What is it, then? I thought.

I agree that the source material is excellent. It’s the most filmic of all of King’s stuff, and I was excited when del Toro was interested in directing (I’m not a fan, but he’s a great visual artist).

The last horror film to do this well at the box office was The Exorcist, I think, which I rewatched recently and it holds up extremely well. Still the scariest movie ever made, IMO. Light years ahead of It in terms of seriousness and actually going for it.

Amazing how much It grossed on pure hype. The 1990 TV series isn't great either, but it does have moments of genuine horror. Largely due to the acting of Tim Curry and a little makeup. I don't understand what's so scary about a jump scare when you can see it coming a mile away.
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01-19-2018 , 02:26 AM
Rewatched IT last night. Very enjoyable for a mainstream horror movie.
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01-22-2018 , 12:26 PM
egg boyyyyyyy
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01-22-2018 , 06:44 PM
Autopsy of Jane Doe

On netflix, solid supernatural thriller with father and son pathologist getting to the bottom of a mystery of a corpse with no outer damage having a lot of clear internal damage. Good turn by Brian Cox as the father, and an excellent turn by the actress as the corpse that never moves (I'm not being sarcastic there).

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01-22-2018 , 10:27 PM
Hot take, watching 10 minutes of It and calling it ****.
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01-22-2018 , 11:24 PM
It was really unclear what the rules were for It capturing kids.
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01-23-2018 , 09:19 AM
I wish they still made stuff with the feel of Rosemary's Baby or the Omen. I love that slow creep and that there's a hidden evil to the world. If anyone has any recs of more recent stuff along those lines, I'd be very appreciative.
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01-23-2018 , 09:51 AM
Try The Witch
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01-23-2018 , 10:16 AM
Yeah saw that one and loved it. Exactly the style I'm talking about. Great rec.
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01-23-2018 , 11:09 AM
Try The Autopsy of Jane Doe on Netflix
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01-23-2018 , 11:24 AM
diebitter - thanks sounds good i'll check it out
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01-23-2018 , 11:53 AM
A few movies I've seen this month....

The Descent - A group of women go caving and encounter horrors in the depths of the cave. After seeing lots of good reviews of this one I was a bit disappointed. It was fairly run of the mill with nothing original. The cave monsters were actually very well done. The aspects of the film relating to the caving and climbing were pretty ridiculous if you know anything about those subjects. Also it didn't help that the second half of the film was shot in darkness (no other way really seeing as it's based in a cave) which didn't help with regards to knowing who was who and what was happening where. 6/10

The Omen - Unknown to his wife, a man swaps an orphaned child for his stillborn son, resulting in the couple bringing up the devil's child. A real feeling of dread throughout with some excellent and memorable scenes (the birthday party especially). I love a film that manages to scare while using minimal effects. A classic. 9/10

Poltergeist - 80's haunted house movie, delivering what you'd expect from Spielberg but for me going way over the top with special effects to the detriment of the story. Maybe the effects were cutting edge at the time, but I really didn't see the need for most of them, and it got particularly silly at several points. Could have been good, but spoiled. 6/10

A Nightmare on Elm Street - Quintessentially 80's teen slasher movie. The kids are being pursued in their dreams and they're on their own as the cops look for the killer in the real world. Introducing the classic horror villain Freddy Krueger. Fun, believable and tense throughout. A classic, looking forward to checking out some of the sequels. 8/10

It (2017) - Disappointed with this as I knew I would be. The story is an all time classic for me, but they've just Hollywooded it up far too much in this remake. Too many big scenes, with too many ott effects that ruined any potential scariness. I wish they'd stuck with the previous director who'd stated he wanted to keep effects to a minimum and let the story work for itself. Also I didn't really get on with the new version of Pennywise, didn't find him creepy at all really. Still enjoyable because of the storytelling, and the parts of the film without the effects are really good, and the acting is top notch. Just a bit of a wasted opportunity by going for the money rather than aiming for making a classic film. 7/10

I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House - A real slow burn that started off by establishing an interesting and tense situation of a woman working as live-in nurse to an ageing and dementia-incapacitated author. Unfortunately despite great promise, it didn't really go anywhere and I didn't get the payoff I was hoping for. A few scare scenes that didn't really lead anywhere and lots of unexplained loose ends. I thought there was going to be tons of hidden meaning and explanation that I missed, but it seems other people, even the ones who liked it, seemed to have the same problem. 6/10
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