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View Poll Results: Which is the best limerick?
201 62.42%
21times20, 4h8red, 4_2_it, 80sSynthPop, a5wantinga10, AceofSpades, albert2, Albino Lord, apefish, BaldElephant, Bantam222, batair, Bazkovic, Beatngreet415, Big Slick x13x, bige321786, bizzym00, BJLTNYK, bkgrinder, Bluegrassplayer, bmxicle, bobboufl11, bobman0330, Boolean, bosoxfan, Bubbagump, Caesar88, CaptainBusto, CCuster 911, ceni, Cerneo, Chesskid1, Chris S., Chump Change, Cola, cookieb, Count Chocula, cowpig, Dan87, DannyOcean_, danzasmack, DarthIgnurnt, Davdob, ddollevoet, dkgojackets, dlorc, Donk4L, Droogie, dukemagic, DukeSucks, dvo352, dxu05, eighty6, emmemere, eof, esspo, evilhamit, EWS87, exec771, FatalError, fiskebent, forshure, Franchise 60, fraserbrown, frotteur, ftball0000, Futtocked, g-bebe, ghostface, GiantForehead, Gin 'n Tonic, Golden_Rhino, gravycakes, gregorio, GTBMuckface, gtpitch, HERE_2_gamble_, Himself, HojoMofo, HoldThem, hrrrrr, Hustler, Insane_Steve, iplayscared, IsaacW, It's Me, jchauvin, jedi, Jerrr, jester710, jkkkk, jmitchell42, Joseph Hewes, Jovial Gent, juttelstud, Kanye of Cards, KCFT85, Kevroc, KhalynYohrk, Khaos4k, kinda, kkcountry, Kloonike, KreellKeiser, lank4ever, LazyBob, lenC, lennie257, LooseCaller, LordBP, Low Key, LuisV, manbearpig, markdeeznutz, MarsMuzak, MasterShakeJr, mastr, matt68228, Maybe, Micro Donk, Minor Threat, Misterjokerboy, mlagoo, Mrage, MrEleganza, Mr_Donktastic, Namdrahsirhc, NeedsMoreNuts, Nemesis69, NhlNut, ninetimes, Not_In_My_Name, NozeCandy, NutCrackerr, O Fenômeno, Omar Comin, OMGuraBOT, pahala, Patrio, Pauwl, phillydilly, pimp_named_ak, PJo336, Popinjay, Pudge714, Quagmyer, RadioActive1, RauICa$hflo, redron85, Rinse Agent, rkawar, RoundGuy, RuleThirtyFour, runningmarvel, rwesty, Rythm, sabes, Salerosa, SaulPaul, saymond, Shephard, Silu, siouxbrew, skedar, Snafu'd, SneakyFerret, soko, SpartMan1, STA654, StepBangin, Steroid Boy, Stoneflip, Styhn, superman26gt1, taloc, The Hag, TheDoubleA, TheJubilantMale, TheLemonShark, ThePwnz0r, TimberBee, TJ Eckleburg12, TJayBird, tmcdmck, tnerolF, toybux, trigstarr, TurkishMuffins, Ubertom, udbrky, vaNq, Vantek, wahoopride, WaKtickets, wikemang, Wondercall, xxJoexx, yeotaJMU, yoshi_yoshi, zaephyr, ZeTurd