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04-09-2015 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
waited 5 hours for a seat at 5/10 while i played 3/5, and all the 5/10 players heckled me.
Did you make a lot at the 3/5 game?
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04-09-2015 , 05:28 PM
I don't think I have the roll anymore for live poker, another loss like that would end me.

On the plus side, no more whining itt.
On the negative side, I now have nothing going on in my life.
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04-09-2015 , 05:58 PM
hey donk, i feel for you man. i wasn't complaining at all about your posting. i'm genuinely sorry you lost that pot, and you seem to run so bad all the time.

listen, take it from me. i've lost zillions of soul crushing pots. i've been so beaten down i couldn't move or even think straight or eat or sleep. it comes and goes. but if you're consistently getting in your money good, you will win. sometimes poker hurts like a bitch. i've had dozens of times when i've lost years worth of money. it happens.

anyway... i think i lost about 500 while i played 3/5 for 5 hours waiting for a seat. i made a great bluff on the river. i jammed because i knew the guy didn't even have top pair. he didn't. all he had was pocket jacks. problem was he hit a jack on the river. ugh.

about 40 minutes after i finally got a seat, i was down 4k and 5 people left. thankfully 3 people stayed and we played 4 handed a while, and i was able to end up on the night a little.

we played heads up 10/20 and with stacks about 5k i raised almost every button blind to 80 lol!
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04-09-2015 , 05:59 PM
Fnord are you in for a parx meetup this month?
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04-09-2015 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
hey donk, i feel for you man. i wasn't complaining at all about your posting. i'm genuinely sorry you lost that pot, and you seem to run so bad all the time.

listen, take it from me. i've lost zillions of soul crushing pots. i've been so beaten down i couldn't move or even think straight or eat or sleep. it comes and goes. but if you're consistently getting in your money good, you will win. sometimes poker hurts like a bitch. i've had dozens of times when i've lost years worth of money. it happens.

yeah i'm in a sort of trance right now, i have no idea what to do. I really want to go full donk about things but I always regret that. don't think it's really sunk in yet.

The bastard slow rolled me as well. Ugh.
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04-09-2015 , 06:22 PM
wow! slow rolling in a huge pot is just sick. my advice is don't play poker again until you feel emotionally ready.

but no need to give up on life just yet.

oh, it's also amazing what you get used to. i remember losing a couple hundred bucks and being just devastated. a friend told me, "you'll look back on this one day and laugh at what a small amount it is". he was right.
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04-09-2015 , 06:29 PM
He did it every pot as well, so annoying.

I've never seen someone hit so many hands. he called a £200 overbet into a £20 pot with a gutshot the hand before obv binked the turn, then slow rolled.

in my hand he bet £20 on T65, I raised to £80 he clicked back to £160 I raised to £500, he shoved I called turn 4 river J I fast roll my 55 he shows me a 7 waits for 5 seconds like he always does, then shows me the 2

Tilt into the stratosphere even though I knew it was coming. Then someone beside me tells me that she folded two hearts too.
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04-09-2015 , 06:49 PM
if he shoved and you called, you should wait for him to show his cards. you should almost always make them show first. the only time i don't is if it's a huge fish i'm trying to be nice to.

i got tilted the other night when i 3bet and crushed the flop. i check shoved a draw heavy board, hoping he would put me on a draw. he called. my two pair improved to a boat and his trips improved to quads. he showed first and said he wanted to see my cards. i threw them into the muck. the dealer dug them out of the muck for him. someone else called the floor over. the floor said he had a right to see my cards.
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04-09-2015 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Fnord are you in for a parx meetup this month?
I could do a Saturday, probably not a Sunday.
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04-09-2015 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
if he shoved and you called, you should wait for him to show his cards. you should almost always make them show first. the only time i don't is if it's a huge fish i'm trying to be nice to.

i got tilted the other night when i 3bet and crushed the flop. i check shoved a draw heavy board, hoping he would put me on a draw. he called. my two pair improved to a boat and his trips improved to quads. he showed first and said he wanted to see my cards. i threw them into the muck. the dealer dug them out of the muck for him. someone else called the floor over. the floor said he had a right to see my cards.
not feelin this post one bit
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04-09-2015 , 07:14 PM
in fact your poker story doesn't even make sense
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04-09-2015 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
in fact your poker story doesn't even make sense
lol that's how it went down. it happened monday night. i think i even already posted the story. i was pretty shell shocked when it happened. i might have thought he had a boat at the time. all i cared about for sure was my boat was no good. i had QT. flop was QJT. he had JJ. iirc turn was a J. river was a T.

i think he said he wanted to see my cards right after we got it in on the flop.
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04-09-2015 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
I'm having trouble conceptualizing what you are trying to do here. Graphically you should have img files that look like chips and cards. Maybe some different villain gifs (lagtard, rock, etc.) Sorry I can't offer much more.
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04-09-2015 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Just lost the biggest pot of my life. Got 800£ in with a set vs flush draw you know the rest
I'm going to receive a ton of hate for this post, but here goes anyway.

Maybe you should try to control the variance. Did he put you all in or did you put him all in? Maybe slow it down and not commit your stack on the flop. Live for another card/day.

I don't think this is good poker but I think for some people that aren't rolled enough for the variance that maybe it isn't horrible.
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04-09-2015 , 07:51 PM
controlling variance generally means sacrificing EV
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04-09-2015 , 08:10 PM
if you're not wanting to get all your chips in when you're a favorite to win the pot, you shouldn't be playing poker.
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04-09-2015 , 08:39 PM
hell, you should be willing to put it in as not a favorite on tons of occasions as well.
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04-09-2015 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
lol that's how it went down. it happened monday night. i think i even already posted the story. i was pretty shell shocked when it happened. i might have thought he had a boat at the time. all i cared about for sure was my boat was no good. i had QT. flop was QJT. he had JJ. iirc turn was a J. river was a T.

i think he said he wanted to see my cards right after we got it in on the flop.
so what you mean is your two pair worsened to a boat
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04-09-2015 , 09:21 PM
Is it weird that when I review my session and know that I misplayed some key hands that I can't wait to play again? I'm more motivated than when I play well.

On that note, do you guys ever botch a hand at all? You never talk about it.
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04-09-2015 , 09:28 PM
my bad hands are my monthly bluffs that don't work, after i've told myself for the 100th time i'm done bluffing
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04-10-2015 , 12:11 AM
people who complain about how bad they run are annoying and generally bad players

definitely don't run as bad as they claim
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04-10-2015 , 12:18 AM
i run good in poker but bad at life!!!1!!
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04-10-2015 , 12:26 AM
I love reading Filthy's and Biggerboat's Poker Blogs. Gives me a chance to share in the excitement of all those clacking poker chips!

More more more!
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04-10-2015 , 12:32 AM
you know you're allowed to play!
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04-10-2015 , 12:42 AM
happy to belch out poker stories

last night i got into an interesting situation. i was stuck a bunch and it was late. the game was breaking up. really there was just one guy left, and he had a ton of my chips, but i had a huge edge on him. he said he had to leave, but i think he thought i was a spewy fish. i played 13 hands in a row at one point 4 handed lol! so at 10/20 sometimes i'll bet my button heads up blind 80. i think a lot of players think this is reckless and stupid, but i don't think so. especially if stack sizes are right, and even more especially if opponents don't know how to react. this guy didn't know how to react. i realized he was calling me with almost any 2 cards, and not raising. i got him to stay and i bet blind 80 maybe 50 times. he folded less than 5 times and threebet me only once!!!! ldo i called his 3bet with 54o.

so basically on my buttons we were just playing post flop poker with double the money we played on his buttons, and our range was pretty much any 2 cards.

i won about 4k in about an hour. then he quit at 5:30am

also we have to try and pretend like we are playing 5/10 instead of 10/20. we pay time collection instead of rake $6 for 40 minutes at 5/10, but $8 at 10/20!!!!

oh, and even worse for one 40 minute shift we didn't pay time because he said he was going to leave in 10 minutes, so we decided to just pay rake. but he didn't leave. he stayed! and it tilted the **** out of me to pay $1 a pot for 40 minutes.

also, the dealer was trying to bet other players at the table that i couldn't finish my prime rib dinner with salad. and pretty much everyone agreed with her, but none of them would bet me. it tilted the **** out of me. it was huge, but of course i easily finished. i have an eating disorder.
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