Originally Posted by zac777
Any stats you guys would like to see on the front page? I have a little room to work with now that I got rid of that annoying ad.
Here are some possibilities (ignore the numbers, they'd be lower obviously) Some of these clearly belong buried on a leaderboard, but just figured I'd dump all of them, maybe spark some ideas:
Also any stat that's already on a leaderboard would be very easy to add, so feel free to suggest any of those.
Games played today/week/month
Games played broken down by type
Puzzles created/solved
Daily Challenges
# biggest margins of victory in DC history (link to challenge)
# most first place ties (link to challenge)
# lowest winning score
# lowest average score
# highest winning score
# highest average score
# Top 100 win %***
# Top 100 played %***
# Top 100 total games played
# Top 10 games/day*
# Top 10 most games in 24 hours***
# Top 10 most games in a row***
# Top 10 fastest games***
# Top 10 timed mode rivals***
longest challenge played streak
Also if you have any gripes or suggestions, now is your (very small) window to throw them out while I've got the TC code open.
If it wasn't obvious already, I like stats a lot. So most of these sound interesting to me. However I don't see them being important enough to be added on the Homepage. I would suggest adding a new tab to the Leaderboards, something like 'Additional stats', and dumping these there. That way those who are interested could take a look, but others wouldn't have to see them.
A lot of players don't seem to play puzzles, maybe adding some kind of rating/ranking system would make people more interested in them? Here is what Paul suggested at some point:
Originally Posted by Paul101
Puzzle mode is a pretty good idea. Maybe we could have a ranking system for this too? Something like 10 points if you're the only person who's solved a puzzle, 7 points if 2 people have solved it, 5 if 3, 3 if 4-5, 2 if 6-7, 1 if 8+?
Originally Posted by Paul101
It doesn't really make much sense as a joke...
Well, let me ask you this, doesn't it make even less sense as a serious statement?
Dynasty already mentioned this in the TC chat, but he made probably the worst 8th rack mistake I've ever seen in yesterday's DC. Ouch.