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Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

07-08-2022 , 07:35 PM
butterfly - 7
pet - 4
step - unlimited
laws - 3




Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-08-2022 , 08:28 PM
Deere - 4
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-08-2022 , 08:57 PM
As in John Deere? I don't see a whole lot that works for that, so maybe it's something else?

Presumably at least 3 of these are also butterfly words too.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-08-2022 , 09:06 PM
Assuming it is John Deere, then green is def ours. Probably switch? Giant? I dunno, not a lot of this stuff makes much sense for butterfly.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-08-2022 , 09:08 PM
Oh, switch for going from caterpillar to butterfly. That's gotta be right.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 07:28 AM
If it's not John Deere, no clue what it could be.

Green and Switch seem good. Kinda like Row (as in rows of farming crops). I guess Giant would be my fourth, but not crazy about it.

Is there something called a giant butterfly? I'd say boot doesn't hit butterfly. If row is right, that wouldn't either.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 09:30 AM
Agree with Green and Switch as the top two.

There are giant moths, I assume there are also giant butterflies.

Row farming hits Deere for sure. In rowing, the oars kind of move like butterfly wings. You swim the butterfly stroke in rows (lanes).
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 11:36 AM
you touch the wall at the end of butterfly races

and swimmers wear caps

wasn't a really good swimmer recently from hungary? that's in europe. that could have been breaststroke tho. deere's ancestors probably from there too

the possibilities are endless
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 12:18 PM
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 01:19 PM
I'm good with row and giant for the other two.

Having difficulty putting a connection to John Deere for the rest.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 01:38 PM
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 02:25 PM
Green switch are red
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 02:35 PM
D1iab, if you’re good with Giant and Row, go ahead and bold whenever.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 07:37 PM
I'm kind of off giant. Giant butterflies probably are a thing, but I'm pretty sure nich would capitalise it for that, and butterflies are pretty much the opposite of giant. It reminds me a bit of the time I clued "hairy" and my partner guessed frog. Yeah, that actually happened.

I know insanity was joking when he said it, but I'm not totally against cap here. It has a very nich-like feel to it.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 07:40 PM
Also, do we think there is still a step word out there? I was positive cross would be ours when fall was wrong, but that's clearly not the case. Feels like step is probably not the clue for just boot/march imo.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
Also, do we think there is still a step word out there? I was positive cross would be ours when fall was wrong, but that's clearly not the case. Feels like step is probably not the clue for just boot/march imo.
This is different from hairy frog imo, but I get what you’re saying.

butterfly - 7

step - unlimited

Deere - 4

What other than feelings leads you to believe step isn’t the clue for just Boot/March? I guess if you think March is a butterfly word, then yeah, we still probably need another for step. Otherwise, we’re probably done with step. I don’t have butterflies in March, but that’s because it’s still cold as balls up here. But I could be talked into it as a decent enough hit.

Any thoughts on what another step word would be? Pretty sure Nich wouldn’t miss pluralization if it were skyscraper or marble.

And yeah, Cap could definitely work for butterfly.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 08:35 PM
I don't have any strong feelings on march being a butterfly word or not. It really only vaguely works, but it was clearly a very ambitious clue to begin with, so I could definitely see it. Row makes even less sense to me as a butterfly word.

I just feel like there are cleaner clues for boot/march, whereas step brings a lot more words into the mix that could easily be avoided. Foot also would've hit boot/march/switch really well. That said, there aren't really any other words up there I like for step. Probably wall if I had to guess something, but meh. Not sure that hits Deere either.

I might just be overthinking it.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 11:05 PM
It might take a minute to convince me a clue about farming equipment doesn’t hit Row pretty solidly.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 11:33 PM
Wall could hit butterfly, as there was that story about Trump's wall that was going to go through the butterfly sanctuary, but that's a bit of a deep cut.

I could be convinced that giant doesn't work here (though I haven't been yet). Not sure I can get off of row.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin
It might take a minute to convince me a clue about farming equipment doesn’t hit Row pretty solidly.
I never said it didn't...I said it doesn't hit butterfly.

But all the words we have currently could've been hit just as easily with a tractor clue, and neither of them really make sense for butterfly. So even if march was intended for butterfly, we would still need one more. I'm really starting to warm to cap the more I think about it.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-09-2022 , 11:56 PM
Maybe I'm dumb, but I don't think I get the cap thing for either butterfly or Deere.

Can someone explain that to me?
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-10-2022 , 12:11 AM
Butterfly for the swimming stroke, and you often see Deere hats worn by truckers/rednecks/etc.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-10-2022 , 12:12 AM
There has to be a reason he picked a specific brand, and that makes the most sense to me.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-10-2022 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
Butterfly for the swimming stroke, and you often see Deere hats worn by truckers/rednecks/etc.
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
There has to be a reason he picked a specific brand, and that makes the most sense to me.
Okay, this doesn't sound unreasonable.

I could get behind a row/cap combo.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
07-10-2022 , 12:19 AM
Yep, row/cap is where I'm at too.
Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames! Quote
