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07-27-2007 , 05:14 PM
Me me me me me
this thread ought to be about
me me only me
oh come on, that one's just lazy.
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07-27-2007 , 05:53 PM
Wait wait wait...dude, what?
Was that an open challange?
Diebitter: you ain't.

Stick to knob twirling.
Your haiku are well written--
for an engineer...

"Blow me all winter" = superlolz
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07-27-2007 , 05:54 PM
Me me me me me
this thread ought to be about
me me only me
oh come on, that one's just lazy.
"oh come on, that one's
just lazy." Nice try dude, you're
nine syllables short
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07-27-2007 , 06:21 PM
I really like the records you did with Distorted Pony. In regards to the guitar sound do you remember what mics you used? Did you record one of the records in L.A. at their house? What was the recording (gear and amp/musician arrangements)?

Also if you're at a commercial studio besides your own what are some of the mics you’d expect them to have available?

Have you done any projects you can recall on 16 track 1”?

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07-27-2007 , 09:39 PM
I am a foh touring engineer. I have ran monitors for you guys twice at Cats Cradle in Chapel Hill which was my local for a while, and it was kind of difficult to work with the band. I know it could have been any number of reasons, ( inadequate system, bad day driving, personal problems, touring itself, etc.) so i blow that stuff off. i also think you were having problems with your amp. One that you made i believe.
My questions are, does the road start to wear on you?
Which do you enjoy more, recording or touring?
How do you deal with unapproachable bands, on tour or in your studio?

note: this is not a slap in the face. im not ragging on you for being moody on the road.
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07-28-2007 , 02:23 AM
In my world - you are no "micro celebrity". I'm a huge Big Black & Shellac fan. Not as familiar with Rapeman. The Jesus Lizard were one of the top 5 greatest bands of all time...they are a band I truly, truly miss seeing. I'd walk to Chicago to see a reunion. Glad to have you here.
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07-28-2007 , 04:28 AM
Have you seen 400 blows? If you havent you missed the best band ever with no bass. Now they have other guitarist. Their last show with Chistian was phenomenal for no other reason than that everyone left after the crusty punk stabbing and missed them.
Anyone in LA should go to;
Sat. Aug 4 @ the Echoplex
1154 Glendale Blvd. LA

the Locust
the Bronx
Qui (David Yow's current thing)
$15-17 6pm all ages

there are 2 special guest bands playing, I'm not allowed to say who they are, but lets just say one of em is fer-shir a group of "jerks" worth "circling" august 4th on your calender for, also, that other secret group starts with an "M" and rhymes with "Shelvins"
the 2 secret bands are 100% confirmed...

Its a benefit for The drummer of 400 blows who almost died on their last tour. Probably from touring so much. Those guys tour like 3-4 times a year

PS is there a brand of cards you prefer. I am partial to these NWA cards I have.
Or good ole Bicycle.
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07-28-2007 , 10:04 PM
Have you seen 400 blows? If you havent you missed the best band ever with no bass. Now they have other guitarist. Their last show with Chistian was phenomenal for no other reason than that everyone left after the crusty punk stabbing and missed them.
Anyone in LA should go to;
Sat. Aug 4 @ the Echoplex
1154 Glendale Blvd. LA

the Locust
the Bronx
Qui (David Yow's current thing)
$15-17 6pm all ages

there are 2 special guest bands playing, I'm not allowed to say who they are, but lets just say one of em is fer-shir a group of "jerks" worth "circling" august 4th on your calender for, also, that other secret group starts with an "M" and rhymes with "Shelvins"
the 2 secret bands are 100% confirmed...
Now promoters too
Jesus quit spamming this thread
Dude have you no shame?
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07-29-2007 , 12:09 AM

so that's why I got that email from tgrec.
no. I don't work in the industry.
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07-29-2007 , 12:43 AM

I've just heard "Prayer To God" for the first time.
This is like the greatest song ever.

That is all.
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07-29-2007 , 11:10 AM
On topic... can you add anything to the legend of the Cheap Trick "In Color" sessions you did?

The copies that circulate are incredible. Is there any chance this will come out in some sort of authorized form or is that a better question for the band.

In any case, I really think you took a great album and made it legendary with that rerecord.
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07-29-2007 , 11:51 AM
i can't believe how many new 2+2'ers there are because of this one thread.

As an admitted fan (see a few posts back) & a poker player (I'll see ya at the stud tables every here & again - although I'm mostly a HE player) are 2 quick questions for you:

1) I would think working with a band like Low would either be the simplest or the most difficult band to produce. Can you quickly discuss what it's like to work with just a minimalistic band?

2) I've heard you hate "Lungs" this true? Why? What's your own personal favorite Big Black record?
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07-29-2007 , 01:36 PM
'nother Big Black question - what was your distortion of choice during Atomizer and Songs About F**king? Was it the Boss Metallizer?
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07-29-2007 , 02:08 PM
2 questions:

1. Was there a falling-out between you and Gogol Bordello? I saw that their new CD wasn't produced by you, and it also kind of sucks.

2. What is that red stuff all over you in the Pigpile DVD, and how did it get there?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-30-2007 , 12:40 PM
Hi Steve ,

Any good stories on working with Man or Astroman ?
Just curious how one of my favourite bands is in real life .

Thanks ! ! !
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07-30-2007 , 01:12 PM
Hi Steve ,

Any good stories on working with Man or Astroman ?
Just curious how one of my favourite bands is in real life .

Thanks ! ! !
Everyone in the band agrees you should die on christmas morning
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07-30-2007 , 01:58 PM
2 questions:
2. What is that red stuff all over you in the Pigpile DVD, and how did it get there?
I hate to answer a question for Steve, but, did you SEE the DVD? It's blood, you [censored] moran.
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07-31-2007 , 09:05 PM
2 questions:
2. What is that red stuff all over you in the Pigpile DVD, and how did it get there?
I hate to answer a question for Steve, but, did you SEE the DVD? It's blood, you [censored] moran.
I heard somewhere that two girls were spraying him with somerthing. also, it doesn't look like blood.
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
08-01-2007 , 12:26 AM

Now promoters too
Jesus quit spamming this thread
Dude have you no shame?
okay dooood, I have been called a [censored], a fatty, four eyes and smartass, but promoter? Man curseword you.
for your info, I am just trying to help out a fellow musician who almost cursewording died a few months ago. His residuals arent nearly as mighty as yours. So he is stuck with some mountainous medical bills.
I'm actually driving from Oakland to LA to be there. I suppose it would be more pragmatic to not go at all and just mail the gas money! But hey, solidarity among freaks and all.
I thought you would be interested, with Yow in attendance. And you being so on Jesus Lizards crotch.
I also thought some other idiots around here might be in the neighborhood.
I, for the record have no business relationship with any of the bands. (okay I did play a show with 400 blows once or twice, not book though)
but hey, better I be mistaken for a promoter,
than a producer
ANY day.

so yeah, pucker up and blow sweetcakes...
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08-01-2007 , 11:15 AM
I'll post The Locust. I'll post-theme swirve and do hardcore post next week or so. They are the one on Anti right?
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08-01-2007 , 04:11 PM
What a complete bastard this poster (calaverasgrandes) is.

I wish I could play Swingo online.
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08-02-2007 , 08:30 PM
this particular analog recording device is just a human after all?
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08-02-2007 , 11:23 PM
The current analog vs. digital only tangentially related to what each system can or cannot do when it comes to distribution method. It has nothing to do with quality. It's about the 'dough'.

Current practical open digital format (FLAC) can handle any PCM bit resolution from 4 to 32 bits per sample, any sampling rate from 1 Hz to 1,048,570 Hz in 1 Hz increments, and any number of channels from 1 to 8. Channels can be grouped in cases like stereo and 5.1 channel surround to take advantage of interchannel correlations to increase compression. FLAC uses CRC checksums for identifying corrupted frames when used in a streaming protocol, and also has a complete MD5 hash of the raw PCM audio stored in its STREAMINFO metadata header.

These can be played on any computer, while several brand pf cheap portable mp3 player can already do 24bit FLAC.


Old internet note when it comes to this discussion.

On the one hand information wants to be expensive, because it's so valuable. The right information in the right place just changes your life. On the other hand, information wants to be free, because the cost of getting it out is getting lower and lower all the time. So you have these two fighting against each other.
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08-03-2007 , 12:02 AM
Hi Steve ,

Any good stories on working with Man or Astroman ?
Just curious how one of my favourite bands is in real life .

Thanks ! ! !
Everyone in the band agrees you should die on christmas morning
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08-07-2007 , 02:48 PM
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