Originally Posted by John Cole
Me? I'm just sad that a guy with the morals of an alley cat represents our country.
There. I've said enough.
I mean, the alternative was a representative that was 'installed', and had never held a position in their ENTIRE ADULT LIFE in the private sector... instead being paid by the dime of the constituencies that they purportedly represented as 'We'.
The one who Slept their way into a position of responsibility with Willie Brown and never really did any of the hard work in that position... bringing to trial only 8 cases in their entire career.
The one that put people into jail merely on formalities of governmental over reach
The one who put people in prison for crimes of drugs that are now legal
The one who allowed one the largest populous states of our union to be overrun by criminality
The one who helped a governorship to go down a path of idiotic Governmental overreach and the Ideology of a Dictatorship in our fine Republic of states
The people didn't vote for a pole cat... they voted against a Village Idiot and Mental Nincompoop. A veil and puppet for the Svengali establishment of the industrial military complex and big pharma.