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12-22-2022 , 03:23 PM
Idk how I kept breaking it. Probably had to do with thermos not actually being forced in some directions
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12-27-2022 , 01:30 PM
My Secret Santa puzzle

I have been a very lucky boy this December. First I had a puzzle solved on zetamath's livestream. Now I got a Secret Santa puzzle from one of the other biggest names in the online sudoku community: clover!

I will apologize for the way the screenshot looks. I am not familiar with Penpa, and my attempt to resize the puzzle affected the top lines of the puzzle. The essence is still there, but some of the grid lines are missing. I think that the puzzle will look okay for you if you follow the url.

I am still working on it, but I will say right now that I loved the outside 3 clues in the second row of grids. The bottom left quadrant of the puzzle is very nice and very delicate; I suspect it feels like tatting lace.

clover definitely played into my preference for solving classic sudoku (even though I can’t set one).

Standard 6x6 sudoku rules apply for each 6x6 grid. Clues between grids give the exact number of matching cells between the adjacent rows or columns. If there is no clue between rows or columns, then anything goes.

By the way, this puzzle is done on the Penpa site, which I don't use and am not familiar with, so solve it there at your own risk .

https:// tinyurl dot com/2nsra7bs

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12-28-2022 , 12:01 PM
Did the Poggy New Year. Just under 40 minutes. Problem is I'm terrible at these things and the timers let me know exactly how much time I spent which stops me from playing more .
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12-28-2022 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Aicirt
Did the Poggy New Year. Just under 40 minutes. Problem is I'm terrible at these things and the timers let me know exactly how much time I spent which stops me from playing more .
I am also bad for times, even for my own puzzles. I just turn off the timer or hide it.
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01-26-2023 , 12:08 PM
Another video!

This time on BremSter's channel, with a puzzle that I am quite proud of. I submitted this puzzle to him a couple of weeks ago, and got a surprise this morning.

The link is
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04-26-2023 , 11:07 AM
It's been a while since I put anything here. I have had a few puzzles streamed (Yaaay!) since my last post. I thought that I would put up the list. Note that Rangsk and BremSter accept submissions from creators. BremSter, particularly, is looking for puzzles that are good for coffee and lunch breaks - kind of in my wheelhouse.

I have come to realize just how much I have used little killer clues and German Whisper clues (which I love). I need to diversify a bit.

That’s 3 in the DNABremSter2023-01-26
Turnabout Is Fair PlayRangsk2023-02-04
Three at a TimeRangsk2023-02-18
Little CagesBremSter2023-03-18
Sneaking AroundBremSter2023-04-18
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09-05-2023 , 06:59 PM
Bump, you still creating sudokus Eric?

The YT channel is still GOAT
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09-06-2023 , 12:23 AM
Yeah, I am still making sudokus. Sorry that I forget about putting anything here. I will try to fix that.

Put this in your browser to see most of them:

I'll post a list of video solves of some of them.
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09-06-2023 , 12:43 AM
Zen-Ten by zetamath

Dots and Dots of Threes by Rangsk

Three at a Time by Rangsk

Darts by Rangsk

Turnabout is Fair Play by Rangsk

What’s My Line by BremSter

Little Cages by BremSter

Sneaking Around by BremSter

That’s 3 in the DNA by BremSter

Classic II by Ashish Kumar

Fog Puzzle #1 by Wenchang Lu (in Chinese)

That's Sum Puzzle by Wenchang Lu (in Chinese)

Three’s the Charm by BremSter

Carn The Cats
This puzzle can only be obtained from the following YouTube channel. Please at least give it a like if you don't watch the video. by BremSter
Sudoku Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:53 PM
BremSter solved one of my fog puzzles yesterday. Keep in mind that he was not feeling well and is under some pressure to get stuff done before his vacation.
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01-22-2024 , 10:20 PM
Many months ago I backed the Kickstarter for Cracking The Cryptic's Greatest Hits Volume 2. I got my books today, and I'm looking to give away one of my extras.

I won't make you solve my puzzles this time. If you want a copy, PM me. I will randomly select the winner from all entries received by January 31, 2024.

I will post the name of the winner in this thread. Assuming the winner sends me their mailing address, I will send it off as soon as I can.
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01-25-2024 , 01:27 PM
To clarify: entries are accepted until 23:59:59 on January 31.

6 days to go. 1 entry so far.
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02-05-2024 , 08:49 PM
Yes, I know we are well into February. I've been busy with stuff.

The winner of Cracking the Cryptic's Greatest Hits Volume 2 is marknfw! Congratulations!

I will be contacting the winner shortly to arrange for delivery of this wonderful prize.
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02-08-2024 , 06:47 PM
Thanks Eric!
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02-16-2024 , 03:04 PM
Received the book yesterday. Thank you very much Eric!
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02-16-2024 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
Received the book yesterday. Thank you very much Eric!
No problem, Mark. I try to do my best to push the joy of sudoku.
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03-27-2024 , 07:48 PM
Anyone remember this puzzle?

Rather than continually spamming this thread with my puzzles, I'm going to leave a link to all my available puzzles (with the exception of Carn The Cats, which is only available through BremSter's youtube channel).

Last edited by Eric; 03-27-2024 at 07:52 PM. Reason: added puzzle links
Sudoku Quote
04-03-2024 , 12:35 AM
Eric, I was pleased to finish one of your puzzles today. Bremster featured Spider and I was able to figure it out. I feel like I got the middle box intuitively and not strictly logically. From there it all came together.

Your puzzles have always been fun but they're getting more aesthetic and I figure it's only a matter of time before you make it to CTC.
Sudoku Quote
04-03-2024 , 07:52 AM
Thank you. I have been working more on the aesthetics during the last year. As for CtC, I don't know. Their puzzles primarily come from two sources: a collection of setters with a long association with the channel, or puzzles with lots of recommendations from the CtC discord server. I don't put puzzles there much any more, since getting feedback is like pulling hen's teeth.
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05-07-2024 , 09:56 PM
I should have a puzzle appearing on BremSter's YouTube channel Friday morning (in the Americas, anyway).
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05-12-2024 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Eric
I should have a puzzle appearing on BremSter's YouTube channel Friday morning (in the Americas, anyway).
Okay, it was actually Thursday.
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07-10-2024 , 01:08 PM

Am I losing it or is the forcing chains example in the link above wrong.

They note that both forward-looking options lead to a 5 in C1:R4, but only the 1 does. Using the 2 forces a 7.

Am I missing something or did they just mess up with their example?
Sudoku Quote
07-12-2024 , 09:57 PM
The path they show for 2 does lead to 5 in the final cell. However, they also say that this technique doesn't necessarily lead to anything useful. This is just trial and error, which is a legitimate way to try to solve a difficult sudoku, but should not be necessary.

The problem with a chain is that you have no idea if it will work, or how far you have to go to know.

I didn't check to see if the puzzle was broken, however.
Sudoku Quote
07-12-2024 , 10:08 PM
I wouldn't even call chaining, Nishio, or unique rectangles techniques. Strategies, perhaps. Personally, I would scrap one of my puzzles before requiring any kind of uniqueness strategy. Then again, I have become a sudoku snob, so take my opinions with as much salt as you want.
Sudoku Quote
07-12-2024 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Eric
The path they show for 2 does lead to 5 in the final cell. However, they also say that this technique doesn't necessarily lead to anything useful. This is just trial and error, which is a legitimate way to try to solve a difficult sudoku, but should not be necessary.

The problem with a chain is that you have no idea if it will work, or how far you have to go to know.

I didn't check to see if the puzzle was broken, however.
I think the example would be clearly useful if it worked. I mean it is only three easy mental steps to (supposedly) prove that C1:R4 is a 5. The problem is that the example doesn't prove that. It proves a 5 for a 1, and 7 for a 2. It would need to prove a 5 for both or a 7 for both to be useful.

Re bold. If C3:R1 = 2, then C6:R1 = 7 and C6:R4 = 4 thus C1:R4 =7 (only cell where 7 can occur in Row 4).
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