I think I speak for everyone when I say that I wouldn't mind some sort of visual reference point or at least much more physical detail on this lucky lady. And I should note that I have absolutely no problems with cutefat.
Also, whats the over/under on this turning into a long-distance romance? Dids is certainly an Internet communicator, which can quickly take you down the path of trans-continental loving.
Hell, after 10 years of non-romance, I'd be chomping at the bit to maintain that lovey-dovey close feeling. Pretty powerful stuff when the ladies are into you.
Could she be a keeper?! Communications advancements and ease of travel can shrink that great divide pretty easily...
This probably is a big "Suck It" to the guy who freshman year said to you, "Dids, you're so fat America will elect a black President before you get laid again."