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07-13-2013 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by robot_dox
Mr. Albini, just a question for you.

Have you ever met the guys from Jesus Lizard, and do you like them? Personally I think they are overrated garbage, just from an aesthetic standpoint, mainly because I can't stand the singer.

Originally Posted by electrical


Last edited by LirvA; 07-13-2013 at 09:23 AM. Reason: best FYP evar!!!
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07-13-2013 , 09:26 AM
Hey Steve, I has to ask you two questions. First, have to ask how the album is coming?

Secondly, are you familiar at all with these Interfax Harmonic Percolator clones? If so, thoughts on them?
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07-13-2013 , 09:34 AM
ok one more, but only to make it three, because 3 > 2.

Have you ever tried an Ampeg V-50H? I got one off ebay about a month ago, and man is it a sick amp. 50 watter with two 12AX7s and two EL34s, non master volume, spring reverb. Really sick amp imo. They seem rare, because info is hard to find on it and a schematic wasn't even available online until I got one from Ampeg and posted it.

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07-13-2013 , 03:46 PM
Never seen that amp, looks simple and cool. The best Percolator clones are made by Chuck Collins, he had the remaining inventory of original parts to work from and has been pretty meticulous in recreating the functionality and sound of the HP1.
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07-14-2013 , 05:59 AM
ty sir, hope you're doing well
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07-14-2013 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Steve Albini recorded their first four albums. David Yow is the stone cold nuts. Dude's insane. No one like him.
I don't think being an incomprehensible drunk on stage for a mediocre band makes someone unique, but whatever...

If you want to talk about someone unique, have you ever seen Dave Matthews band live?
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07-14-2013 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by pdxmike
Alan Parsons Project was one of the best live bands that has ever walked the earth.
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07-14-2013 , 08:50 PM
Troll fail.
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07-15-2013 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by robot_dox
I don't think being an incomprehensible drunk on stage for a mediocre band makes someone unique, but whatever...

If you want to talk about someone unique, have you ever seen Dave Matthews band live?

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07-15-2013 , 10:14 AM
Thanks Mr. Albini for doing this AMA thread.

What was the first piece of music(song or album) that made you want to pick up an instrument and became a musician?

What was your first instrument and what brand & model was it?

And how did you get it? (parents buy it, friend give it to you, stole it, bought it, traded for it etc etc etc)

What is your favorite guitar and amp?

Non-Music questions:

What was your happiest memory from childhood?

If you were not in the music business what other profession would you like to work in?

If you owned a time machine where you want to go and why?

Thanks again for this thread. I have enjoyed your work ever since my cousin gave me a copy of "Songs about ****ing" in 1990.
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07-15-2013 , 11:01 AM


Derail into gaying out with otters thread probably wont fly, but what's not to like?
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07-15-2013 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by MidyMat
Thanks Mr. Albini for doing this AMA thread.

What was the first piece of music(song or album) that made you want to pick up an instrument and became a musician?
Hearing the Ramones as a 15-year-old changed everything about the rest of my life, but mostly it did that.

What was your first instrument and what brand & model was it?
I dicked around on my dad's Gibson 12-string a little, but the first thing I owned was a Peavey T40 Bass I bought with money I'd saved from odd jobs.

What is your favorite guitar and amp?
For the last 20 years or so I pretty much only play my Travis Bean 500. My main amp is a 1965 Fender Bassman and I'm happy with it, but in the studio I get to hear a bunch of amps and other than the 90's style super-saturated hi-gain amps (Mesa, latter-day Marshall), they're all good for something. Those super-saturated amps pretty much sound awful unless they're doing that one thing. In particular, Canadian amps from the 1960s and 70s are really cool, Garnet, Traynor, Mann and VT.

What was your happiest memory from childhood?
It's not so much a happy memory as a really vivid one, one that pops into my head at random moments. I remember going to the beach in Santa Barbara, I was maybe six years old, and learning that there were sand crabs (I think they're properly called sand fleas) as big as golf balls just under the surface of the sand. I would stand at the edge of the surf and scoop sand into my hands as a wave came in, then let the receding water wash the sand through my fingers leaving the little crabs in my hands scrabbling around tickling me. I don't know why I wasn't terrified of them like I was of spiders at the time. I think it was the surprise of finding a whole world of hidden living things right beneath the smooth surface of the sand.

If you were not in the music business what other profession would you like to work in?
I was trained as a journalist, and I could imagine doing that as a younger man but now no way. I also worked previously as a photograph retouch artist and liked the work, but since Photoshop and other software became available that profession doesn't really exist any more either. If I went deaf suddenly and couldn't work in a studio or play music any more I think I'd probably try to make a living by a combination of odd jobs; making furniture and housewares out of wood, playing cards, writing whatever I can... I don't even know if I could break even and keep my house with all that. I have no idea really.

If you owned a time machine where you want to go and why?
Depends if I can come back or not. If I can come back I'd go back and place a few bets in the stock market with perfect knowledge. If not I'd probably go into the future a fair ways, say 100 years. Think about how much fun a Victorian geek would have if he was here now. Mundane things like microwave ovens, jumbotrons and cell phones would be endlessly fascinating. A laser pointer would seem like magic. I'd like to be that guy in 100 years.
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07-17-2013 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
It is just hard for me to worship an alcoholic who luckboxed his way into an art career making mediocre music that doesn't sound good while wasted, just because he happened to be in the right place at the right time when some people were into that. Seriously if it wasn't him all the groupies needing someone to worship latched onto it just would have been someone else. This person is not special.

Of course I also have problems with punk-type rock in general, because I have found it to be a very desctructive and unhealthy scene full of snobbier-than-thou drugged out hipster wannabes who think anything without guitar/drums and a crappy singer doesnt count as music. And I also like music that uses more then 3 major chords.
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07-17-2013 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by oscillator


Derail into gaying out with otters thread probably wont fly, but what's not to like?
Gay + otters =

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07-18-2013 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by robot_dox
It is just hard for me to worship an alcoholic who luckboxed his way into an art career making mediocre music that doesn't sound good while wasted, just because he happened to be in the right place at the right time when some people were into that. Seriously if it wasn't him all the groupies needing someone to worship latched onto it just would have been someone else. This person is not special.

Of course I also have problems with punk-type rock in general, because I have found it to be a very desctructive and unhealthy scene full of snobbier-than-thou drugged out hipster wannabes who think anything without guitar/drums and a crappy singer doesnt count as music. And I also like music that uses more then 3 major chords.

Right, youve established that youre a prick with no taste. Post something new.
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07-18-2013 , 10:10 PM
Do you have a favorite stage vocal mic, Steve? What do you think of the Sennheiser e935?
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08-17-2013 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by electrical
Do not know if Jeff Magnum played. There were two tables running so it's possible.

Game open to any swinging dick with green money.

Colm from My Bloody Valentine played with us the previous year, drunk as a bishop and ran like god.
So it is possible that any random joe could have sat down and played poker with the creators of ITAOTS and Loveless?

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11-02-2013 , 08:43 PM
Any good stories come out of producing the last Cloud Nothings album? As an almost 40 year-old, digging a kid's music half my age seems impossible but their stuff is great.
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11-28-2014 , 09:57 PM
Jesus Christ, how did I miss this thread??


Great thread! I especially loved it when you morphed into haiku responses.

Since I didn't see these questions in the thread, and in case you ever check in again:
  • Please tell me everything about working with PJ Harvey. She is a just about my favorite musician in the world. Rid of Me got me off of listening to only stuff like REM, so thanks for that.
  • Any good stories about Mogwai? Have you see that French TV show they did the awesome soundtrack for, The Returned?
  • I would love to hear about anything you'd care to tell us about recording Low. Love that band.
  • As someone who just saw Veruca Salt live at the Roxy in L.A. this past Spring, how was it recording them at the height of their craziness?

Next time you're in Vegas and want to donk it up at some 2/5, let me know. I even know a couple of rooms that would let us start a game of Swingo!
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11-28-2014 , 10:34 PM
ha came across a youtube interview just a couple days ago with Steve where he's talking about poker and he mentioned 2+2. now find this

reading through it now. not sure if he still answers or if its already been asked but i'll ask anyway

are the demos you did with Fugazi available anywhere?
they just released the first demo they did and it's pretty great. I'd love to hear them
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11-29-2014 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by lumberajack
ha came across a youtube interview just a couple days ago with Steve where he's talking about poker and he mentioned 2+2. now find this

reading through it now. not sure if he still answers or if its already been asked but i'll ask anyway

are the demos you did with Fugazi available anywhere?
they just released the first demo they did and it's pretty great. I'd love to hear them
I used to have the mp3s. It's out there somewhere but it probably won't knock your socks off.

Or maybe don't take my word for it. (First demo didn't do much for me either.)
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11-29-2014 , 10:15 AM
^ ok yeah not hard to find. cool to hear stuff raw and unpolished
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11-29-2014 , 10:57 AM
this is great. do you still wear the jumpsuit?
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12-03-2014 , 08:50 PM
For those with HBO, check out the series Foo Fighters Sonic Highways. Steve is featured in the first episode.
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12-04-2014 , 01:01 AM
I saw that. Pretty cool.
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