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SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

12-04-2023 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
c7 is a gimme, but i'm sure we can come up with an m/r/g word to get it from a side card
...are you miscounting 6 as 7? strong c6 of course, thinking how to get it with one of the others
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 01:47 AM
LOL wait I can't spell it is 7 letters hahahaha
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 01:55 AM
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by AmazingErvin
...are you miscounting 6 as 7? strong c6 of course, thinking how to get it with one of the others


Triple checked

I have 2 super strong c7 words; but doesn’t matter as c isn’t a side card
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 02:02 AM
Actually if nobody thinks of an MRG word then we may need to go RG just so turn 2 we can go C

I’m blanking on those 3 letters so far
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 02:25 AM
I have a meh 4 letter R, should get it with C, by itself would be very surprising but I guess not impossible
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 11:55 AM
I have a 5 letter r for the other definition of's not bad, with a decent chance they bink but not not as good as prior rounds

but I'm having a tough time thinking of a good 1-clue grab with m/r/g
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 11:57 AM
I think Ervin and I could have the same 4-letter R word, but tough to tell.

I have a 6-letter G word that might stand a chance, but I think pretty much anything is a long shot for nailing this is one.

We should definitely focus on the RG card as C should certainly get us there.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 12:41 PM
I know your g6; it's not bad
my r5 isn't bad, either

not sure what the r4 is

I think your g6 with my c6 (not the first one, but a different one that I think is better than the obvious one) would get it for them about every time

the g6 on its own has some equity; tough to say how much
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 12:42 PM
there is also a 2-letter R that could be good, but I think g6+c7 is probably the best line unless someone has other ideas
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 01:34 PM
c7 is best... I don't know g6

I have a r7 that looks at the other meanings of it but it kinda sucks
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
c7 is best... I don't know g6

I have a r7 that looks at the other meanings of it but it kinda sucks
I also have a g6 that definitely won't give the guessers the answer in 1.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 03:54 PM
I have an r6 that with c7 gets it.

If the r5 is good lets do thst?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 04:08 PM
Yea my r4 would sorta get on the wavelength(and certainly get it w c7) but idk about in 1, if you think the r5 can I say fire it
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 05:02 PM
I think g6 is best chance of getting it in one

do you think r5 or r7 or r5 actually get it in one?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 05:26 PM
Oh I figured out g6...ummmm...yeaaaaaa? Like it works, could just hit a variety of other stuff too

I think every line will hit after c7, including my r4. I can't figure out what r5 and r7 are still lol
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-04-2023 , 11:48 PM
we should keep moving

my vote is for g6 but i'm ok with something else if it's an RG word and won't complicate things when they get to the c7

getting it in one is possible, but in 2 should be our floor here
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-05-2023 , 02:36 AM
Idk at this point I almost fire my r4 or the r5/r7

g6 unlikely to actually bink and after c7 everything hits anyway
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-05-2023 , 03:08 AM
Lets do g6
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-05-2023 , 03:14 AM
Ok let's do g6 someone besides me bold
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-05-2023 , 04:22 PM
Taking too long

Gonna just go

SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-05-2023 , 07:09 PM
Well this could be almost anything. I guess the trick is figuring out the c7, which also could be almost anything.

Nich said he had an r2, so that is probably RV? Not sure what else it could be. So could be related to homes or camping.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-05-2023 , 11:03 PM
ra - egyptian god
rb - running back
rc - soda brand
rv - most likely
rx - prescription

i think that's all the r2 words


idk carpool

motor pool fits

mechanic? idk what the c7 word is
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-05-2023 , 11:12 PM
Whatever this word is apparently has multiple meanings.

That hasn't helped me any (apart from ruling out a few things), but it might help you.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
12-05-2023 , 11:14 PM
RC could also be for remote control. I did go down that path earlier, but I didn't really get anywhere.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
