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07-12-2007 , 04:17 PM
jesus chirst steve give it a rest. word on the street is u recorded kurt and his band for free. [censored] i gotta tell ya, my brain is a little fuzzy but i remember the poster children recording up there at smart studio after gish and after we mixed the 1st catherine record there, and hum, that song about outter space and the wacky gurl... i liked it a lot. [censored] we used open for them, and the pumpkins and the flaming lips, and lush. Steve i was at everyone of those metro shows u talking about and i remember it different.... so, you were on one side of the tracks and then there was the wax trax i liked playing on the tracks. fun, just don't piss on the third rail. hey man, music is music and we all gotta pay rent. p.s. i'm working on a side project. u gotta hear it. i send u a copy. bye 4 now
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07-12-2007 , 04:25 PM

How do you reconcile the differing opinions of someone from within the "scene" and someone far removed from it. For example, as a teenager in a tiny, tiny farm town I loved the Pumpkins. Their management situation and their professionalism would've meant absolutely nothing to me. I've heard something about Paul McCartney dictating the Abbey Road sessions but I didn't know or care anything about that when I was spinning You Never Give Me Your Money over and over.

At some point, won't the music be so far removed from its origins that it can be judged on its own merits?
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07-12-2007 , 04:48 PM
Yeah, I mean there's no guarantee of quality on either side of the major/indie divide, but I think someone following their own muse rather than aping the current top o the charts has a better shot at producing something of lasting value and depth. Similarly, just cause a lot of people bought the Smashing Pumpkins records in their prime doesn't mean those records are necessarily "better music" or that they even speak to the masses as music - people buy [censored] for a lot of reasons besides the actual use value or quality of the thing they bought. This is especially true with cultural stuff, cause we have been trained to think we are what we choose to own. "Taste" is I think more complicated and less personal then it might seem. Marketing and image for the Smashing Pumpkins is a huge part of how they sold what they sold.

That said, I like a lot of Gish.
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07-12-2007 , 05:01 PM
Hi, I was more just making an argument to understand why bands like SP are reviled as 'sellouts'...
And I tried to explain (in a couple hundred words you chose to ignore) that selling out has nothing to do with success, and is not why people disliked the Smashing Pumpkins in the first place.

just because they were good enough and good at the game, and didn't mind making a nice living.
It is a ridiculous straw man (and a common one among apologists for mainstream culture) that independent-minded people are against success, and that we see something inherently wrong with making money, being well-liked, etc. I will say it again here (and for the 10,000th time in my life in identical discussions with people who are misrepresenting this position):

Nobody thinks success is a bad thing, nobody thinks less of a band just because they are successful, and nobody faults a band for wanting to make money. All of those things are embraced by the independent/underground culture. My band is reasonably popular. My bands have all turned a healthy profit. My bands' tours are all profitable. My bands have all sold a lot of records. I am glad it is so, and I have never wished that it was otherwise.

What is rejected is the bulldozer of corporate intrusion, the enforced group-think of the mass culture and the herd-of-sheep mentality that makes it possible. When someone embraces all those things, we are within our rights to notice and form an opinion of that embrace, and the person performing it.

I cannot say it any more clearly: Nobody has a problem with success. We have a problem with an oppressive, monolithic culture being thrust on us at every juncture, and those who would help it along using the excuse that they "just want to be successful."

I am totally fine and understand just doin it for fun and enjoyment, I don't think those are the people that take it seriously enough to produce something fantastic that reaches a ton of people.
You are apparently ignorant of the careers of the many independent bands who have made "fantastic" records that have changed lives. How many people is a "ton?" Is a million enough? I can name you a dozen independent bands who have reached that many people and more.

Is it wrong to seek commercial success if you think you're good enough and palatable enough for broad consumption?
The way you pose the question makes the answer obvious: No, of course not. That's also not what anybody is complaining about. "Seeking success" can be done without joining forces with the most destructive elements of the business and culture, and that's what you're excusing by reducing the discussion to a simpleton's level; "they just want to be successful." This is in keeping with the way the outfit excuses torching a restaurant and threatening the family of the proprietor, "it's just business."
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07-12-2007 , 05:24 PM
Which are your favourite non strategy poker books?

Which would get more tiresome if you had to do it every day for a year playing poker or playing gigs with Shellac?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-12-2007 , 05:26 PM
At some point, won't the music be so far removed from its origins that it can be judged on its own merits?
Music is more than sound. The sound is just the part that you can hear that gets you thinking, and what you think about is the music.

Everything I think about when triggered by the sound is music to me, and when I hear certain music, I love everything about it. The sound is the window into what I love, but why I love it is probably unique to each piece of music.

Also, for "love," read "hate" and "don't give half a damn about."

It is impossible for music to be evaluated on "its own merits," because on its own, it's just sound stripped of its intent. If, when you listen to music, you just hear sound, I pity you.
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-12-2007 , 05:36 PM
Hi Steve,

is it true that you hate touring Germany?
If so, why? If not, how come you´re here so rarely? And: Would you consider coming anyway (please!)?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-12-2007 , 05:45 PM
At some point, won't the music be so far removed from its origins that it can be judged on its own merits?
Everything I think about when triggered by the sound is music to me, and when I hear certain music, I love everything about it. The sound is the window into what I love, but why I love it is probably unique to each piece of music.

Also, for "love," read "hate" and "don't give half a damn about."

It is impossible for music to be evaluated on "its own merits," because on its own, it's just sound stripped of its intent. If, when you listen to music, you just hear sound, I pity you.
Oh no, please don't pity me, I didn't say or imply that all I heard was sound. I said that at some point music will exist far apart from the scene it originated from. Managers and contracts and even recording techniques won't matter when the sound triggers the personal feelings and ignites, as you said: "everything I think about." Considering all those other things is just a form of politics isn't it?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-12-2007 , 05:50 PM
I read through all the 40 pages of questions, answers and samples of the whoever-registered-for-the-sole-purpose-of-wanting-to-ask-themicrocelebrity-a-question-is-a-dork sort-of-like elitist underground ethics. Whoever initially exposed this forum to the outter internet world, they sure were not a "stranger", right? Some sickly ambitious PR, maybe.

So, while some of the questions asked by 'the strangers' might've been a bit dull, and many of the questioners could've found their way here not exactly by the map painted on five cards, the music dorks still help give some of the true members that shortly oblivious feeling of importance and.. The witty one will know. Hey, Stevie, congrats on, how many years of dryness? 26? Well then.. I'm only into yer shtik.
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07-12-2007 , 07:22 PM
do you recall a band you recorded from fort collins, CO called tanger? your thoughts on them?
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07-12-2007 , 07:24 PM
the music dorks still help give some of the true members that shortly oblivious feeling of importance and.. The witty one will know.
Are you saying that you, a complete nobody, has made the regulars here feel more important just because you signed up?

If so, now that your work is done and we supposedly feel more important, can you all leave?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-12-2007 , 08:35 PM
Um.. Not really. What I'm saying is that a better way to utilize your gift of being able to analyse very complicated concepts is to get into economy. In such field, you could actually cause some damage.
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-12-2007 , 08:55 PM
Hey! Steve! Is me, Devin. CIAO STEVE ALBINI! Is first time post with new handle! Because old time handle, handle DevinDixon, I forget her password! Also have new e-mail address! Also, never post much anyway. So sorry, twoplustwo gamboolers for whom I respect and fear at poker tables and casino buffets! You are some interneters and poker players!

Also, Steve! My great friend! So generous with time and knowledge of all things music and electrical! So nice to do for some internetters and one time nerds who only come by for the insult or to solicit attention to band! So nice to do! And to use bully pulpit and nerd-influence to spread the Good News of the Tuesday Game! So great! Grazie, Steve!

Now, Steve, a few things:

1. Am so pleased to be thought of as maybe a "country mile" best in the NLHE. So nice! But: You wrong. I don't think anybody at game is "country-mile" better than anybody else. Even Scott, who travel so fast and far down Donky Road, occasionally emerges on the other side of Planet Pokers looking like Greg Raymer. Sean, who you say, has you "clocked", has me pretty much on my heels too! Also every other player on Tuesday! He is pretty good player with his crapassing and big-bets and game-theory-perfect bluffing frequency!

2. That one guy who come to game, that 2+2 guy, he's pretty good! And pretty nice guy! This is bad! What if he come back? And then to keep coming back? Then, maybe I actually have to stay sober for game and think about poker and the implied pot-odds, and value-bets, and, well, poker! Mama mia!

3. When you gonna grow another moustache?

4. Am I fat? Please explain in strangely arousing Turkish accent.

5. Why I type like this?

Okay! Is all? Tuesday Hooray!
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-12-2007 , 09:12 PM
Um.. Not really. What I'm saying is that a better way to utilize your gift of being able to analyse very complicated concepts is to get into economy. In such field, you could actually cause some damage.
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07-12-2007 , 10:15 PM
can you please explain the hey ni**er ep ? I obviosuly know your not a racist , thats not what i am getting at.
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-12-2007 , 10:20 PM
Hey! Steve! Is me, Devin. CIAO STEVE ALBINI! Is first time post with new handle! Because old time handle, handle DevinDixon, I forget her password! Also have new e-mail address! Also, never post much anyway. So sorry, twoplustwo gamboolers for whom I respect and fear at poker tables and casino buffets! You are some interneters and poker players!

Also, Steve! My great friend! So generous with time and knowledge of all things music and electrical! So nice to do for some internetters and one time nerds who only come by for the insult or to solicit attention to band! So nice to do! And to use bully pulpit and nerd-influence to spread the Good News of the Tuesday Game! So great! Grazie, Steve!

Now, Steve, a few things:

1. Am so pleased to be thought of as maybe a "country mile" best in the NLHE. So nice! But: You wrong. I don't think anybody at game is "country-mile" better than anybody else. Even Scott, who travel so fast and far down Donky Road, occasionally emerges on the other side of Planet Pokers looking like Greg Raymer. Sean, who you say, has you "clocked", has me pretty much on my heels too! Also every other player on Tuesday! He is pretty good player with his crapassing and big-bets and game-theory-perfect bluffing frequency!

2. That one guy who come to game, that 2+2 guy, he's pretty good! And pretty nice guy! This is bad! What if he come back? And then to keep coming back? Then, maybe I actually have to stay sober for game and think about poker and the implied pot-odds, and value-bets, and, well, poker! Mama mia!

3. When you gonna grow another moustache?

4. Am I fat? Please explain in strangely arousing Turkish accent.

5. Why I type like this?

Okay! Is all? Tuesday Hooray!
Devin, tis me Scott. The one whom you beat with set over top two. You shouldnt be afriad of me coming back, you should be offering to pay my gas.

I was doing just fine till you showed up with stories of little dancing Jon benet Ramsey's, then took my money.

Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-12-2007 , 10:39 PM
Hello Big Blacknipples! I love poker! But I hate big nipples! And I especially despise the black ones! I hate sour milk! And you know that the dead ones always give a suck!

I wanted to talk to someone famoues!! Tonight! And then i found them! Tonight! Stevie! The page said he was here, replying the questions about music! So I came! Here! Tonight! I said to myself "who the hell is Stevie?!" And then I knew! I love music! And poker, too!! And "Steve Albini" was written on the back of the Surfer Rosa album! Right beneath that recorded by! You know, that brutally honestly modest one! And then I thought to myself "is he even famous enough? What else did he only record?" And then I knew! Bush! But was that famous enough? What else did he record? Well.. Well, whatever.. Nevermind! So I came anyway! Micro celebrity it said! I like even nano celebrities! I like even HIV!

First pages very ok! In a forum about music! But then, Stevie a [censored]! But that's ok, Stevie not [censored], Stevie pretending to be like everybody else! Good Stevie! Then poker players complaining about purely music fans asking Stevie! Stevie complaining too! It's about music! So what?! Stevie a hypocrite! Nice of Stevie! Stevie got poker friends! They play poker! This not about music! This about poker!

I wish I could play poker with Stevie and his donkeys! But donkeys bad! Donkeys could point at me and tell Stevie "see that guy? might be a closet music fan!"

And Stevie might drink a beer! And smoke a bowl! And sniff a coke! And do an acid! And, god almighty, smell a bit of brown! And then, Stevie could, after those long 26 years, all of a sudden start to act like a prick and make a decent record he would only record as well! Me not likey!! Me not at the poker game! Me not asking about music! Me not talking to famous people! Me only listening to highly famous people! Me left! Me right! Right?!
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07-13-2007 , 12:40 AM
Hello Steve.

In a Joanna Newsom article from the January issue of Performer magazine it states:

'...She went and recorded with Steve Albini, famed producer of neo-folk geniuses Jawbreaker and Cheap Trick. Well, he has also with Newsom's tourmate Smog. "I had always heard that Steve Albini was the best at accurately recording acoustic instruments and making them sound like exactly what they are," she explains. He helped her create the "rough and stark and exposed and grounded" sound she says she was looking for - and invented some unorthodox ways of micing the harp, which shall henceforth remain a mystery. "I don't think I should talk about them because I kind of feel like they're his intellectual property," she says.'

Now speaking to the man himself, is this mystery technique something you'd be willing to expand upon a little bit? Does it involve a multitude of intricately arranged microphones or something along those lines?

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07-13-2007 , 02:27 AM
do you find Jimmy Carr funny?
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07-13-2007 , 04:03 AM
do you find Jimmy Carr funny?

Thanks... Not sure what steve thought.... I liked it though
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07-13-2007 , 02:50 PM
steve, I don't know whether you are a bowie fan or not but I'm quite sure you would know the album Ziggy Stardust. The production on that album was always funny to me when I wasn't caught up in how brilliant the songs sounds tinny, extreme reverb, and not at all matching the in-your-face tone that his live shows took in that era. Even the heavier parts/songs still sound removed (the only exception being Ronson's outro in moonage daydream). Do you think this was intentional as far as making this music sound outter-space prophet style and beginning the fiction of the persona, or just more unintentional factors. I mean bowie sounds like he's singing off the top of a mountain a lot of the time. Wondering if that was ever a point of intrigue for you and any comments you might have as a man of experience.
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-13-2007 , 04:43 PM
is it true that you hate touring Germany?
If so, why? If not, how come you´re here so rarely? And: Would you consider coming anyway (please!)?
Wrong forum
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-13-2007 , 05:10 PM
Um.. Not really. What I'm saying is that a better way to utilize your gift of being able to analyse very complicated concepts is to get into economy. In such field, you could actually cause some damage.
Wrong forum.
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-13-2007 , 05:23 PM
I said that at some point music will exist as an embodiment of the scene it originated from. Managers and contracts and even recording techniques will have been part of its set of influences when the sound triggers the personal feelings and ignites, as you said: "everything I think about." Considering all those other things is just an inseparable part of the music isn't it?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-13-2007 , 05:26 PM
Am I fat? Please explain in strangely arousing Turkish accent.
Ha-ha laugh at foreign girl. English. Funny. Sports.

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