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Questions to help you decide if 4Life/OOT/The Lounge/EDF is the best community forum for you Questions to help you decide if 4Life/OOT/The Lounge/EDF is the best community forum for you

07-09-2009 , 01:35 PM
A female poster posts for the first time. What do you prefer to see?

1. Dom hitting on her, diebitter suggesting Dom tone it down, and Blarg accusing db of doing his usual 'internet white knight' crap
2. Several dozen 'tits or gtfo' posts
3. Her being treated like she dropped a turd in a swimming pool...from the top board
4. Sagebrush and the low whistle of the desert wind


2. 4Life
3. OOT
4. EDF
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07-09-2009 , 01:36 PM
I don't seem to belong anywhere. fml
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07-09-2009 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Pawntificator
I don't seem to belong anywhere. fml
This means you have a very high 4Life rating, so keep that chin up, little trooper.
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07-09-2009 , 01:58 PM
Your ideal MS Paint is:

a) Annie Duke's head on the body of Greg Raymer
b) An arrow pointing to the 1400 hand stretch in your graph where you dropped 50 BIs because you were high on jenkem
c) A robot dog fornicating with the Queen of England while a real dog urinates on her head
d) A birds-eye-view diagram of a traffic incident


a) NVG
b) BBV
c) BBV4L
d) OOT
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07-09-2009 , 02:02 PM
As much as I try to fit in here these questions make it blatantly obvious that I don't belong. At least I have been right about which one is the 4L answer counts for something I guess.
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07-09-2009 , 02:14 PM
I'm about 65% 4L. I guess i'm just a mut.
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07-09-2009 , 02:39 PM
I'll have a go...

You would rather:

a) carefully consider a question and make an informed response
b) make fun of other people's responses
c) post an important topic for discussion
e) photoshop ugly heads on hot bodies

a) Your "hope meter" could run right off the chart today as Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune cluster together in your sign for the second of three such pow-wows this year. Opportunities can return that were first introduced in May. You have had extra time to think about your choices, so don't be afraid to take a stand now. Just keep in mind that big changes like this take time, so don't assume that the shift will happen overnight.

b)100°F, Currently: Clear, Wind: S at 1 mph, Humidity: 23%

c)Open the rolls and spread each side with 1 to 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Place 4 basil leaves on four of the rolls. Layer the same four rolls with the roast beef, 1 to 2 tablespoons of blue cheese, and a sprinkling of walnuts. Top each with the remaining half rolls.

f)Serena had been saying from the start of these Championships that it was her turn to win Wimbledon. And since the Williamses have turned this event into a private affair, the only one she really needed to defeat was Venus.
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07-09-2009 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Spaceman
Your ideal MS Paint is:

a) Annie Duke's head on the body of Greg Raymer
b) An arrow pointing to the 1400 hand stretch in your graph where you dropped 50 BIs because you were high on jenkem
c) A robot dog fornicating with the Queen of England while a real dog urinates on her head
d) A birds-eye-view diagram of a traffic incident


a) NVG
b) BBV
c) BBV4L
d) OOT
exists? links? or should i get to work on painting that?
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07-09-2009 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Velutha
exists? links? or should i get to work on painting that?
Right now it only exists in the hearts and minds of all of us, so you should paint it.
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07-09-2009 , 03:00 PM
Which thread would you most like to see on the front page of a forum?

1) Gorgeous Wallets
2) Post if your wife is pregnant
3) High-end Dining thread vol. 3
4) What if I stop before the white stuff comes out?


1) OOT
3) EDF
4) 4Life
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07-09-2009 , 03:19 PM
A fun thread about cats would:

A -- Have pictures
B -- Reminisce
C -- Mention that cats figure in the logos and names of many Silicon Valley companies
D -- Be started by Dids to whine about how they annoy him


B. Lounge
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07-09-2009 , 04:21 PM
im so 90% 4L cos im 100% ******ed
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07-09-2009 , 04:31 PM
100% 4L no ****
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01-10-2010 , 05:37 PM
Who do you think is the greatest singer who ever lived?

1) Judy Garland
2) Frank Sinatra
3) John Denver
4) Alizee


1) OOT
2) EDF
4) 4Life
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01-10-2010 , 05:45 PM
damn diebitter bumping some gold threads today
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01-10-2010 , 05:47 PM
This should be a sticky, in each of the forums mentioned. IMO

Edit: holy ****, I almost forgot to ask for MOAR pics.
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01-10-2010 , 05:48 PM
If you sleep with a prostitute, and then refuse to pay her:

1) It's rape
2) It's theft of services
3) It's both, because rape is a form of theft


1) OOT
2) BBV4L
3) EDF
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01-10-2010 , 06:10 PM
YES! I am BBV4L through and through according to these tests. take that F OOT.
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03-19-2010 , 07:44 AM
Which thread would you open first?

1) What is your favorite periodic table element w/poll?
2) Hawt chicks smoking pics
3) Is there a modern equivalent to Bergman?
4) Green is the new grey?
5) Why was GreatBig****** banned?
6) Is AK better than JJ?
7) Porn porn porn porn porn


1. OOT
2. 4Life
4. EDF
5. ATF
6. High Stakes NL Holdem
7. Mod forum
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03-19-2010 , 07:48 AM
You find a wallet with $100 in it. You...

1) Spend it and toss the wallet
2) Spend it and keep the wallet
3) Try to jam the wallet and its contents in your bum
4) Return it to its rightful owner

1) Lounge 2) 4L 3) OOT 4) ?syntax error
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03-19-2010 , 08:08 AM
this thread is amazing
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03-19-2010 , 09:09 AM
I may be new here... but I do know now that I'm BBV4Life (100%)
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03-19-2010 , 02:53 PM
You see a thread entitled 'Star Trek'. What do you intend to post in it?

1) Gogogo Kirk do dem green baitches (+ pics of green baitches)
2) Zulu is dreamy
3) Of course, the entire premise is in fact an unrealistic fantasy that is, at heart, based in fascistic belief-systems originating from (blah, blah, blah)
4) Of couse despite the J.J. Abrams effort, the pinnacle surely remains The Wrath of Khan, because (blah, blah, blah)


1) 4Life
2) OOT
3) EDF
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03-19-2010 , 03:12 PM
its Sulu you moran
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03-19-2010 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
you hear that Dominic has posted one of his porn-director stories after 2 years since the last one. Which of these is the closest to what you think when you hear this?

1) Well, in this post-post-post-modern age, it would be a postive intellectual exercise to revisit 80s and 90s mores through an anecdote of that strange subculture of fleshy excess, where the luddite, nay revanchist...(blah,blah)
2) Ewww, that sounds stupid, it's all made up anyway. I'm so gonna bust his balls for doing that
3) I wonder what camera he used


1) EDF
2) OOT
4) 4Life
lolololol....I hadn't seen this thread before.
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