Originally Posted by BTirish
I do hope that this is the case and that Books 6-7 return to form. I'm not as inclined to view Books 4-5 as better just so long as you realize they're about character development, because not a lot of significant character development happened with the principal characters. As for world building, my main worry is that GRRM has just multiplied story lines that won't be able to receive an adequate resolution. The main reason that these books weren't satisfying, in any event, is that they felt really incomplete and left way too many loose ends.
Well I think that a ton of development takes place with Cersei, Jon, Jamie, and Theon. Those chapters were great in 4 and 5. As were the Davos chapters, which didn't develop Davos all that much but were great at world-building and gave us one of the best scenes of the books. I like Tyrion's ADWD chapters better on a second read but didn't like them on the first. Introducing all the new characters was a little painful but again, I enjoyed them much more once I understood what George was going for and stopped just wanting to turn to the next page to see what happened in the next chapter of the plot.
The Brienne chapters in AFFC are what benefits most from a reread. GRRM, contrary to people projecting his rapey awful characters onto his persona, is a kind-hearted hippy Vietnam War conscientious objector. He hates war and the toll of war is what Brienne's chapters are all about. They are tough to get through initially but upon a reread they are poignant and touching.
Last edited by SenorKeeed; 05-01-2014 at 09:23 PM.