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Law School Law School

04-04-2012 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
law school class photo

is this something ill regret not showing up to? i dont show up to many things school related anymore.
Its not high school anymore is my feelings on something like this.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
law school class photo

is this something ill regret not showing up to? i dont show up to many things school related anymore.
Pull a Tucker Max and show up in a Hawaiian shirt or something.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
law school class photo

is this something ill regret not showing up to? i dont show up to many things school related anymore.
i did not go
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 10:09 AM
I got an envelope from a law firm yesterday and the only contents were a fancy brouchere that featured a short bio of each attorney with their photo. Isn't that strange?
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 11:32 AM
looks like they want you to get started on the doc review early
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 12:18 PM
Got a ticket last night for having an old address on my driver's license (never changed it after moving 6 months ago.) I wasn't even driving the car, I was in the passenger seat. The fine is $100 and I am definitely going to contest it. Advice?
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by BornToPun
Got a ticket last night for having an old address on my driver's license (never changed it after moving 6 months ago.) I wasn't even driving the car, I was in the passenger seat. The fine is $100 and I am definitely going to contest it. Advice?
Lie to cops better.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
i did not go
I'm ****ing shocked, shocked I tell you!
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 01:38 PM
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 01:53 PM

$90k offer from u of chicago
$87.5k offer ($105k if i pursue public interest summer employment) from NYU
$60k offer from columbia

(still no word from either H or S, gonna assume for now that the above three are the options i'll have)

i think i am leaning chicago but far from finalized, any thoughts?
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 02:09 PM
I've visited friends at all three and preferred NYU personally. UChicago is the pretty much the unhappiest place on Earth, don't let the awesomeness of Chicago fool you. Unless you're really weird and antisocial in which case go for it! On the other hand, NYU being in the East Village is pretty amazing and I love that thing that serves as a de facto campus.

I would say if you haven't visited all of the above then do that asap.

edit: although let's be honest, people are gonna be weird at all of them.

Last edited by minnesotasam; 04-04-2012 at 02:10 PM. Reason: lawl students amirite?
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
dozo and bklyn are pretty bad schools and not worth going to, even for free. fordham is better than those 2 but u couldnt pay me to go there.

i mean, basically bad schools + saturated market = no job.
This seems overly pessimistic. From speaking with people currently attending or have just graduated from these three schools, there are definitely jobs out there. Of course not everyone gets biglaw, but that's not necessarily my final goal anyway. Just looking here and here, it does not seem impossible at all. Granted it is not guaranteed, but nothing in life is.

Is there no value to getting my degree and graduating without debt? I really can't leave the NY area, so my options were limited to begin with, so most of the other t14 etc were never in the picture to begin with.

Originally Posted by Mori****a System
Try working as an Examiner at the USPTO for a few years or getting a patent agent's license and then working for a firm as a patent agent, before going to law school (though in this economy, the USPTO may be the better option).

You can always go to law school later; by doing one of the former first, you will increase your chances of getting employed as a patent attorney later significantly, to a point where your law school tier and class ranking (to some extent) will be more or less irrelevant. If you work for the USPTO for a few years, you can waive the patent bar and attend law school on a part time basis to take your time.

It'll give you a very good idea as to if this is something that you want to do. If you can't make it or if you can't tolerate doing either of the two options, then you will be absolutely miserable going into IP law.
This is good advice, but unfortunately I have little interest in moving to DC or Detroit to do this. I am studying this summer and taking the patent bar before I enroll though, so at least that will look good for interviews.

Last edited by Tokyo!!; 04-04-2012 at 02:25 PM.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 02:11 PM
Oh and congrats on having great options!
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Tokyo!!
This seems overly pessimistic. From speaking with people currently attending or have just graduated from these three schools, there are definitely jobs out there. Of course not everyone gets biglaw, but that's not necessarily my final goal anyway. Just looking here and here, it does not seem impossible at all. Granted it is not guaranteed, but nothing in life is.

Is there no value to getting my degree and graduating without debt? I really can't leave the NY area, so my options were limited to begin with, so most of the other t14 etc were never in the picture to begin with.
well yeah, obviously you can forget about biglaw right off the bat once you enroll in those schools but it sounds like you know that.

but i was talking about decent jobs, generally. it's my understanding that if you graduate from those schools you probably wont have a decent job. i'm not saying impossible, just that you're more likely than not going to either be unemployed or working somewhere miserable.

don't go by those stats on the school website. iirc a ton of schools right now are actually being sued over those stats.

yes, theres value in graduating with no debt but it sounds like you have a job already, so it attending law school wont come without a cost. you're racking up 3 years of opportunity cost.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by lolasthma

$90k offer from u of chicago
$87.5k offer ($105k if i pursue public interest summer employment) from NYU
$60k offer from columbia

(still no word from either H or S, gonna assume for now that the above three are the options i'll have)

i think i am leaning chicago but far from finalized, any thoughts?
grats dude. i'd say NYU.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 02:58 PM
I'm already unemployed lol. The only reason I'd have no debt is because of the money I made playing poker and the scholarships.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Tokyo!!
I'm already unemployed lol. The only reason I'd have no debt is because of the money I made playing poker and the scholarships.
why do u have to stay in NY then? family? honestly, its prob in ur family's best interest that u either go away to school or just forgo LS altogether.

i feel like noah (not the poster, the ark dude) pleading with 0Ls. you prob wont listen to me but its really not a good idea to go to bklyn, dozo or fordham
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by BornToPun
Got a ticket last night for having an old address on my driver's license (never changed it after moving 6 months ago.) I wasn't even driving the car, I was in the passenger seat. The fine is $100 and I am definitely going to contest it. Advice?
Why in the world did he check your ID? Pretty sure he can't demand your ID unless he has reasonable suspicion you were engaging in some criminal activity (which would include breaking traffic laws, but you were a passenger), but he could probably argue you voluntarily gave it to him if you didn't put up a fight about it.

There's no real downside to contesting outside of taking the time out of your day. If it was just a routine traffic stop and he wanted to see your ID for no reason, I can see a judge throwing it out.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
why do u have to stay in NY then? family? honestly, its prob in ur family's best interest that u either go away to school or just forgo LS altogether.

i feel like noah (not the poster, the ark dude) pleading with 0Ls. you prob wont listen to me but its really not a good idea to go to bklyn, dozo or fordham
Even with a physics degree? Everyone I know at my NYC T2 who has a science degree has a job in BigLaw after graduation.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Durs522
Even with a physics degree? Everyone I know at my NYC T2 who has a science degree has a job in BigLaw after graduation.
Its obviously not absolute -- just that its going to be much harder for you to get big law, if that's what you want. The legal economy is certainly not doing well, that is for sure. But people from T2 schools still get big law and some still get good/decent jobs. I think the T14 or bust bit is a bit overstated, but with good intentions. It obviously depends on your own circumstances, the school, and probably most important your earning potential before law school. I go to a T2, and if I wasn't an ******* with a poli sci degree and had an accounting degree or was a programmer, I wouldn't go to law school because I would have more opportunity.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
why do u have to stay in NY then? family? honestly, its prob in ur family's best interest that u either go away to school or just forgo LS altogether.
Family and gf (basically fiancee) are very rooted here. My family is actually very excited about me going to law school haha.

Originally Posted by Durs522
Even with a physics degree? Everyone I know at my NYC T2 who has a science degree has a job in BigLaw after graduation.
I kind of thought this was one of the few things I had going for me. Which T2 are you attending if you don't mind me asking? (You can PM if you prefer)
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by lolasthma

$90k offer from u of chicago
$87.5k offer ($105k if i pursue public interest summer employment) from NYU
$60k offer from columbia

(still no word from either H or S, gonna assume for now that the above three are the options i'll have)

i think i am leaning chicago but far from finalized, any thoughts?
are these renewable if you get a certain gpa? id pick columbia because well its columbia
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by lolasthma

$90k offer from u of chicago
$87.5k offer ($105k if i pursue public interest summer employment) from NYU
$60k offer from columbia

(still no word from either H or S, gonna assume for now that the above three are the options i'll have)

i think i am leaning chicago but far from finalized, any thoughts?
Congrats on some awesome options. I think Chicago being miserable has been overstated, but I still think Columbia is worth the 30k difference and your best option.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 06:18 PM
i'm unfortunately not gonna have the chance to visit the schools. if i am looking to do biglaw after school (at least to start out), i'm kind of under the impression that all 3 schools offer comparable prospects there.

Originally Posted by invid
are these renewable if you get a certain gpa? id pick columbia because well its columbia
is there a reason you say this, beyond simply the fact that columbia sounds best to a layperson or a random chick i'm trying to bang? in your knowledge does columbia afford its graduates any significantly better opportunities than the other two schools?

i dunno, i could definitely still choose any of the three, i just have the impression that they're straight up peer schools and so lifestyle and cost of living become the main questions. part of my logic in thinking toward chicago is that the cost of living looks to be around $10k less per year than in manhattan, so really it's more like a $60k difference between chicago and columbia than a $30k difference.

all three scholarships are the total amount over 3 years, and all are guaranteed as long as i remain at the school.
Law School Quote
04-04-2012 , 06:23 PM
i have no idea what is preventing you from visiting the schools before you make your choice, but it better be some sort of act of God because i cant imagine anything more important to your life's choices right now

if it's money, you should contact the admissions offices. most will help you out. i honestly cant imagine anything so important or obstructive that should prevent you from visiting these schools. it's essential that you do that before your decision.
Law School Quote
