Effen is our next describer.
A good description, given the circumstances.
Given the complexity of the picture, some hard choices had to be made. Gone are the humans being excreted. The woman being molested by the Astronaut Ent is also gone. The shallow puke basin is now poop soup, which is understandable, because the hellish bird is excreting droplets of humans right into it.
However, I cannot help but notice that the bird, though still cauldron-coiffed, is now a generic monster. Are we going to lose the main actor in our paint so soon?
NeedMoreManasi is our next painter. Will she pull a mendel on us?
Luckily for us, she doesn't! Manasi switches from her usual hand-drawn paints to a MSPaint production, and the result is just as good.
But yeah, the bird is gone, and surprisingly soon. On the other hand, Manasi makes sure that the cauldron complements well with the throne. Gotta pay attention to the details, folks!
I cannot help but notice that the oompa-loompas that are about to meet their grisly fate (which is what, incidentally? Are they going to be eaten raw? Drowned into the poop cauldron? Dipped into the poop cauldron and
then eaten? Ewww! Did the green troll watch that 2 girls 1 cup video?) are as excited as they are scared.
Long story short, everyone depicted in this paint is a freak. Let's just move on, shall we?