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08-07-2007 , 11:49 PM
I was especially impressed by the production of High on Fire's album from 2005, "Blessed Black Wings". In particular, the drums are amazing ... primal, and yet sophisticated, if that makes any sense. From the very first listen, I felt that the producton was the extra edge that helped them take that album to the next level, one superior to that of the previously released "Surrounded by Theives". Do you care to share any specific thoughts you had during that project that might be interesting, or want to comment on the experience of working with Matt Pike, Joe Preston and Des Kensel?
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08-08-2007 , 09:45 PM
This thread slipped my mind.
Returned after several days.
Man, what a tail spin.

It occurred to me:
Maybe this is a fake Steve.
'Net enables fraud.

But hey, then again,
Werner Herzog wouldn't care.
His docs have some lies.

'Cause ultimately,
Truth or lies -- who even cares?
Our passion is real.

Does typing haikus
Just because Steve's doing it
Make me a fanboy?

Coworker of mine
Loves Big Black but Pearl Jam more.
A weird taste combo.

Asked Kerry, "How's Steve?"
Kerry said, "Steve's a sweet guy."
Great teacher, that man.

Edited the post
But not to fix haiku form.
Added Kerry bit.
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08-09-2007 , 03:57 AM
The actual me
Hope you're not disappointed
Would fake be better?

Okay, who's Kerry
Sweet Jesus I hope she's hot
Worthless without pics.
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08-09-2007 , 04:20 AM
Nice to have you back. Do anything cool the past week?
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08-10-2007 , 02:40 AM
Cath Carroll's husband.
I don't think I'd call him hot.
Some may disagree.

He said he knew you.
Naturally, I picked his brain.
He dispelled the myths.

If it weren't for him,
I might not have learned film sound.
Now I work on shorts.

Later, I was told
He suspects I blogged smack talk,
Mocking him and Cath.

Allegations false.
I would never do that crap.
I respect the guy.

I was that dick who
Yelled, "play When It All Comes Down!"
At some Shellac show.

Bob said, "What?" And so,
I clarified: "Cath Carroll!"
Shameless namedroppage.

Bob said, "We like her,
But no, we won't play that song."

Cool afternoon fog
Autumn storm breaks furious
Smell of solitude
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08-12-2007 , 12:11 AM
I read that Kim Deal was recording at Electrical with you last year. What is she up to? Will we see a new Breeders record soon?

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08-13-2007 , 03:39 PM
What's a good opening line when I meet PJ Harvey?
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08-14-2007 , 06:36 AM
Hey Steve,
My university professor has asked me to write an essay on you and your life achievements in relationship to debates about auteurship in popular music. Any comments/help? I think he should of picked a different musician, eg a producer that actually interferes with the recording process alot more than you seem to. Anyhoo, would you consider yourself an auteur as far as bands you have either produced/ been part of. Secondly, and more interestingly does it make you feel weird that you are a the topic of an essay question at a semi prestigious university on the other side of the world in New Zealand? Next semester I'm doing an ENG LIT paper on the poetry of David Yow. Speaking of: Did you ever play David Yow at Scrabble and did you beat him?

Your fat little fan boy,
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08-14-2007 , 12:39 PM
Will my recipes taste better if I use an expensive (aka premium) wine as a marinade? Or should I just stick with inexpensive wines?

Who would win in a no-holds-barred match; John Cale, Bob Rock, George Martin, or Andy Wallace?
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08-14-2007 , 02:26 PM
Awesome thread, thanks

I have some questions for ya that I hope havn't been asked yet.

1. How much different was Dave Grohl from Nirvana days to Foo Fighters.

2. Is the lead singer of Fishbone really crazy?

3. What are the members of Suicidal Tendencies like?

4. Have you ever been involved with one of those weird duets that are just real uncomfortable? Like Metallica and Rufus Wainright?

5. Career wise is there anything you still sit back and wonder if you made the right decision?
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08-18-2007 , 09:08 PM
Some good readin'

I too would like to know where Kim Deal is on the Breeders project. Got anything Steve?
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08-18-2007 , 11:20 PM
He won't be posting tonight. It's a Saturday night. He either has a session or a dinner date.
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08-19-2007 , 08:56 AM
Hi steve, I've been a fan for 6 years.. I've read this whole thread.. fun.. anyway, I have a few questions: My band scissor shock (shameless plug, though it's not like anyone's going to look us up)recorded a cover of Passing Complexion, and I always wondered.. what would you do if you booked time to record a band and every single song they recorded was a Big Black or Rapeman or Shellac cover song? Would you laugh, be angry, or not say anything?

Also, there are two bands I was wondering about that you worked with: Brainiac and Space Streakings. What are your thoughts on those late, great bands?

Finally, what is your favorite and least favorite songs that you have written?
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08-19-2007 , 07:26 PM
That Steve Albini guy worked with Brainiac? Which album? I have them all and was unaware of this.
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08-19-2007 , 08:10 PM
I am a huge Bonnie Prince Billy fan. Is he as weird/cool as his records suggest?
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08-20-2007 , 02:28 AM
Swingo sounds really cool, I'm gonna try to set up a game sometime with some of my friends.

The Wachowski brothers are making a Speed Racer movie. Have they come to you wanting to use the song Racer-X on the soundtrack?

Have you ever worked with a band that wanted to make a "studio album" in which a lot of the creative process in its creation are done on studio time?

Has a band ever quoted Christopher Walken's cowbell sketch from SNL so much that you've wanted to run them all through with a chainsaw?
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08-21-2007 , 09:23 PM
Damn I wish I'd have seen this thread when it was still going. Non-poker buddy of mine just sent it to me. Anyway thanks Steve, absolutely fascinating read. I'm always interested to listen to people who are the best in the world at what they do.
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08-21-2007 , 09:28 PM
yeah i don't think steve is reading this thread anymore, but thanks very much for the conlon nancarrow recommendation - bought the 5 disc 'studies for player piano' and haven't stopped listening to it. stuff [censored] with my head when i play online poker though.
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08-21-2007 , 10:47 PM
He done quit the board cuz too many people come here post [censored] about their friends bands. These people aren't poker players, they are jive turkeys trying to pimp a band steve may have recorded. For example, that band Morsel.
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08-23-2007 , 02:28 PM
wow, i finally have a good reason to create and account on here for a single post:

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08-23-2007 , 11:34 PM
Who sucks exactly? All of us, or just Steve?

Johnny come lately
does not know how to proof read
create and account
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08-24-2007 , 01:30 PM
Who sucks exactly? All of us, or just Steve?
eh, sorry, i guess i should have been a little more specific - i was refering to the previous post from "ah leah"
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08-25-2007 , 10:13 AM
If Steve quit posting on this thread than perhaps I can answer any questions you people may have. Ask away.
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08-26-2007 , 08:41 PM

Have you ever worked with a band that wanted to make a "studio album" in which a lot of the creative process in its creation are done on studio time?

I have not and I will not. Neither have the patience or spare time for the dilly-dally.
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08-26-2007 , 10:20 PM
If Steve quit posting on this thread than perhaps I can answer any questions you people may have. Ask away.
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