It's been a while since I've been here, but I have an issue I feel that 4L is well qualified to weigh in on. I've been doing the online dating thing ever since moving to a new city where I know virtually no one. Met this chick about a month and a half ago, started dating, things go well. A few weeks ago we're house sitting for friends of hers that are out of town, and end up getting frisky in her friend's bed.
This is where it takes a turn for the worse.
I get her naked and the smell emanating from her vaginal area nearly knocks me off the bed. Like your armpit after working out for 5 days straight without showering. It's bad.
The problem is, this is a pretty cool chick who I have a lot in common with and am into in every other aspect. Otherwise, it would be easy to just move on down the road.
So what's the play? Just come out and say it? How does one broach that subject exactly?..... "Hey how's your chicken marsala? Sure, I'll try some. Mmmm. Here have some of my Tour of Italy.... Hey, did ya know your vagina smells like a bag of rotten onions sitting out in the sun?"
I'm kinda at a loss here.
EDIT: Pics or gtfo, yeah I know. Here's the thing -- I have ALWAYS posted pics of girls in these types of threads I've done
like here,
and here,
and here... then someone decided to Tineye a girl, found her FB and messaged her the thread and just generally harassed the **** out of her, completely ruining any potential I had. So yeah, no more of that. Sorry in advance.
Last edited by CandyKreep; 11-16-2013 at 03:15 AM.
Reason: *address not adress, fuuuuuuuuu