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What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? What if I stop before the white stuff comes out?

01-04-2009 , 10:10 PM
Spot Reserved for Cruizn63
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 02:39 PM

This is gotta be somebody from 4l
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by ShamWow

This is gotta be somebody from 4l
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 02:52 PM
This dewde guy is a riot
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 04:38 PM
I love his choice of name.
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 04:47 PM
What if I stop after the white stuff comes out?!?
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by cds0699
What if I stop after I yarble?!?
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 10:57 PM
This is just insanely funny.
Here's the original Please Respond, because it owns:
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by skillgambler
one thing that helped me was taking my cell phone into my room with me at night. When I was almost at the brink of resisting I texted my accountability partner for prayer and encouragement.
I had one of those once.
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 11:34 PM
I think the liberal media is trying to replace the term "Bestiality" with "interspecies eroica" to make it seem more morally acceptable. But they need to call it like it is, Bestiality. This will become more popular as we get closer to the end of the world. Soon there will be forums on the internet where members post links to horse porn. I pray we somehow avoid this, before I get caught up in it...
At first, I was like "OREILLY FACTOR." Then, I was like, "horse porn?" Who loves Jesus and says "HORSE PORN?" Then, I was like, "oh."
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-07-2009 , 11:39 PM
I have banned the user NotBehindYou. He was here from another forum in order to stir up trouble and "have slow gentle fun with the children" here.
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 01:29 PM
Last night I got to my 20th post on the site and now I can access the "guys only forum", in there you can read journals of guy posters (theres another subforum, but I havent been there yet) here's an entry from dewde's journal:
Hey guys!

Well, I have a confession. I was on a website browsing some images to use on THIS website. I was in a section that was supposed to be "safe". And what do you know... after browsing through a couple hundred pictures that were legitimate... WHAM! ONE random pic on the next results page was a partial nude.

My gut-reaction was "WHOOOAAA!" and I immediately clicked the link to the next page of images. Of course the second page had one partial nude also.

With lightning fast reflexes I did the Lookaway/alt-F4 combo of death. TUrned off my computer for the night, and moved my attention to other things.

Now I have been saying for a while now that I have been porn-free for nearly three years (next month will BE 3 years). I dont remember the actual date I stopped, just that it was late winter/early spring.

Maybe I'm splitting hairs here, but I want to be clear about my opinions on this issue. I still consider myself to be porn-free. What I experienced was a temptation. I was not looking for porn or nude images. When I saw one, I immediately desired to get it off my screen, so i clicked the "next page" link. When the next page also had an image, I immediately closed the browser, shutdown the computer, and walked away.

Now, let me ask you this. Do you consider me to be "porn free"?

Father, thank You for giving me the strength to instinct to reflexivly remove myself in the face of temptation. Thank You for showing me I always need to be on my guard. Thank You for Your love and mercy. In Jesus name, amen.
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 01:40 PM
Same name over there shamwow?
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by sofocused978
Same name over there shamwow?
it's different
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 01:48 PM
sham is undercover mang
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 01:51 PM
Dewde has a close one...
OK ok so I have been a journal slacker. I admit. Here goes.

I had the closest call since I gave up porn 3 years ago and it happened about 6 weeks back. I know I should have journaled it but I didn't it was a crazy week and then i never got around to it.

I was helping a family member format their computer and re-install windows. So I bring my trusty external hard drive over and I back up all the email, docs, pictures, etc. I format the drive and reinstall windows. So far no problems. I finish up and that is that.

The next day I am trying to clean up my external hard drive and low and behold what do I find amongst that persons backed up files on my drive... but a stash of his porn.

There I sat. Looking at the thumbnails. Frozen in time for moment. You cant see the details in the thumbnails and so I'm thinking... "It's not. Is it? No way." And then "What folder is this in anyway? Of course... buried deep down and hidden amongst the music."

I'm sitting there alone. Noone will know. Time is still ticking in almost frozen slow motion. Prayer is the last thing on my mind.

Out of thoughtless instinct, I actually hovered my mouse over one of the images to open it... But then immediately came to my senses. The question, "Do you really want to confess to the guys on TAP?" popped into my head.

I answered the question with actions.

::: hilite all :::

::: push delete :::

::: push "y" :::

::: empty recycle bin :::

::: power off computer :::

::: go to bed :::

I prayed after that, trust me. I really wanted to come here and post about it, but first of all no way in heck I was staying online after the adrenaline rush and the energy of "almost-porn" so alive in my mind. The only wise next step after a close call is to power off and not touch the computer again until tomorrow.

Then we had family in town visiting us and I had work and all this crap was going on and I just never got around to it until now.

So here it is. For the record I am still over 3 years free of porn. I have not chosen to look at porn or surf porn in all that time. I have watched a few R rated movies with steamy scenes, but never alone and always with my wife. I almost always look away or close my eyes til I know the sex scene is over.

As far as MB goes I am still over a year clean. This is the harder battle for me. Some days you are just toally in the mood and your wife is just totally not. So you gotta deal with it.

Anyway thanks for listening. And thanks for any prayers. I may not be in exactly the same boat as you guys but I still struggle. And I have just as much to lose and just as much to gain by being pure.

What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 02:32 PM
Just wow.
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 03:02 PM
from another admin's "journal"
So I messed it up a couple of times since my last post. It is really hard on the third day to face up the temptations. This time was the worst to me. I had read something about sexual immorality from the bible just two nights ago, and it was running through my mind the whole time. It was in the shower by the way. So the whole time I'm standing there thinking I need to get out, but I couldn't stop. I had thought about just kneeling down there in the shower to pray about it, but I didn't. I don't know why I can't resist. Well, I know why it is hard to resist, but I don't know why my higher moral sense cannot win over my fleshly lust. Does anyone have tips for that situation? in the shower, I mean. I've sung songs about God's glory before and that works sometimes.

I just realized what had made me do it. I was going back through my thoughts at the time, and last night I was staying at a friends house. Anyways, through a really weird circumstance some porn was on the tv for like 10 seconds. We were not like looking for it, but it just showed up out of nowhere. I could not get it out of my mind later, in the shower. I wish that hadn't happened, maybe I would not have done it.
but don't worry...dewde has a solution:
Yeah man I got a suggestion for you. Get a stopwatch. Give yourself 2 minutes to shower and tell yourself that you are turning off the water the SECOND it hits the 2 minute mark.

Get in and then get out.

The shower is a tough trigger for a lot of the guys here. You aren't alone on that one!!!
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 04:20 PM

They probably think thier dead relatives are watching em when they succumb to the lust of the flesh and rub one out.

Keep poasting updates ShamWow, stay deep undercover.
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 04:26 PM
Here's some poetry by Matt Hardwick:
Just some poems (would this be called poetry or just writing?)..

How did i dare to do these things?
i have shown myself inadequate
time and again
apologize, confess, and guiltless; right?
not so guiltless, it seems
i still regret what i have done to myself
for it is my own body sin against
my body that is bought from me by God
how dare i defile His property
as though i walk into someone's house and kill their whole family
how dare i?
i am told it is nothing to Him
He forgets all things
then why do i feel such guilt
i see the consequences coming
this body should have been in the Lord's service
called not to be mine
but to be hers
because she trusts in Him
it is a gift from His to her
and i steal it for my own pleasure?
how dare i!?
because of my own choices
i am so sorry

A petition to the Almighty, answered?

i am in the presence of
Almighty God, I AM
i cry out to Him
saying i cannot do this alone, it is too much for one man to deal with
i request
take over
i am not strong enough to resist
but i am finished with this
i ask
He gives
she has been there the whole time
there is your help
I AM her strength
and I AM very strong.

Thank you note

Thank you God
i tried to come up with words to express my feelings
none came that seemed adequate.
So i say thank you again.
and again.
and again.
i could not have asked for better.

He loves me this much
I mess up so much
but why do i only think about that
i beat myself up about it
freedom is found in Christ
i am free
my sin is nothing
i can mess up as much
but He still forgives
glorious God
how can i feel bad?
i don't have time to feel like i did something wrong
the enemy is here
ready to destroy me again
will i fight?
or will i surrender?
go on, stand firm, you are safe.
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 04:30 PM
reading the Bible in the shower?
I messed up in the shower this morning.

I have had a great week(7 whole days) where I didn't get much temptation and it was really great because I was studying that book Mere Christianity and thinking about God most of the time. I knew I was weak going in there. I did nothing to flee from the temptation and, actually, I turned and embraced it. I don't know why. So now its back to 4 minute showers or else I need to get a waterproof bible. Actually, thats not a bad idea. I think I'll get a list of anti-temptation verses and laminate them. Put them on the wall in the shower. That will help. By the grace of God I got a week where I did not have to even think about stopping myself. I can only pray that it goes like that but longer each time.
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 04:33 PM
more from dewde
Wow almost looked at pr0n yesterday. Completely by accident. The site I hit triggered my SafeEyes, which sent emails out to Jill, my wife, John, and others. I sent an email out to everyone immediately explaining what happen...

BAD SITE BAD SITE BAD SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!


That was so freaking close. PRAISE GOD my slow internet connection did not allow a single image to load completely!!!!! I figured out what happened and closed the browser before I even saw anything more than PG-13.

Oh my gosh my heart is racing LOL.

Man I gotta be more careful than that. I was typing in "******.com" but when I got to the letter "*" in the word "****" I hit tab to autocomplete the rest of the URL in my history and then hit enter.

Easy enough. Do it all the time.

but I must have mis-pressed the tab because "*****.com" came up.


Definately gonna lean heavy on bookmarks from now on.


You cant even type half way innocent words in a browser sometimes without tripping on pr0n.

What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 05:57 PM
These people are allowed to vote too, thats the scary part
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
02-14-2009 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by HellRoxYa
This is just insanely funny.
Here's the original Please Respond, because it owns:
What if I stop before the white stuff comes out? Quote
