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1990-1999 Best Movies Draft 1990-1999 Best Movies Draft

03-21-2011 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by GBP04
some great picks in this thread. Amazing how much more I like 90s movies than 2000s moies. 2 of my definite top 10 are still left and my #2 is still on the board. Can't believe it hasn't been snatched up yet
...and just like that both movies get picked back to back. I admit I haven't seen nearly as many good 90s movies as I should, but I'd currently have my list at 1. Pulp 2. True Romance 3. The Big Lebowski
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 06:46 PM
Be back around 10:30 or so should be able to do some writeups then
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 06:51 PM
True Romance is fukcing awesome.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by fds
True Romance is fukcing awesome.

Last edited by Clovis8; 03-21-2011 at 06:57 PM. Reason: why cant I get the youtube vids to show up?
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 06:58 PM
if you want to embed them, you must add them to the 2p2 video directory
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
if you want to embed them, you must add them to the 2p2 video directory
for each vid? What a pain in the ass.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:01 PM
yes, each video... it is pretty quick and easy; just paste the url and click on "load information"
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:12 PM
The scene Clovis8 linked as well the Hans Zimmer soundtrack are just some of the many things that make True Romance an awesome movie. - Love that song.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
Originally Posted by fds
True Romance is fukcing awesome.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:15 PM
true romance is one of my fave tarantino's
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
true romance is one of my fave tarantino's
He wrote it but Tony Scott directed it.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:20 PM
got to watch that movie sometime
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
true romance is one of my fave tarantino's
I was sorta expecting it to go in the first round and surprised it dropped to me in the third round. But the differences in tastes and preferences is apparent. Lots of stuff I never thought would go as early as it did went while others I expected to go fast didn't. Still a few out there I thought would be gone by now.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
He wrote it but Tony Scott directed it.
didn't realize that

i like scott as well; he did Numb3rs, one of my favorite tv shows

and walken is one of my favorite actors, so of course i like his scene in true romance
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:55 PM
I just checked and this post seems to be only the fifth time the words "I don't really like Christopher Walken" have ever appeared on the internet.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 08:54 PM
i loved true romance. one of my favorite movies. go watch it if you have not seen it. rewatch it if you have.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 09:02 PM
Man, after the first half of round 2, I was starting to think I a lot of movies I was hoping to get would somehow fall to me. Now they're all getting picked.

I was definitely hoping to get Good Will Hunting, Boogie Nights, Seven or True Romance for my next round and didn't think they would all be picked this early. Even though they are all great, I didn't think they would be quite so high on people's radars.

And some of the other ones I thought would be safe if I left them til about round 7 or 8. Wow, was I wrong.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 10:42 PM
i had boogie nights and 7 ranked high as well, thouggt hunting and true romance would fall deeper, but they're both solid picks, the Sicilian scene with hopper and walken make true romance worth taking on its own...
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 11:02 PM
Mind you, I still have about 10 movies which I think would be solid 1st/2nd round picks. The 90s was such a good decade, I don't think there will ever be another decade that good for movies.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 11:03 PM
i have a good feeling about 2040's
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 11:18 PM
I was about to pick Se7en. It isn't my third favorite film of the 90s, but I knew it would go soon. Too bad it got picked right before me.

I am going to pick a movie I just saw this week which I thought was fantastic, that is Princess Mononoke by Miyasaki. Write up to follow.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 11:37 PM
Round 3
Pick #5 (#35 overall)

Princess Mononoke by Hayao Miyazaki (1997)

I just watched this a few days ago and I thought it was amazing. Miyazaki is famous for many movies including greats such as Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle, but I thought this movie was much better than those. It was outstanding.

The story involves a prince (Ichataki), who gets cursed by a big boar. His own people banish him and he goes to the West to find a cure. On the way he lands in the middle of a battle between humans and nature. Nature is represented by a wolf clan lead by a girl (Princess Mononoke) raised by wolves.

The genius of the movie is that there are no villains. You might like some characters more than others, but all characters (except perhaps Ichataki) have great qualities and bad qualities. I think this is a model for real life in many ways. For example, the humans are not evilly trying to destroy the forest, they are doing it for their own survival and at the same time, their leader is a woman that believes in human rights (rescuing women from brothels and helping diseased men, finding them jobs). The animals aren't evil, either, they are just trying to protect their home. I think this can be modeled for instance to look at Republicans and Democrats. If you were raised in a Democrat environment, you very likely hate Republicans and vice versa. The political climate is so polarized that there's no room for compromise. Similarly, the characters in the movie just hate for no other reason than "they are on the other side".

I think the message of the movie is to strive for peace and repel hate. I was impressed with how a movie with no clear good versus evil could be so thrilling and entertaining. It is apparently the second longest animated movie (it lasts 134 minutes), but it is not boring at any moment. I was very impressed and because of this movie I now understand the love for Miyazaki's films.

The Matrix Wackowski brothers, (1999)
[b]12 Monkeys[b] Terry Gilliam, (1995)
Princess Mononoke Hayao Miyazaki (1997)
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-21-2011 , 11:44 PM
that looks interesting
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
Round 3, pick #33

True Romance Tony Scott 1993
MrBaseball, I`m def. not anti you. Love your picks and especially love true Romance!

My list is crippled after these 2 rounds :-(
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-22-2011 , 03:56 AM
Wow @ Jurassic Park falling this far!
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-22-2011 , 04:10 AM
I love JP, it's great, but seems bit early. Not best Spielberg available either.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
