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07-07-2007 , 12:58 AM
I think that the past 10 years give or take have seen really [censored] music. Mostly just brainwashed junk where nobody seems to stand out.

It seems like theres a couple leaders of each different sound of music, but EVERYBODY sounds the exact same. Such as, John Mayer, Creed, My Chemical Romance for a few, almost every band out there sounds like one of them or one of the other few bands today.

I haven't heard a band come out with any music that resembled any blues, jazz, folk, etc. But they're all genres that have come out recently such as Emo, Screamo, Protopunk/ Poppunk, Heavy Metal, rap, etc. Even country is now turnning into pop. The word music might as well be changed to Pop. So people can say, what pop genre do you like?

I know there are people that still make good music, but they're a dieing breed today.

Tell me what you think of this argument since you are one that has been in the buisiness for the past while.
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07-07-2007 , 01:18 AM
Glen, here. Huge fan. Long-term record store employee. Old friend of Danielle who used to run Southern. "Racer-X" was one of the records that changed how I hear music. No, really.
Top Albini questions of the moment:
1) How old were you the first time you heard Kraftwerk?
2) Are you a fan of Gang of Four "Entertainment!"?
3) After recording "Light Sabre [censored]-Sucking Blues", what happened in the studio? (I worship that song)
4) When is "awesome" going to be over?
5) Could you tell, during the "Surfer Rosa" sessions that you were recording EXTREMELY influential music?
6) Can you hear me now?
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07-07-2007 , 02:50 AM
OMG, if I see one more person who makes this their first (and probably last) post I'm going to shoot myself.

To make this thread more fun and less music nerdy:

1) Beatles or Stones?

2) Brian Townsend or Patrik Antonius?

3) What was the last show you saw at the Fireside?

4) Sklansky - genius or creep?

5) Do you have plans on wearing your LOL Donkaments shirt on stage during a show?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 03:13 AM
Dear Mikey Patriot,
I am truly shattered that I did not live up to your level of coolness. I probably won't sleep for a week (maybe a month).
Please answer the following questions...
1) How
2) How long
3) How long has
4) How long has it
5) How long has it been
6) How long has it been since
7) How long has it been since you've
8) How long has it been since you've gotten
9) How long has it been since you've gotten laid?
10) I'll totally blow you.
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 03:29 AM
OMG, if I see one more person who makes this their first (and probably last) post I'm going to shoot myself.
Man, I didn't mean to drag all this crap in here. Sorry. I thought it was just us.

To make this thread more fun and less music nerdy:

1) Beatles or Stones?

2) Brian Townsend or Patrik Antonius?
Antonius attracts more poon, sbrugby gets to flip for half a million with an overlay... thinking... thinking... poon wins.

3) What was the last show you saw at the Fireside?
I'm going to say it was the Detholz! but it's been a couple of years.

4) Sklansky - genius or creep?
Or? Or? Or? Where do you get this false dichotomy? He's a profoundly creepy genius. That seems plain-as-day obvious.

5) Do you have plans on wearing your LOL Donkaments shirt on stage during a show?
What's it worth to you?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 03:42 AM
I think that the past 10 years give or take have seen really [censored] music. Mostly just brainwashed junk where nobody seems to stand out.
Nothing ever stands out. You have to look for anything you might like. Clearly you have given up looking.

Tell me what you think of this argument since you are one that has been in the buisiness for the past while.
I think you're a defeatist and you are destined not to enjoy music. If you wait for other people to thrust music under your nose, you'll be listening to nothing but crap for a long while, because that's what gets thrust at us. Music is not a spectator sport.
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07-07-2007 , 03:48 AM
So, anyway...Glen, here. Huge fan. Long-term record store employee. Old friend of Danielle who used to run Southern. "Racer-X" was one of the records that changed how I hear music. No, really.
Top Albini questions of the moment:
1) How old were you the first time you heard Kraftwerk?
2) Are you a fan of Gang of Four "Entertainment!"?
3) After recording "Light Sabre [censored]-Sucking Blues", what happened in the studio? (I worship that song)
4) When is "awesome" going to be over?
5) Could you tell, during the "Surfer Rosa" sessions that you were recording EXTREMELY influential music?
6) Can you hear me now?
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07-07-2007 , 06:01 AM
Sweet electric Jesus, these one-post wonders are annoying.
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07-07-2007 , 08:37 AM
Hey Steve - thanks for doing this.

One of my top 5 albums ever is Rid of Me. I still remember getting a copy in at my college radio station, putting on Rid of Me the song and having my ears [censored] blown off when the chorus kicked in. The songwriting is incredible and how you recorded PJ's guitar and Rob Ellis' drums really complements the material. I know that she wrote a lot of material before these sessions and put out a demos album of material later on with a couple of songs that didn't make it onto Rid of Me itself. I prefer the album versions of songs to the demos and I've always wondered, besides Reeling, what other songs did you record during those sessions that didn't make it onto the album?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 08:48 AM
Obviously you seen alot of greats, but being a musician yourself did you ever wished of being a part of what they were making? Not in a technical sense more like a daydream way...and what band of course.
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07-07-2007 , 09:26 AM
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07-07-2007 , 10:22 AM
1) Has Sklansky tapped Brandi?
2) Is SNG Butseks a bargain?
3) At what stakes does it become cooler to hang out with lame fishies who all play world of warcraft when you could be hanging out with your friends at a bar, or other drinking establishment.
4) Does hanging out with rockstars automatically get you unhandleable amounts of poon, even if they suck
5) Do guitar players have bigger peens than bassists
6) Do drummers always turn up late
7) Buttseks?
8) Have you ever been arrested, if so what for, if not then what would you suggest as a reasonable bribe
9) What is the coolest drug
10) When was your last fight, did you win

EDIT TO ADD: BBV would like to see you MSPaint skills, to prove you is fo real
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 10:31 AM
Please explain. Thx.

Steve, again, thanks for answering my questions. You truly are a gentleman and a scholar.

1. If your cats could play poker, what kind of players would they be?

2. Have you ever fantasized of closing your studio and running and underground card room instead?

3. How much of a chip advantage do you think you would need in a heads-up, winner-take-all stud death-match vs. Phil Ivey?


EDIT TO ADD: samsdmf, that's more like it! Molto Bene!
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 10:45 AM

I recently moved to Chicago. I really like jazz/rock/fusion kind of guitar playing. John McLaughlin, Scott Henderson, Mike Landau, Joe Satriani, Mike Stern, Wayne Krantz and the like.

Any suggestions on bands to check out here in Chicago along those lines? I’m getting tired of all the George Benson wannabes at Andy’s.
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 11:04 AM
Hey Steve, I Remember seeing you in Shellac in Brisbane in a little club once called Manhattans upstairs in the Valley around 1992, That was one interesting gig and one the stood in my mind ever since... Im just curious about when you played that gig in Bris I noticed that you strapped your guitar around your waist and up picked your guitar and picked as fast as the majority of guitar players down pick and all with a metal pick, and that you got your precision feed back on certain notes while grooving to your song...
My Question is do you still play guitar like that? or was it a phase of life you where going thru at the time ? or was it just part of the show? or is it because the gave the music some sort of ascetic appeal to you and the audience..
I think I havent seen anyone with such an unique guitar playing style since..Cheers for the show!! So do you still play in a band?
and have you been back to Australia since 1992 for more gigs?and does your studio entirely work with analogue gear ?
and do you ever use digital recording gear ? and whats your take on Stav's compression technic in Mixing with your Mind?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 11:32 AM

You've recorded Neurosis since Times of Grace. I'm in awe!

Some Neurosis/metal-related questions:

1. How is it working with Neurosis? Any amusing anecdotes?

2. How much work is it recording their often complex song arrangements? Listening to what's going on on most of their records one would assume it's a very time consuming process.

3. Can you recommend music in a similar vein to Neurosis? (excluding the obvious candidates such as Isis, Sparowes, Sum, Cult of Luna, etc.)

4. Do you listen to a lot of metal? If you are, what kind of metal are you generally listening to?

Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 12:07 PM
Who sold us out on metafilter? Dang, sorry about putting the tech question here, Laziness on my part.

Banging musicians huh?

well I won't ask you any specifics about your endevors in this area, Being the gentleman you are, but heres a pretty good perv question.

Who is the sexiest Female musician that you have ever worked with? and Does the fact that she's a musician add to her sexiness for you?


What are you wearing?
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07-07-2007 , 02:03 PM
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 02:28 PM
1) Has Sklansky tapped Brandi?
2) Is SNG Butseks a bargain?
These are really the same question. DUCY?

3) At what stakes does it become cooler to hang out with lame fishies who all play world of warcraft when you could be hanging out with your friends at a bar, or other drinking establishment.
You should be raking against fishes during non-drinking hours so you don't have to make choices like this. Also, maybe you have lame friends.

4) Does hanging out with rockstars automatically get you unhandleable amounts of poon, even if they suck
Much, much poon, but believe me I can handle. You, maybe stick to drinking with your (possibly lame) friends.

5) Do guitar players have bigger peens than bassists
No, but their boyfriends do.

6) Do drummers always turn up late
No, drummers have girlfriends with cars. Guitarists and singers are always late because they're on the bus.

7) Buttseks?

8) Have you ever been arrested, if so what for, if not then what would you suggest as a reasonable bribe
Yes, all sorts, hundge.

9) What is the coolest drug
I don't take recreational drugs any more, but other people on Ketamine are a riot, because they bend like Gumby, and whatever you do to them/make them do, they'll have no memory of it.

10) When was your last fight, did you win
I was 15, and yes.

EDIT TO ADD: BBV would like to see you MSPaint skills, to prove you is fo real
Do not know computers well, need MSPaint instruction. Will trade for Stars or FT.
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 03:05 PM
Hey Steve - thanks for doing this.

One of my top 5 albums ever is Rid of Me. I still remember getting a copy in at my college radio station, putting on Rid of Me the song and having my ears [censored] blown off when the chorus kicked in. The songwriting is incredible and how you recorded PJ's guitar and Rob Ellis' drums really complements the material. I know that she wrote a lot of material before these sessions and put out a demos album of material later on with a couple of songs that didn't make it onto Rid of Me itself. I prefer the album versions of songs to the demos and I've always wondered, besides Reeling, what other songs did you record during those sessions that didn't make it onto the album?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 03:30 PM
Is there some kind of message posting etiquette? The bullies seem to be picking on me. Please let me know what I've done wrong, even if you have to be insulting...
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 03:44 PM
who was the hottest musician you ever nailed?


give us the dirt!
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 05:38 PM
Is there some kind of message posting etiquette? The bullies seem to be picking on me. Please let me know what I've done wrong, even if you have to be insulting...
This thread was intended for the regular readers of this particular forum, which is a specific population of 2+2 readers who have wide-ranging interests, but are comrades in the poker/gambling culture. The thread leaked out into the general population, including music fan dorks who have no interest in this forum or site other than this rare moment when it happened to overlap into their world. The regular participants in this forum feel like you "civilians" are trespassing here, gawking, and are a nuisance.


Top Albini questions of the moment:
1) How old were you the first time you heard Kraftwerk?
I was born in 1962, and I first heard Kraftwerk when Autobahn was a big hit, in 1974 or 75.

2) Are you a fan of Gang of Four "Entertainment!"?
Since I have publicly expressed admiration and adulation for this band and album, oh, 1,000,000 times, I can only assume your question is an attempt to express to the rest of the reading public that you too have noticed that my guitar playing is indebted to Andy Gill's, and that Gang of Four records, especially Entertainment, are pretty good. Mission accomplished.

3) After recording "Light Sabre [censored]-Sucking Blues", what happened in the studio? (I worship that song)
This is a profoundly stupid question. "What happened?" What do you think happened? We played it back in the studio and everybody said "yeah that's good, what's next." Did you think we started fires, painted our faces and sent up signal flares? This question is unanswerable, because it isn't actually an inquiry, it's a chance for a music dork to affirm his appreciation of McLusky, a cool band, and thereby himself cooling-up by associaton. Grow the hell up. Also, being the thirtieth reference to McLusky in this thread, it threatens to trivialize them in the way the rest of us hope to trivialize Urge Overkill.

4) When is "awesome" going to be over?
When your ma ends her "Twofer Tuesday" both-holes special.

5) Could you tell, during the "Surfer Rosa" sessions that you were recording EXTREMELY influential music?
As previously noted in about 10,000 different interviews, three documentary films and four books, I was not particularly a fan of the Pixies, though I respect them and harbor no animosity toward them in the least. I thought they were a fine band, but nothing special. I have already admitted in this thread that I have no clue with respect to what other people will like.

6) Can you hear me now?
Ah, a knowing quotation from the current album of my band. How clever. Do you honestly not understand why the perceptive and sarcastic readership of this forum would be hostile?
Ask a music scene micro celebrity Quote
07-07-2007 , 06:10 PM
I really like jazz/rock/fusion kind of guitar playing. John McLaughlin, Scott Henderson, Mike Landau, Joe Satriani, Mike Stern, Wayne Krantz and the like.
About the only local guitarists I can recommend are Nels Cline and Jeff Parker, who are nothing like the shredders you mention. For actual shredding, keep your eyes peeled for touring appearances by Marnie Stern (pretty conventional but good) or Stinking Lizaveta, an instrumental band whose guitarist, Yanni, is incredible.

Any suggestions on bands to check out here in Chicago along those lines? I’m getting tired of all the George Benson wannabes at Andy’s.
There's a big abstract jazz/improv scene in Chicago (mentioned earlier in this thread), which gets pretty good coverage in the Reader. Check the listings, and if you've never seen one of these shows you could find it right up your alley.
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07-07-2007 , 06:11 PM
first, id like to apologize to the forum. yes, this will probably be my first and last post.

Steve, I recently heard the new Weedeater album, and first must say that you captured their live sound PERFECTLY. I felt a flashback from seeing them a few months ago.

Do you have any entertaining stories about them? I've heard stories along the lines of them getting an advance from Century Media(garbage label), and them spending it all on hard drugs, and booze, and a large party to consume them all.
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