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06-15-2013 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Variance should make you bid more aggressively. You can only have one job.
this might actually be the better way to look at it.

i guess it just depends on how many shots i get in OCI. if a lot, then high variance on each individual shot is great. but if only a few, then bidding aggressively could **** me. i don't know enough yet about the structure of our OCI to know how many interviews students typically get (though i do know that interviews are given on a grade-blind lottery basis) so i'll have to research.

but yeah, it does make me want to roll the dice with some hyper-selective firms and see if any of them sticks.
Law School Quote
06-15-2013 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by Dave D
I thought Harvard didn't have grades? Just pass, high pass ? How do you get a class rank?
Dean's Scholar (given on discretionary basis to top couple students in an 80-person class)
Honors (top 37% of class)
Pass (remaining part of class)
Low Pass (given on discretionary basis if you really punt the exam)
Fail (which I think you have to literally not take the exam in order to do)

So really it looks a lot like traditional ABC except with prettier names and a weird curve. Registrar doesn't calculate a class rank, but they do calculate a GPA for Latin honors purposes.

Since DS and LP are fairly rare, you kind of just tally your Honors grades and see where that places you. 3-4 Honors out 10 classes in the first year is median. I ended up with 7 Honors, which based upon collective online wisdom from students and hints from career services, is roughly top 20-25% through the first year.

Last edited by lolasthma; 06-15-2013 at 05:06 AM.
Law School Quote
06-20-2013 , 01:40 PM
At jury duty today. Almost (sort of) got picked on a trial. Funny to see this from the other side of things. I can see why it stresses people out.
Law School Quote
06-21-2013 , 12:34 PM
My wife had jury duty today for like the 4th time in the last couple of years. I have never had it once. Definitely not random. So far every time they send her home before even getting voir dired or anything.

Fun story: One of my biggest cases...severe burn case. One of the defendants (a company who conceivably has over 1mm in revenue per year) NEVER FILED AN ANSWER!!! I called them, asked them if they were going to, they told me they'd sent it to an attorney. Waited a few weeks, took a default judgment. Waited a month (30 days to file motion for new trial which always gets granted). Nothing.

Severed the defendant from the other ones (making the judgment final). Now I have a hearing set up to determine damages. Wonder if I'll ever collect.
Law School Quote
06-21-2013 , 04:29 PM
Sorry if this has already been addressed ITT, but do you recent grads regret going to law school? I regret going, though it isn't one of the biggest mistakes of my life. My sister is intent on going despite my overall regrets and seems to think that I am in the minority. I am just curious of the experiences of others.

Me - 2008 grad, paid sticker at borderline Tier 1 (23k a year) in a very expensive city. Currently work at borderline AM Law 100 in LA. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't go.
Law School Quote
06-22-2013 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by champstark
Got most of my grades back, looks like I fell out of the top 10% to ~15% or so, possibly a bit lower. I go to a NYC T2 so likely that means no big law at OCI and no transferring. What are my options from here? Seems like people generally get employment, but I'm not sure. Thoughts?

made LR, just inside top 15%

gonna hope for the best at OCI and see what happens
Law School Quote
06-22-2013 , 10:42 AM
Any recommendations for a good briefcase? Parents said they'd get me one as a grad gift.
Law School Quote
06-22-2013 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by bthekuta
Sorry if this has already been addressed ITT, but do you recent grads regret going to law school? I regret going, though it isn't one of the biggest mistakes of my life. My sister is intent on going despite my overall regrets and seems to think that I am in the minority. I am just curious of the experiences of others.

Me - 2008 grad, paid sticker at borderline Tier 1 (23k a year) in a very expensive city. Currently work at borderline AM Law 100 in LA. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't go.
Yeah read the thread, it's been discussed a lot.

I like that I went to law school, I'm just not totally satisfied with the job I got, and didn't think it would be as hard to get to be a prosecutor/PD as it is, at least around here. I feel like a lot of lying happened by law schools, but overall I'm happy being a lawyer. I just would have done it a different way.
Law School Quote
06-23-2013 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Any recommendations for a good briefcase? Parents said they'd get me one as a grad gift.
Law School Quote
06-23-2013 , 03:34 PM
WUSTL randomly started offering full rides to people who had previously withdrawn, and me and my gf both got one. We took it back to Texas and they gave us both big increases, to where she's only paying 5k/yr tuition and I'm paying 10k/yr tuition. Pretty awesome cycle to be a splitter lol.
Law School Quote
06-23-2013 , 10:04 PM
Yeah story on ATL about that last week. Pretty nuts what's going on. I wish they would just treat it more like med school.
Law School Quote
06-23-2013 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by JP OSU
WUSTL randomly started offering full rides to people who had previously withdrawn, and me and my gf both got one. We took it back to Texas and they gave us both big increases, to where she's only paying 5k/yr tuition and I'm paying 10k/yr tuition. Pretty awesome cycle to be a splitter lol.
Wow - year I went was waitlist city for splitters. Got a few good money offers, UC Irvine for one, but 3.57 was GPA cutoff at UT that year to get even minimal money (at least that's what I was told when I tried to negotiate). Good deals for you both. I wonder how much WUSTL is just boosting everyone's money at other schools versus getting a stronger pool of incoming students. They haven't been placing all that well job wise at all.
Law School Quote
06-25-2013 , 03:39 AM
Anyone know anything about Canadian demand for American lawyers? I am interested in relocating to Toronto or Vancouver but have no interest in going through Canadian licensure hoops; I am not looking to practice law but would be interested in a job specifically for an American attorney.
Law School Quote
06-25-2013 , 05:36 PM
Wrote a letter the other day accusing some guys of fraud. Their attorney replied with a cease and desist letter accusing me of slander.

I don't think so.
Law School Quote
06-26-2013 , 05:12 PM
I got a Cali award for best grade in a class...

asian kid that gets the english as a second language benefit(2x as long to take exams) got 4 awards of his 5 classes..

he speaks english as well as i do and went to undergrad in the united states.. love it.
Law School Quote
06-26-2013 , 07:04 PM
Congratulations on your Cali award. In general though I wouldn't make a habit of discussing grades/CALI awards/rankings with your classmates.
Law School Quote
06-26-2013 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
I got a Cali award for best grade in a class...

asian kid that gets the english as a second language benefit(2x as long to take exams) got 4 awards of his 5 classes..

he speaks english as well as i do and went to undergrad in the united states.. love it.
do you feel slighted?
Law School Quote
06-26-2013 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by ajrenni
Congratulations on your Cali award. In general though I wouldn't make a habit of discussing grades/CALI awards/rankings with your classmates.
i dont have any intention of talking about any of that at all, just saw it on the website and found it amusing..

Originally Posted by LooseAggressive
do you feel slighted?
little bit. mainly for the classes with the professors that have a total points system for essays.. like our contracts professor gave u points for any possible info you mentioned. define "offer" get a point, define "acceptance" get a point. so obviously having 6 hours or more to do that will obviously give u a better grade when u have the restatement of contracts in front of u already.
Law School Quote
06-29-2013 , 11:48 PM
F'ing pissed. Had a sweet "fake doctor's report" fraud case against a big insurance company and had them totally on the ropes that I settled at mediation the other day for not nearly enough. Have to do what the client says I suppose, but I have not been more excited to try a case than that one.
Law School Quote
07-02-2013 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by bthekuta
Sorry if this has already been addressed ITT, but do you recent grads regret going to law school?
Just checking in to say the answer is still solidly yes, at least from a financial perspective (and I was "fortunate" enough to not go into debt). On the plus side, I no longer look down my nose at Nigerian Scam victims, so there's that!
Law School Quote
07-02-2013 , 12:58 PM
It's definitely -EV financially in the vast majority of cases. Really comes down to how much a person likes the career itself.
Law School Quote
07-02-2013 , 01:56 PM
Same here. Graduated this past May. And barely studying for the bar at the moment (Total lack of motivation to be an attorney). Seriously considering punting it till Feb.
Law School Quote
07-03-2013 , 03:49 PM
Irish law graduate whos looking at global options- hows the market like for people qualified through new york bar etc.? Will I have a hard time having gone to a law school employers haven`t heard of? Uk is also a strong possibility but a little more complicated and expensive to qualify. Like the idea of getting just study hard at home for bar and being qualified if all goes well.

Open to comments about how other state`s job markets are atm.
Law School Quote
07-03-2013 , 09:31 PM
hmm did more research and seems US visa is pretty difficult? Might do the uk one i guess :P
Law School Quote
07-05-2013 , 02:04 AM
Anybody on here have success transferring law schools?

I'm top 5% at a school in the 30s.

Schools I've applied to:
H,S,CCN,P,V,B, Georgetown, UCLA, USC.

Goals: biglaw (in a ton of debt). Interested in clerking as well.

I would like to here about personal experiences and any/all advice.

Law School Quote
