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View Poll Results: Katy Perry or Amy Whinehouse
Katy Perry <3
--rob--, 11t, 2OutsNoProb, 34sooted5betshove, 3kingme3, 4 of a KINDBUD, 4k4sh777, Aaronk56's Son, adizzle13, ahmngrn30, Aigyptos, AJW, Akrinis, AlexKIA, aliarspocket, animal_chin, Apollyon1, ashecounty, Athar, atmosphere23, Auts, avman, avocadoclock, Bahn Mi, ball dont lie, basser, beansroast01, bee-dre, BeerBatter, Benny Cake, bhere2pk, bigentx, Bigheadarch1, BigPoppa, Biko, billygrippo, BingoBango, BLAABAR, Blarg, BlitzPlayer, bmorganonap, buffyslayer1, Bulldog2782, Burdzthewurd, BurningSquirrel, BWMASJR, CanuckG, capone0, caracorules, casinonomad5787, cds0699, chadmack, CheckCheckFold, chh, Chilltown, chondo, clickingbuttons, CoachKirby, ColbertFan, CompleteDegen, cookieb, cowboy2579, craigensa, crazyfool1985, D3cent, dangeraw, Dan_The_Pro, DarkOne, davidv1213, dcg3, DCIAce, degeneret, dickieh, dietDrThunder, dj80d, Dominic, DonkeyFocker, dpeters17, DrQian, ducatiboy, Dylan, EADGBE, ehafner, Elusive, Ephialtes, estenpro, Ev1lTwin, evilhamit, exist, Faildog, FatalClarity, feesjah, FernTheBrute, flatters, foxmoor, Francis M.H., fredd-bird, frinxor, frotteur, FullMetalAlcoholic, G0tGame?, G1982, Gandolfandiari, Gary Stevenson, gaurangpatel, gazza137, getterdone36, Getting_rich, ghostbeef, GimmeDat, GingerJono, gmac, GMINTZ, Gonzirra, GooseHinson, Grammarian, GSWarriors, GUff, haggy, HALFTheCookies, Halsu, Hatliz, Hester, HoKuZpOkUz, I CANE I, Iconoclastic, insanity31, iplayscared, irishguy, ItalianFX, ivgotthenuts, IWearSportsJerseys, JackHighFlop, jamzfive, Jandreasson, jdAA88, jedi, Jeff P, jfresh, JimHammer, JMurder3, jordan2, journeyman54, Jo_Vaet_Inte, jtomon, JustMark, K00PASC00PA, kaj_kyle, Kanil, KarlizL, katastrrov, Kermit, kevon, KidIcee, kinda, knotfan1234, konbanwa, kris_p, leeh88, lenC, lgas, littlekeed, Locatej, Logieuk, Lord Gimik, lostandgone85, LotsOfOuts69, ltb, MackB2, Mang, manguydude21, Manilla Gorilla, markksman, Maso777, mbatterham, Meester Stotch, MeSsY MeSs, MexicanIvey, MFCMark, mhh, Michigan13, MikeBIF, Milk of MILF, mixmastermattyk, mmack66, mo3rtelmu, Mother Mucker, Mr Lucrative, Mr. T, Mr.JR, mrmika, MrTpitythafoo, NeedsMoreNuts, Nero1877, nhWPjstUnLKy, niftymatt, Ninc, notcoolzeus, NotFadeAway, nudz, nuisance, Nutcracker19, OLOLOLPOKERZ, Omar Comin, OMGBennyLava, omgliekhax, Orange You Glad, OutKicked, Oxata, Pauwl, pbx, peterk430, phil hellmuck, phil0pp, philfan05, phishman, pikamon15, pimp_named_ak, Pippen33, plubius, pocketas227, Pok3rF4ce_NL, Poker Reference, pokerbobo, pokerclack, PokerIsHard, pompeypoker, Poofler, potatoesareawesome, PowellM, QuarterTon, Quicksilvre, qwertyu121, rckyu, RD, redCashion, richeh, Rips, rjoefish, RkyMtnKoolaid, rmthawk64, RobinN, rohjoh, royce_, rsixx, runondiesel, Rzitup, Saint of Savages, Salinger, Sappie22, SayNoob, sbfootball_84, schummlalala, ScreaminAsian, Scruffs Mcguff, shad0wslay3r, ShamWow, sheeprustler, shipshape715, sideboob, Simkars, Sir Huntington, SIThomer, skeletor121, skillgambler, Sly_Fox, smiecimackaa, SmoothLikeDat, soonereagle, Sp00n, SpaceBound21, SpuddzMcoy, stinkypete, Stragomagus, StrictlyStrategy, superleeds90, SwoopAE, szakee, tarheeljks, Tbird24, tennisandgolf16, TER, TerribleTerrana, thanksb, thebigeasy59, TheDreamingTree, TheDude124, thenatedogg3, ThePwnz0r, Thythe, Tmoney120, Toast91185, Tom Peters, Tonding, Tovkeh, TPistrix, trippy, tschubauer, ugotbicked, uptheirons, ursine cotcher, V0dkandices, Valleygoat, vbm, Vehement, Velutha, Vendal, warrantofice, weedmaN, weez4004, WhatASurprise, wiener, wikemang, Wires, Wizardballs, wlau, wnp22, wombat4hire, wporter, wrongarm300, xrek, Yarbles, yellowjack, YetioDoom, ZAndlamb, Zima421