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SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

04-21-2024 , 07:18 PM
Not too close

Can someone figure out b10 please? It’s in same domain as b5 but it’s more specific and should get them to the word
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 08:37 PM
Well this is kinda awkward

They're not the closest but also not the farthest

And I haven't been able to figure out b10
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 09:22 PM
Think about b5 and our word in that domain and other words in that domain
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 09:22 PM
And yeah, also not too far off

Depends how you look at it

So maybe 60%? I dunno it’s weird trying to give percentages
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-22-2024 , 12:31 AM
Id say up to 70% but yh 60 fine
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-22-2024 , 12:33 AM
Ive got b10

Shall i do it?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-22-2024 , 12:46 AM

If they somehow still miss then multiple m4s or an m11 to get them to the finish line
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-22-2024 , 12:48 AM
There is also a b4 like m11 that we could do
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-22-2024 , 01:09 AM
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-22-2024 , 01:20 AM
I mean if this is lightsaber I'm gonna be pissed.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-22-2024 , 03:20 PM
Uhhhh…toothed and broadsword is supposed to be a slam dunk combo? And hacksaw is both not too close and 60-70% of the way there. I’m basically lost.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-22-2024 , 07:39 PM
Yeah, going from not close to 70% was quite the twist!

Only thing I can think is that nich was just cluing for half the word initially (saber) and because of how this game works, then we guess lightsaber for coverage. But I'm not really a fan of that cluing method unless it only hits one thing, especially since toothed doesn't hit lightsaber at all.

Or maybe I'm way off base and this is something completely different. Lightsabers aren't even a real thing, so it also seems like weird word to have on the list. I also can't figure out what any of these other clues are, so yeah, it's probably something else.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-22-2024 , 07:40 PM
It's also possible the word is just saber, though that would actually make this round even weirder.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 06:33 PM
Anything to add, ibd?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 07:37 PM
Sorry, busy work week. I can’t imagine toothed being a clue for lightsaber, especially not one that multiple people thought of for T7.

I guess saber could work, but seems like B7 (bayonet) would’ve been an option.

Would we ever imagine a world where this is as generic as just blade? They can’t tell us how close we are in discussion, just how close we are with what we bold.

Eh, nm. Nich’s gotta be talking about blade here:

Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Can someone figure out b10 please? It’s in same domain as b5 but it’s more specific and should get them to the word
So either DZ has completely missed the B10 Nich was referring to, or toothed broadsword really is the ticket.

Yeah, maybe it’s saber/sabre. It fits toothed and broadsword better than anything else I could come up with. That was a lot of words to land where you did, but I think that’s our bold.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
No mention of horse of bronco makes me think this probably isn't buck.

Am thinking along the lines of comb (fine-toothed comb) and b5 could be brush. But there's also no mention of hair, so it's probably not that either.

Toothed hits tons of stuff, but I doubt this clue gets used to hit some random animal. I mean there's the sabre-toothed tiger obv, but nah.

So I'm basically pretty clueless at the moment.
Could be a pretty elite post
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 07:54 PM
Yeah, I don't really like it, but I've got nothing better.

So I guess we just bold lightsaber and see what happens?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 08:26 PM
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 08:43 PM

It was saber

Which is pretty nuts

I think bayonet isnt aftually a saber?

Blade was indedd b5!
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 08:47 PM
Nice. What the hell were all the other words?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 08:47 PM
Great get, D1iab
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 09:21 PM
Way to go!! Woulda taken me like 50 tries to guess a "saber"
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 09:49 PM
T5 was tiger

Then I thought of t5/t7 option for tooth/toothed

Y’all never tried to figure out t5 even tho you said it

My original t10/b10 was torchlight/broadsword to get light saber or just saber since light was clued

B5 blade of course

Then on last turn all the M words were Jedi words:

M4 (Darth) Maul
M4 Mace (Windu)
M11 Mandalorian
B4 Boba (Fett)

Saber not an easy word…great job
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-23-2024 , 09:59 PM
I think if Toothed was capitalised then we get it in 1.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
