So before my place is ready to move into(other side of the two family house) i'm living in the other side for a month. One of the roomates is out of town for the summer and i'm living in his room, his roomates are all my best friends. My friend (call...i kinda him G) probably stole 600 dollars from me, and i don't know what to do
G is retarted, basically has done to much acid in his life and is just incredibally illogical and seems like he is missing a part of his brain at points (he probably is)
So i have 1700 dollars in my desk(all 100's), there is a padlock on the door to the room, but I'm often very lazy about locking it... (the bedrooms are upstairs, and nobody goes up there to hang out)
Last night after having a few drinks before we go out, I count my money and notice my billage is down to 1100... i kinda freak out, but quietly and look in G's room (everyone is downstairs) and find a 100 dollar bill kind of just resting on his desk, my instant reaction is to just snag it so i did
today i ask him hey did you grab some money from my room thinking it was the roomates who is out of town and you were jus gonna put it back? (giving him an easy way out)
he says nah, and i tell him i found 100 dollars in his room, and asked him why he had 100 dollar bill... he just says he didn't know he had 100 dollar bill
the converstation awkwardly continued and i asked him just to check his stuff see maybe played a prank and put the money in his room (nother easy way out)and the conversation ended
not my whole roll.. but i haven't head much poker luck this last month and now this... just ridiculous
also i thought maybe i jus counted wrong and i jacked 100 from him.... but theres no reason for him to have 100 dolla bill.... plus he denies there one being in his room
your friend is obviously being set up, the real culprit knows that you think your friend is ******ed and would do something this stupid and the $100 bill was placed on his desk to implicate him and deflect suspicion from the guy that is getting away with stealing $500 from you
your friend is obviously being set up, the real culprit knows that you think your friend is ******ed and would do something this stupid and the $100 bill was placed on his desk to implicate him and deflect suspicion from the guy that is getting away with stealing $500 from you
your friend is obviously being set up, the real culprit knows that you think your friend is ******ed and would do something this stupid and the $100 bill was placed on his desk to implicate him and deflect suspicion from the guy that is getting away with stealing $500 from you
Yes, based on his reaction I would say he definetly stole from you 99% of the time... But are you sure that you didnt spend the money, lose it, etc???
If the answer is yes, then either man up and do something about it, ie. kicking the ****ing **** out of him, trashing his stuff, stealing from him and pawning it...or dont.
i'm considering stealing his computer... i dunno tho i don't wanna stoop to his level... plus i already told my 2 best friends (also live in the house) about the situation