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View Poll Results: Do you have a foreskin?
328 53.77%
**Takezo**, 75s00ted, a5wantinga10, ab160, abysss92, AceCR9, acme003, adizzle13, AJFenix, ajlind, AJW, Albert W. Labarde, Alexisonfyre, Andy Pipkin, Anghellic, anotherFISH, Antidote, AOOOOOOOO, Araklion, art__vandelay, Atteveikko, b0b187, B5k, bacox1, Banzai, barnabus, BarrySanders, Bauko, bbartlog, BCage, BcnDiamond, benpoker12, BigFritzK2s, Biko, BingoBango, bingobars, BLAABAR, Blackout, BlackShuck, booron, Borned_Luckbox1, BostonArmenian, BoZZa, browerkid, Brussels Sprout, brutalBeater, burns, buttonpusher, Caesar88, CandyKreep, CASINOCASINO, Cataract, cb417, ceni, chardy, Chillee, Chilltown, chinaski101, chrusher97, Chuppa, clickingbuttons, Colm, craaazytrain, curtis012, curve, d10, DaBigBoss86, Dada2512, Damontis, Dark_Mace, davewuff, daxtrader, dercon, didonk, Djeorge, Dolech, Dom217, donttiltboy, downside up, dpoker61, Dropkick Brian, ducmania, DumbHick, earljones199, eazyaznboi, el_dusto, enjoileo, equalsfive, Ethos, eurythmech, Eva N Longoria, evank15, Evertonian23, evilhamit, EVplusEV, Faccio, Fast_Prophet, fiskebent, FlyingRat, FoldedAAPre, footscrayzy, FranklinRepsMe, froggr, Froston06, funnymunny, Fuzzwah, gEM, GenPhantom, GeoGeo, GeraldGiraffe, Getmoney$916, GEToutHOEits6AM, ghostbeef, ghostface, gimmetheloot, Glamdringer, gmac, gogzy, Golden_Rhino, gongshow, goosty, Gyre, Halsu, Hamish McBagpipe, Hap Hapablap, Haze, hennerz, Hiphopopotamus, hitchingbird, HIV, HoKuZpOkUz, Hoop Addict, hrrrrr, iamcaveman, iBeatMyKids, Icalllight, IFK, IHaveABigDeck, iplayscared, IRunHot, IsaacW, italianstang, ITSOVER9000, Jackitos, Jailblazers, jamez_kerry, Jamos, Jappejynx, JavaKing, Jazzy3113, jchauvin, jdAA88, jigglypuffz, Jim14Qc, JJdeblufheld, Jnr Logical, joephe, jogden139, JokersAttack, jquik, JRock7997, Junior9587, jweak, kaobeikaobei, Keta Lover, KidsJH, Kid_Bris, Kirkland, kitnaTHEgreat, Kloonike, Kneppan, ktec, Kypha, Labarde, lank4ever, larry31, LarryLaughs, Le Alexandre, Lelouch R2, lenC, libertos, LimeAndCoconut, Livew1re, Lord Bodak, LovedBySgtSaLT, mad_hatter, maidz, Majik8Ball, mandroid, maniacut, markdeeznutz, masterSilviu, Maxior, mb6tour, McBeef, mericky, Michaelson, MinusEV, Mischman, mmj, Money Ludolf, Mr Lucrative, Mr.JR, mrhat, murderturtle, MyGeneration, Myrmidon7328, Nakkikake, natureboy, netstorm, noisy_the_Rhy, Not_In_My_Name, novahunterpa, npknhldr, Nutcracker19, OlderBaby, Omar Comin, Ophidion, OreosAndMilk, OuchBye, palinca, partypingu, partypokerer, PatJ, Pauwl, Pawntificator, Pegaz, phantom_lord, phatgtdmb, philnewall, pinkmushroomhead, PokercastRoss, PokerControl, Ponder, potatoesareawesome, PowaHauss, pozmanaught, Pr0digy, pr1me, Prick_Assley, primaxx, Punker, P_Nut, R3AG4N, Radar101, ra]\\[dom, recipro, reefdawg, Ren McCormack, renotime, RobbStarr, RockRattler, Rokke, russi, Ryanj37, Sabrazack, salesbeast, Salinger, Sammwich, samwallistea, Santzes, sashking, sator, sbfootball_84, Sdid, Sebs, sh58, Shazaam! IMO, Shephard, sickaz, sightless, SilentEcho, SinkRox, sl8a, Snygaard, sootedgapper, Spaceball, speedle, SpleenLSD, springzz, Steven_Q_Erkel, SunnyDays, supafrey, TAFARI, taikogod, thanksb, the clęaner, TheAnavar, thebigeasy59, TheGeneral, TheLemonShark, theslowdown, thethethe, TheyCallMeDonk, Tien, time2hammer, tmcdmck, tommyombomb, ULTRAPENIS, Undervalued, UrineDanger, Valerio, Vantek, vilemerchant, Whitefngrs, whoisthedrizzle, Windmasta, WinEvryRacex, WizWalt, Wolverine, xBornToLosex, xeanatic, xottbeck, xukxuk, Xylem, yellowjack, yli, yoshi_yoshi, YouCheckRaise, young Nut, Zippzo, zmigsthatkid, ZOMG_RIGGED!, ZStoffel, _-BB-_,
282 46.23%
▬▬▬▬▬▬, -Insert Witty SN-, 1337sauce, 1aguilas, 3rdCheckRaise, 4h8red, 5th St Hooligan, 9arybusey, AbsoluteTilt, aceskay, AGx19, Alchemist, alexander7179, alexjd23, anhhungcodoc, animal_chin, apfel, apunisher, atmosphere23, ATrebek, AussieJack, Bacon, BadPlayer13, BDesrochers, behhh04, Big Slick x13x, BigCummins, bigzla, billygrippo, Birkin, bkgrinder, blake85x, Bluegrassplayer, bluey, bnorthro, bobboufl11, bocablkr, brocksavage1, BustedStr8, cables, calcbandit, callmedonnie, Candranos, Cardfish1, cardsharkk04, Carl_Spackler, CheckRaise, Claunchy, ClutchCity, colson10, CompleteDegen, Coo, Coooped, CrazeeAsh, cryptcougar, DaExMan, dangeraw, DanK, ddollevoet, Deanglow, Delzek15, demon102, derm, deucegame, Dick Starbuck, DietWhit, dirtbag88, dirtypete33, dogmonkey, Dominic, DonkBluffer, DonkeyKongSr, DonkJr, dOrkFish, doucheburger, Dr. Spaceman, DrClaw, dride, Droogie, DrPepperIce, Dubey, dust bustah, DZgroundhog, ebepse, eighty6, eleventy, Eman6969, emartin762, emmemere, Ephialtes, evilempire, EvilSteve, farmslicer7, FaulBreitner, findingneema, FluxCapacitor, fopah, fredd-bird, frotteur, fuluck, g0tcuddly, gaming_mouse, GBP04, General Tsao, getterdone36, GooseHinson, GQW, GREEAR10, GTBMuckface, gutte169, Guy Incognito, gwambini, Hackstarr, haggy, Halfpoint, HawkFanIA, hemstock, Himself, hitme1tim3, I.Rowboat, ianisakson, iCrush Souls, IgrindMICROS, ihatewells, ilikeaces86_, ILikeApples, insanity31, ISTHISOK, Jae14, jafeather, jedi, Jimbo31, JinX11, jiroz, jjbish, JJoseph, JOEYCLARK, JohnnyFairplay, jontsef, jschell, justscott, kaj_kyle, KFCandKoolAid, kgrad5, Khaos4k, kinda, Klever187, knicknut, knotfan1234, kordoISback, kylmac85, legendary loser, lgas, littlekeed, loK2thabrain, LondonBroil, loosekanen, LooseStool, Lothario, Low Key, luckbox666, luckfactor, LuckyDice, luka allen, MandM_WSU, mantasm, Maso777, mckaax, meierp, MeSsY MeSs, MFpoker, miaowmiaowchowface, Mikess2001, MirroRobin, miw210, Momsbarbershop, Moneyball16, MrAsmodi, NapoleonDolemite, NeedsMoreNuts, Nemesis69, NewMoney33, newschool2, nimuh, ninefouroff, ninetimes, NL_Hustlr, NotMitch, nuisance, Oh...NOOOOO, Ohnoesthe2nd, ojdp, OneTimePlz!, P-Kane 20 Cent, Pair0dimes, PaulG, PhilBeans, phishman, pinkpantherr, Pinocchio, PopeyeCT, prodonkey, Quagmyer, RadioActive1, rafdogg2000, RainierWolfcastle, rangerxbob, realnamenogimik, remedys, Retardid, RHFiend, River ., riverdance, Ro$$, Robert12345, roblin, rodthebod, Rubberneck, RuleThirtyFour, runner4life7, runondiesel, rustyboy, rustyshackelford, sabes, schundler, Scotter, Scruffs Mcguff, shoemaker, shortstacking4life, sideboob, SimonBarSinister, Sir S A Lot, skoal2k4, smeglacious, SneakyFerret, snoopdawg, soccket00, sondring, SoSo, Steve G, Stockholm's, Str8Fish, StrictlyStrategy, subandi, Suede2, Tapow Dayok, tbhouston, Tbird24, Teebs, Teh1337zor, TeneoVestri, ThaDodinski, ThatDude85, The 1-2 Teddy, The Man Mulcahey, themagnum, TheOneWizard, ThePwnz0r, therealpk, TheScientist, TheUntouchable, Thuey11, Thythe, timex, todd7286, Tolnew, trippy, Trucero, tunaman3000, twak, vezj420, Vitamin11, warrantofice, wheel son, whyzze, xSCWx, xxjondxx, yi style, yonnyaus, Ziggy28, zinn0, Zoogs