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1990-1999 Best Movies Draft 1990-1999 Best Movies Draft

03-20-2011 , 12:05 AM
Bout time! Ya know, those Coens aren't bad filmmakers.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Sorry guy I am at the final table of a live MTT right now. I will take The Big Lebowski. Write Ups later.
Good luck!
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 12:10 AM
Ohh, final table. Nice.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Sorry guy I am at the final table of a live MTT right now. I will take The Big Lebowski. Write Ups later.
sick brag, nice choice,
i'll have mine posted in a few minutes for whoever's after me...
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 01:47 AM
how did The Big Lebowski drop this far. wow.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 01:51 AM
I had a few movies i wanted to take here, i'm really hoping that no one takes one of them, but i just felt i had to take this movie here

For my next choice i will choose the best war movie of the decade...

my second pick is:



The Thin Red Line is not your average war movie, it contains virtually no consistent storyline, no real central plot and therefore sometimes comes off feeling cold and distance, yet when you are watching it, it makes it virtually impossible for you to look away.
What makes this movie so amazing is Malik's ability to weave the story through the cinematography and use of stream of consciousness narratives that move the action without any use of cliche dialog, tacky storyline or overly gratuitous violence (which another unnamed director is famous for ). What you end up with is an absolutely unforgiving war epic that portrays all of the battle, atrocities and ugliness of war from an almost completely unbiased standpoint. Using the natural environment to weave the story together Malik's film shows us war from the point of view of each man who is forced into battle and because he does this with such masterful and vigilant use of cinematography the film becomes an essential homage to physical and mental atrocities of war itself
While the movie lacks the cohesiveness of the new world, my favorite Malik film, i couldn't pass this up in the second round, it's one of my favorite movies and every time i watch even part of it i am memorized
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 01:54 AM
Nice. Thin Red Line was something like 6th or so on my sort of list.

Er, maybe a bit lower. Top 10 anyhow.

I think it's Malick's worst movie by far too. And it's one of the best of the 90s, haha. I suppose if other directors waited 20 years between movies...

Last edited by vixticator; 03-20-2011 at 02:00 AM.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 02:05 AM
Spreadsheet link and draft list at bottom of OP now.

If your ever want a Mod to do something either PM or hit the little triangle below your avatar that says report post. We may be god-like but we are not all-knowing.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 02:07 AM
Never liked Thin Red Line when it came out. Maybe I should try again.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by GBP04
how did The Big Lebowski drop this far. wow.
Seriously? The second round has only just started and you don't know how it hasn't been picked already?

There are so many great movies from this decade and everyone is bound to have different tastes. The Big Lebowski wouldn't even be in my top 100 of the decade, but I know a lot of people have it as their favourite movie.

That's fine, but people really shouldn't be complaining about certain movies only being picked now this early in the draft. I have a huge list of movies that could have easily been picked round 1 and haven't, but it's no surprise.

All movies picked so far are worthy of first/second round picks, so you shouldn't let personal preference get in the way.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Merek007
Spreadsheet link and draft list at bottom of OP now.

If your ever want a Mod to do something either PM or hit the little triangle below your avatar that says report post. We may be god-like but we are not all-knowing.
Is it private or something? I can't access it.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by Merek007
Never liked Thin Red Line when it came out. Maybe I should try again.
i understand some people's disappointment with it and if your main goal is to be entertained when watching it you may not like it (not that it's a bad thing to watch movies for entertainment that's mainly why i watch too), like has already been said it's not his best movie, but it's still so much better in certain aspects than most other films of this genre it remains amazing...

you just have to take it for what it is, a film about the variety of atrocities and hardships of war... as opposed to a story about a war... i guess that's how i see it anyways
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 04:55 AM
My second pick:

Reservoir Dogs

Write up to follow
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 05:38 AM
10. TheCptCool //// itsasexywaytoCRAI select
Originally Posted by itsasexywaytoCRAI
I'm supposed to pick soon but I'm going to sleep, so in case I take too long, could you post my pick for me and i'll do write-up etc afterward? My pick is Naked.

not sure what too long means ): but i will go back to sleep soon myself

Last edited by hotdogfallacy; 03-20-2011 at 05:43 AM.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
That's about what I recall too. I swear my ****ing memory from 10-15 years ago is starting to get ****ty. Movies I've only seen once (and that long ago) are really fading. Actually all the movies I gave * to I only saw once, and every other one at least twice and generally more times.

Approx how many times seen in bold: Goodfellas 25x, Pulp Fiction 300x, Fargo 6x, Rushmore 4x, Miller's Crossing 5x, The Matrix 8x, Fight Club 10x, The Shawshank Redemption 12x, Braveheart 5x, Unforgiven 1x, The Silence of the Lambs 12x, Trainspotting 2x, Colors 1x, Leaving Las Vegas 1x, Before Sunrise 2x

I've seen PF far too many times. Could be even higher or possibly a few less although it's at least 250x.
Wow! I couldn't watch the same movies that often. I fear I would start to hate them. I really like most (not all) of those movies a lot and don't think I have seen any of them more than 3 or 4 times. I make a concentrated effort not to overwatch anything as I feel it ruins future viewings for me. I typically like at least a couple of years between viewings to keep them fresh. Besides that is a lot of time you could be expanding your horizons with.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 06:07 AM
thanks CRAI for posting Fight Club for me.

And now the 4 others of my top 5 are gone, but that was to expect.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 06:12 AM
10. TheCptCool //// itsasexywaytoCRAI select
I must be the anti CptCool or he is the anti me His first two picks are 2 of my very least favorite movies ever. Naked is definitely my most hated as stated in the most hated thread.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Yeah, it's the #1 movie of all time on the IMDB!

I like it. Good movie. Not in my top 100 (er, of all time) but almost def in top 250 which puts it in top 1% of stuff I've seen... so it ain't bad.
You watch a lot of movies.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
Wow! I couldn't watch the same movies that often. I fear I would start to hate them. I really like most (not all) of those movies a lot and don't think I have seen any of them more than 3 or 4 times. I make a concentrated effort not to overwatch anything as I feel it ruins future viewings for me. I typically like at least a couple of years between viewings to keep them fresh. Besides that is a lot of time you could be expanding your horizons with.
Yeah, which is why I tend not to constantly rewatch stuff now. All those movies hold up pretty well. With Pulp Fiction I literally watched it every day, sometimes more than once, for at least 4 months. Haven't seen the whole thing in a few years... used to know all the lines.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 06:46 AM
can't imagine watching a movie that much
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 06:51 AM
About to go to sleep, feel free to pass my pick along to somebody else if you are too. Can't do writeup of any sorts on phone anyway.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
My second pick:

Reservoir Dogs

Write up to follow
That was my target and my fave Tarantino
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 09:33 AM
Personally I feel The Big Lebowski is a tiny bit over-rated. It's great no doubt but wouldn't be in my top five Coen Bros movies.

I think this is probably somewhat to do with the fact that the movie really appeals to the general demographic who inhabit poker forums and most of my friends too.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 09:35 AM
i thought it was my #3 favorite movie of the decade, but just realized it's my #5. With Pulp Fiction being the third. i wanted to draft it, but drafting two Coen bros movies would have a bit too much. Going to draft my #4 favorite movie in round 6 or so.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-20-2011 , 09:43 AM
I don't like Big Lebowski that much. I think Miller's Crossing and Fargo are better. The Coens are amazing directors, so many great movies.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
