- vandalised the school grand piano with a thumbtack, which was worth roughly $30k
- Went around the back-way of an orthodontists centre, because the sliding doors in the front weren't working. Apparently, they weren't sliding doors, but just ordinary doors that had to be pushed. The three hot receptionists laughed their asses off.
- Met a girl in a club. Told me her name was Abigale, to which i responded "Hey, that's my dogs name!".
- Got wasted and told off the bouncer. told him to f** himself and then ran away. 10 minutes later he found me and told me off. He was with 2 really hot chicks, who proceeded to giggle (from this day forward i've tried to control my drinking).
- Got drunk at around midnight. Felt the need to do multiple laps naked in my swimming pool. Caught by parents who arrived home from an anniversary dinner.
- I have two small dogs. It was around 11pm, and they wanted to go outside. I opened the door for them. I forgot that tilers came that day, to tile the front and back of the house (the house was almost completed). The tiles were wet. To this day, you can still see small dog prints on the tiles outside of the house.
- Unfortunately all this is true, and sometimes i am a real f**** idiot. All of them happened in my teens, so yeah, can't feel too bad.